The restatement is applied retroactively as of January 1, 2019 in accordance with the rules set forth by the regulation agency, which implies changes to the financial statements as of December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, submitted to comparative effects, described in Note 5 to the financial statements as of December 31, 2020. The impact of the implementation of IAS 29 as of the beginning of the first comparative fiscal year (January 1, 2019) was recognized as unappropriated retained earnings. All the lines of the consolidated income statement and consolidated other comprehensive income statement are restated in the measuring unit as of the closing of the fiscal year (December 31, 2020).
Consequently the unappropriated retained earnings as of December 31, 2020 show a negative balance of AR$ 41,475,929 thousand, which netted once the result for the fiscal year was added and having been deducted the directors fees, the computable profit shows a negative final result of AR$ 29,392,171 thousand.
Moreover, we inform that the voluntary reserve balance for future dividend distribution as of December 31, 2020 amounts to AR$ 55,727,557 thousand, which would allow to absorb the total negative balance of AR$ 41,475,929 thousand, without affecting in any manner the profit for the fiscal year of AR$ 12,044,577 thousand.
Therefore, the balance of the fiscal year 2020 result was positive amounting to AR$ 12,044,577 thousand. Notwithstanding the foregoing, by application of IAS 29 at the beginning of the first comparative fiscal year and due to an accounting restatement, the unappropriated retained earnings show a negative balance which may be absorbed comfortably by the existing balance in the voluntary reserve for future distribution of results, without requiring if necessary, to use the balance of the fiscal year 2020 result to absorb it.
Finally, a situation of “absence of gains” has not been produced which would require to apply the mechanisms provided for in Section 261 of Law 19,550. The foregoing explanation is not affected by the circumstance that formally the profit for fiscal year 2020 be used, in compliance with the accounting standards, to absorb said negative unappropriated retained earnings, since this fact will leave the same amount in the Voluntary Reserve for Future Distribution of Dividends which, on the other hand, after absorption, shows a balance to be written-off for the distribution of a dividend for such an amount that if directly approved in the profit for fiscal year 2020 should also allow the payment of fees proposed for the Board of Directors (in a lower amount exceeding the 5% percentage admitted when, in case of their existence, those earning are not distributed).
The global amount for fees to the Board of Directors approved for the fiscal year 2018 was AR$ 13,840,144.33 and for the fiscal year 2019 was of AR$ 23,078,832.81.
f. (Item 8) “Consideration of the Supervisory Committee remuneration corresponding to the Fiscal Year No 146, ended on December 31, 2020.”