Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document And Entity Information
- Consolidated Balance Sheets (Cu
- Consolidated Balance Sheets (_2
- Consolidated Statements of Comp
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Consolidated Statements of Shar
- Note 1 - Basis of Presentation
- Note 2 - Revenue Recognition
- Note 3 - Accounts Receivable
- Note 4 - Inventories
- Note 5 - Goodwill and Intangibl
- Note 6 - Leases
- Note 7 - Debt
- Note 8 - Derivative Instruments
- Note 9 - Fair Value of Assets a
- Note 10 - Accumulated Other Com
- Note 11 - Equity Plans
- Note 12 - Income Taxes
- Note 13 - Shares Outstanding an
- Note 14 - Stock Repurchase Prog
- Note 15 - Segment Information
- Significant Accounting Policies
- Note 2 - Revenue Recognition (T
- Note 4 - Inventories (Tables)
- Note 5 - Goodwill and Intangi_2
- Note 6 - Leases (Tables)
- Note 7 - Debt (Tables)
- Note 8 - Derivative Instrumen_2
- Note 9 - Fair Value of Assets_2
- Note 11 - Equity Plans (Tables)
- Note 13 - Shares Outstanding _2
- Note 15 - Segment Information (
- Note 2 - Revenue Recognition -
- Note 3 - Accounts Receivable (D
- Note 4 - Inventories (Details T
- Note 4 - Inventories - Steel In
- Note 5 - Goodwill and Intangi_3
- Note 5 - Goodwill and Intangi_4
- Note 5 - Goodwill and Intangi_5
- Note 6 - Leases - Lease Cost (D
- Note 6 - Leases - Lease Payment
- Note 6 - Leases - Balance Sheet
- Note 6 - Leases - Maturities of
- Note 7 - Debt (Details Textual)
- Note 7 - Debt - Summary of Debt
- Note 7 - Debt - Summary of De_2
- Note 8 - Derivative Instrumen_3
- Note 8 - Derivative Instrumen_4
- Note 9 - Fair Value of Assets_3
- Note 9 - Fair Value of Assets_4
- Note 10 - Accumulated Other C_2
- Note 11 - Equity Plans (Details
- Note 11 - Equity Plans - Stock-
- Note 11 - Equity Plans - Restri
- Note 12 - Income Taxes (Details
- Note 13 - Shares Outstanding _3
- Note 14 - Stock Repurchase Pr_2
- Note 15 - Segment Information_2
- Note 15 - Segment Information -
- Note 15 - Segment Information_3