Buenos Aires, February 2nd, 2021
Securities and Exchange Commission
RE: RELEVANT FACT – Income Tax Affidavit 2016. Legal Action
We hereby address you in relation to the relevant fact dated May 17, 2017 (ID 484249) which reported that Banco BBVA Argentina SA (the “Bank”) filed a legal action to declare unconstitutionality of the provisions that prevented the application of the inflation adjustment mechanism established by Law No. 20,628 for the 2016 fiscal period; and the relevant fact dated June 8, 2017 (ID 492564) by which the Bank proceeded to create a provision in order to deal with the possible contingency arising from the legal action, as required by the Central Bank of the Argentina Republic.
In this regard, we inform the confirmation of the favourable decision of the court of appeals decision in said legal action. Therefore the Bank will proceed to release the provision for 1,185.8 million.
Yours faithfully.
Banco BBVA Argentina S.A.
Av. Córdoba 111, piso 31 (C1054AAA) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
IGJ 17-10-19 N° 21.332 L.97 T SA (T.O)