Section 8.Auditor.
The Auditor’s office may be filled by an employee of the Bank or his or her duties may be performed by an employee or committee of the parent company of the Bank. The Auditor shall have general supervision of the auditing of the books and accounts of the Bank, and shall continuously and from time to time check and verify the Bank’s transactions, its assets and liabilities, and the accounts and doings of the officers, agents and employees of the Bank with respect thereto. The Auditor, whether an employee of the Bank or of its parent, shall be directly accountable to and under the jurisdiction of the Board of Directors and, if applicable, its designated committee, acting independently of all officers, agents and employees of the Bank. The Auditor shall render reports covering matters in his or her charge regularly and upon request to the Board and, if applicable, its designated committee.
Section 9.Other Officers and Agents.
The Board of Directors may appoint such other officers and agents as it may deem advisable, such as General Counsel, who shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as shall be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors. The functions of a cashier of the Bank may be performed by the Controller or any other officer of the Bank whose area of responsibility includes the function to be performed.
Section 10.Management Policymaking Committee.
Pursuant to theBy-Laws of Regions Financial Corporation, the Chief Executive Officer shall establish and name (and may rename from time to time) an executive management committee (herein referred to as the “Committee”) to develop, publish and implement policies and procedures for the operation of Regions Financial Corporation and its subsidiaries and affiliates, including the Bank.
Section 11.Officer in Charge of Wealth Management.
The officer in charge of Wealth Management shall be designated as such by the Board of Directors and shall exercise general supervision and management over the affairs of Private Wealth Management, Institutional Services, and Wealth Management Middle Office, which groups are responsible for exercise of the Bank’s trust powers. Such officer is hereby empowered to appoint all necessary agents or attorneys; also to make, execute and acknowledge all checks, bonds, certificates, deeds, mortgages, notes, releases, leases, agreements, contracts, bills of sale, assignments, transfers, powers of attorney or of substitution, proxies to vote stock, or any other instrument in writing that may be necessary in the purchase, sale, mortgage, lease, assignment, transfer, management or handling, in any way of any property of any description held or controlled by the Bank in any fiduciary capacity. Said officer shall have such other duties and powers as shall be designated by the Board of Directors.
Section 12.Other Officers in Private Wealth Management, Institutional Services, and Wealth Management Middle Office.
The officer in charge of Wealth Management shall appoint officers responsible for the activities of Private Wealth Management, Institutional Services, and Wealth Management Middle Office. Various other officers as designated by the officers responsible for the activities of Private Wealth Management, Institutional Services, and Wealth Management Middle Office are empowered and authorized to make, execute, and acknowledge all checks, bonds, certificates, deeds, mortgages, notes, releases, leases, agreements, contracts, bills of sale, assignments, transfers, powers of attorney or substitution, proxies to vote stock or any other instrument in writing that may be necessary to the purchase, sale, mortgage, lease, assignments, transfer, management or handling in any way, of any property of any description held or controlled by the Bank in ally fiduciary capacity.