Loans, Notes, Trade and Other Receivables Disclosure [Text Block] | Note 5 - Loans Receivable Loans receivable are summarized below: (Dollars in thousands) March 31, 2020 December 31, 2019 Loans secured by real estate: Residential real estate $ 303,872 $ 299,569 Home equity 48,690 49,118 Commercial real estate 280,018 283,108 Construction and land development 95,696 87,710 Multifamily 51,897 51,286 Farmland 224 227 Total loans secured by real estate 780,397 771,018 Commercial business 105,337 103,222 Consumer 600 627 Manufactured homes 14,093 13,285 Government 14,944 15,804 Subtotal 915,371 903,956 Less: Net deferred loan origination fees 3,314 2,934 Undisbursed loan funds 277 (21 ) Loans receivable $ 918,962 $ 906,869 (Dollars in thousands) Beginning Banlance Charge-offs Recoveries Provisions Ending Balance The Bancorp's activity in the allowance for loan losses, by loan segment, is summarized below for the three months ended March 31, 2020: Allowance for loan losses: Residential real estate $ 1,812 $ - $ 6 $ 10 $ 1,828 Home equity 223 - - 23 246 Commercial real estate 3,773 - - (80 ) 3,693 Construction and land development 1,098 - - 125 1,223 Multifamily 529 - - 33 562 Farmland - - - - - Commercial business 1,504 - 1 396 1,901 Consumer 43 (12 ) 3 8 42 Manufactured homes - - - - - Government 17 - - (1 ) 16 Total $ 8,999 $ (12 ) $ 10 $ 514 $ 9,511 The Bancorp's activity in the allowance for loan losses, by loan segment, is summarized below for the three months ended March 31, 2019: Allowance for loan losses: Residential real estate $ 1,715 $ (48 ) $ 14 $ (1 ) $ 1,680 Home equity 202 - - (8 ) 194 Commercial real estate 3,335 - - 150 3,485 Construction and land development 756 - - 21 777 Multifamily 472 - - (38 ) 434 Farmland - - - - - Commercial business 1,362 - 6 23 1,391 Consumer 82 (18 ) 3 187 254 Manufactured homes - - - - - Government 38 - - (17 ) 21 Total $ 7,962 $ (66 ) $ 23 $ 317 $ 8,236 A deferred cost reserve is maintained for the portfolio of manufactured home loans that have been purchased. This reserve is available for use for manufactured home loan nonperformance and costs associated with nonperformance. If the segment performs in line with expectation, the deferred cost reserve is paid as an origination cost to the third $2.1 $1.9 March 31, 2020 December 31, 2019, The Bancorp's impairment analysis is summarized below: Ending Balances (Dollars in thousands) Individually evaluated for impairment reserves Collectively evaluated for impairment reserves Loan receivables Loan individually evaluated for impairment Purchased credit impaired loans individually evaluated for impairment Collectively evaluated for impairment The Bancorp's allowance for loan losses impairment evaluation and loan receivables are summarized below at March 31, 2020: Residential real estate $ 5 $ 1,823 $ 303,935 $ 668 $ 1,487 $ 301,780 Home equity 4 242 48,750 214 145 48,391 Commercial real estate 3 3,690 280,018 1,023 488 278,507 Construction and land development - 1,223 95,696 - - 95,696 Multifamily - 562 51,897 119 663 51,115 Farmland - - 224 - - 224 Commercial business 365 1,536 105,188 1,190 1,154 102,844 Consumer - 42 600 - - 600 Manufactured homes - - 17,710 - - 17,710 Government - 16 14,944 - - 14,944 Total $ 377 $ 9,134 $ 918,962 $ 3,214 $ 3,937 $ 911,811 The Bancorp's allowance for loan losses impairment evaluation and loan receivables are summarized below at December 31, 2019: Residential real estate $ 10 $ 1,802 $ 299,333 $ 642 $ 1,581 $ 297,110 Home equity 4 219 49,181 221 216 48,744 Commercial real estate - 3,773 283,108 1,078 487 281,543 Construction and land development - 1,098 87,710 - - 87,710 Multifamily - 529 51,286 129 673 50,484 Farmland - - 227 - - 227 Commercial business 152 1,352 103,088 1,041 1,150 100,897 Consumer - 43 627 - - 627 Manufactured homes - - 16,505 - - 16,505 Government - 17 15,804 - - 15,804 Total $ 166 $ 8,833 $ 906,869 $ 3,111 $ 4,107 $ 899,651 The Bancorp's credit quality indicators are summarized below at March 31, 2020 December 31, 2019: Credit Exposure - Credit Risk Portfolio By Creditworthiness Category March 31, 2020 (Dollars in thousands) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Loan Segment Moderate Above average acceptable Acceptable Marginally acceptable Pass/monitor Special mention Substandard Total Residential real estate $ 1,111 $ 122,215 $ 107,271 $ 13,578 $ 51,427 $ 3,820 $ 4,513 $ 303,935 Home equity 153 6,781 39,489 259 825 739 504 48,750 Commercial real estate - 2,312 72,707 139,436 54,255 7,770 3,538 280,018 Construction and land development... - 1,002 28,731 51,273 14,690 - - 95,696 Multifamily - 888 17,661 27,661 4,904 - 783 51,897 Farmland - - - - 224 - - 224 Commercial business 8,319 16,659 18,039 39,222 19,916 1,818 1,215 105,188 Consumer 103 2 495 - - - - 600 Manufactured homes 3,617 2,253 10,832 182 826 - - 17,710 Government - 1,775 10,759 2,410 - - - 14,944 Total $ 13,303 $ 153,887 $ 305,984 $ 274,021 $ 147,067 $ 14,147 $ 10,553 $ 918,962 December 31, 2019 (Dollars in thousands) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Loan Segment Moderate Above average acceptable Acceptable Marginally acceptable Pass/monitor Special mention Substandard Total Residential real estate $ 827 $ 119,138 $ 104,153 $ 13,463 $ 53,058 $ 4,203 $ 4,491 $ 299,333 Home equity 100 6,536 40,027 264 934 813 507 49,181 Commercial real estate - 2,030 82,158 135,058 56,917 5,380 1,565 283,108 Construction and land development - 719 26,900 45,751 14,340 - - 87,710 Multifamily - 903 18,107 26,800 4,674 - 802 51,286 Farmland - - - - 227 - - 227 Commercial business 8,312 13,158 19,638 39,016 20,009 2,228 727 103,088 Consumer 90 - 537 - - - - 627 Manufactured homes 3,221 2,413 9,825 184 862 - - 16,505 Government - 1,889 11,505 2,410 - - - 15,804 Total $ 12,550 $ 146,786 $ 312,850 $ 262,946 $ 151,021 $ 12,624 $ 8,092 $ 906,869 The Bancorp has established a standard loan grading system to assist management, lenders and review personnel in their analysis and supervision of the loan portfolio. The use and application of these grades by the Bancorp is uniform and conforms to regulatory definitions. The loan grading system is as follows: 1 Borrower demonstrates exceptional credit fundamentals, including stable and predictable profit margins, strong liquidity and a conservative balance sheet with superior asset quality. Excellent cash flow coverage of existing and projected debt service. Historic and projected performance indicates borrower is able to meet obligations under almost any economic circumstances. 2 Borrower consistently internally generates sufficient cash flow to fund debt service, working assets, and some capital expenditures. Risk of default considered low. 3 Borrower generates sufficient cash flow to fund debt service and some working assets and/or capital expansion needs. Profitability and key balance sheet ratios are at or slightly above peers. Current trends are positive or stable. Earnings may may 4 Borrower generates sufficient cash flow to fund debt service, but most working asset and all capital expansion needs are provided from external sources. Profitability ratios and key balance sheet ratios are usually close to peers but one may may three may 5 Borrower may may not 6 The borrower has significant weaknesses resulting from performance trends or management concerns. The financial condition of the company has taken a negative turn and may may 7 Special mention credits are considered bankable assets with no not 8 This classification consists of loans which are inadequately protected by the current sound worth and paying capacity of the obligor or of the collateral pledged. Financial statements normally reveal some or all of the following: poor trends, lack of earnings and cash flow, excessive debt, lack of liquidity, and the absence of creditor protection. Loans are still considered collectible, but due to increased risks and defined weaknesses of the credit, some loss could be incurred in collection if the deficiencies are not Performing loans are loans that are paying as agreed and are approximately less than ninety During the first three 2020, one $149 one $53 One $312 not The Bancorp's individually evaluated impaired loans are summarized below: For the three months ended As of March 31, 2020 March 31, 2020 (Dollars in thousands) Recorded Investment Unpaid Principal Balance Related Allowance Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized With no related allowance recorded: Residential real estate $ 2,103 $ 3,488 $ - $ 2,122 $ 24 Home equity 351 371 - 390 5 Commercial real estate 1,493 2,084 - 1,520 13 Construction and land development - - - - - Multifamily 782 864 - 792 7 Farmland - - - - - Commercial business 1,486 1,560 - 1,650 17 Consumer - - - - - Manufactured homes - - - - - Government - - - - - With an allowance recorded: Residential real estate $ 52 $ 52 $ 5 $ 68 $ 1 Home equity 8 8 4 8 - Commercial real estate 18 18 3 18 - Construction and land development - - - - - Multifamily - - - - - Farmland - - - - - Commercial business 858 858 365 618 3 Consumer - - - - - Manufactured homes - - - - - Government - - - - - Total: Residential real estate $ 2,155 $ 3,540 $ 5 $ 2,190 $ 25 Home equity $ 359 $ 379 $ 4 $ 398 $ 5 Commercial real estate $ 1,511 $ 2,102 $ 3 $ 1,538 $ 13 Construction & land development $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Multifamily $ 782 $ 864 $ - $ 792 $ 7 Farmland $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Commercial business $ 2,344 $ 2,418 $ 365 $ 2,268 $ 20 Consumer $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Manufactured homes $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Government $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - For the three months ended As of December 31, 2019 March 31, 2019 (Dollars in thousands) Recorded Investment Unpaid Principal Balance Related Allowance Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized With no related allowance recorded: Residential real estate $ 2,140 $ 3,555 $ - $ 1,578 $ 14 Home equity 429 451 - 328 2 Commercial real estate 1,547 2,141 - 1,650 19 Construction & land development - - - - - Multifamily 802 884 - - - Farmland - - - - - Commercial business 1,814 1,906 - 1,668 21 Consumer - - - - - Manufactured homes - - - - - Government - - - - - With an allowance recorded: Residential real estate $ 83 $ 83 $ 10 $ 160 $ 2 Home equity 8 8 4 57 1 Commercial real estate 18 18 - 481 - Construction & land development - - - - - Multifamily - - - - - Farmland - - - - - Commercial business 377 377 152 48 - Consumer - - - - - Manufactured homes - - - - - Government - - - - - Total: Residential real estate $ 2,223 $ 3,638 $ 10 $ 1,738 $ 16 Home equity $ 437 $ 459 $ 4 $ 385 $ 3 Commercial real estate $ 1,565 $ 2,159 $ - $ 2,131 $ 19 Construction & land development $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Multifamily $ 802 $ 884 $ - $ - $ - Farmland $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Commercial business $ 2,191 $ 2,283 $ 152 $ 1,716 $ 21 Consumer $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Manufactured homes $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Government $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - The Bancorp's age analysis of past due loans is summarized below: (Dollars in thousands) 30-59 Days Past Due 60-89 Days Past Due Greater Than 90 Days Past Due Total Past Due Current Total Loans Recorded Investments Greater than 90 Days Past Due and Accruing March 31, 2020 Residential real estate $ 4,708 $ 1,413 $ 3,267 $ 9,388 $ 294,547 $ 303,935 $ 348 Home equity 593 129 374 1,096 47,654 48,750 - Commercial real estate 5,935 1,363 531 7,829 272,189 280,018 60 Construction and land development. 664 - - 664 95,032 95,696 - Multifamily 339 119 106 564 51,333 51,897 75 Farmland - - - - 224 224 - Commercial business 1,636 286 1,742 3,664 101,524 105,188 654 Consumer 7 - - 7 593 600 - Manufactured homes 152 16 - 168 17,542 17,710 - Government - - - - 14,944 14,944 - Total $ 14,034 $ 3,326 $ 6,020 $ 23,380 $ 895,582 $ 918,962 $ 1,137 December 31, 2019 Residential real estate $ 3,486 $ 1,332 $ 3,724 $ 8,542 $ 290,791 $ 299,333 $ 452 Home equity 90 24 388 502 48,679 49,181 19 Commercial real estate 1,461 170 719 2,350 280,758 283,108 61 Construction and land development 143 289 - 432 87,278 87,710 - Multifamily 140 - 160 300 50,986 51,286 - Farmland - - - - 227 227 - Commercial business 926 583 870 2,379 100,709 103,088 288 Consumer - - - - 627 627 - Manufactured homes 63 36 46 145 16,360 16,505 46 Government - - - - 15,804 15,804 - Total $ 6,309 $ 2,434 $ 5,907 $ 14,650 $ 892,219 $ 906,869 $ 866 The Bancorp's loans on nonaccrual status are summarized below: (Dollars in thousands) March 31, 2020 December 31, 2019 Residential real estate $ 4,498 $ 4,374 Home equity 470 473 Commercial real estate 472 658 Construction and land development - - Multifamily 410 420 Farmland - - Commercial business 1,088 582 Consumer - - Manufactured homes - - Government - - Total $ 6,938 $ 6,507 As a result of acquisition activity, the Bancorp acquired loans for which there was evidence of credit quality deterioration since origination and it was determined that it was probable that the Bancorp would be unable to collect all contractually required principal and interest payments. At March 31, 2020, $6.1 $3.9 December 31, 2019, $6.3 $4.1 Accretable interest taken from the purchase credit impaired portfolio, or income recorded for the three months ended March 31, 2020, is as follows: (dollars in thousands) First Personal 2019 $ 62 2020 29 Accretable interest taken from the purchase credit impaired portfolio, or income expected to be recorded in the future is as follows: (dollars in thousands) First Personal 2020 68 2021 23 Total $ 91 For the acquisitions of First Federal Savings & Loan (“First Federal”), Liberty Savings Bank (“Liberty Savings”), First Personal Bank (“First Personal”), and A.J. Smith Federal Savings Bank, as part of the fair value of loans receivable, a net fair value discount was established for loans as summarized below: (dollars in thousands) First Federal Liberty Savings First Personal AJSB Net fair value discount Accretable period in months Net fair value discount Accretable period in months Net fair value discount Accretable period in months Net fair value discount Accretable period in months Residential real estate $ 1,062 59 $ 1,203 44 $ 948 56 $ 3,734 52 Home equity 44 29 5 29 51 50 141 32 Commercial real estate - - - - 208 56 8 9 Construction and land development - - - - 1 30 - - Multifamily - - - - 11 48 2 48 Consumer - - - - 146 50 1 5 Commercial business - - - - 348 24 - - Purchased credit impaired loans - - - - 424 32 - - Total $ 1,106 $ 1,208 $ 2,137 $ 3,886 Accretable yield, or income recorded for the three months ended March 31, is as follows: (dollars in thousands) First Federal Liberty Savings First Personal AJSB Total 2019 $ 22 $ 42 $ 203 $ 155 $ 422 2020 - - 115 245 $ 361 Accretable yield, or income expected to be recorded in the future is as follows: (dollars in thousands) First Federal Liberyy Savings First Personal AJSB Total 2020 $ - $ - $ 281 $ 585 $ 866 2021 - - 333 780 1,113 2022 - - 323 780 1,103 2023 - - 73 322 395 Total $ - $ - $ 1,010 $ 2,467 $ 3,477 |