Loans, Notes, Trade and Other Receivables Disclosure [Text Block] | Note 4 The Bancorp’s current lending programs are described below: Residential Real Estate. 80% 97% not Fixed rate loans currently originated generally conform to Freddie Mac guidelines for loans purchased under the one‑to‑four family program. Loan interest rates are determined based on secondary market yield requirements and local market conditions. Fixed rate mortgage loans with contractual maturities generally exceeding fifteen may The 15 20 30 15 15 second The Bancorp’s Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loans (“ARMs”) include offerings that reprice annually or are “Mini-Fixed.” The “Mini‑Fixed” mortgage reprices annually after a one, three, five, seven ten Home Equity Line of Credit. second second Fixed term home improvement and equity loans are made up to a maximum of 85% of the appraised value of the improved property, less any outstanding liens. These loans are offered on both a fixed and variable rate basis with a maximum term of 240 months. All home equity loans are made on a direct basis to borrowers. Commercial Real Estate and Multifamily Loans. 15 seven ten While commercial real estate lending is generally considered to involve a higher degree of risk than single‑family residential lending due to the concentration of principal in a limited number of loans and the effects of general economic conditions on real estate developers and managers, the Bancorp has endeavored to reduce this risk in several ways. In originating commercial real estate loans, the Bancorp considers the feasibility of the project, the financial strength of the borrowers and lessees, the managerial ability of the borrowers, the location of the project and the economic environment. Management evaluates the debt coverage ratio and analyzes the reliability of cash flows, as well as the quality of earnings. All such loans are made in accordance with well-defined underwriting standards and are generally supported by personal guarantees, which represent a secondary source of repayment. Loans for the construction of commercial properties are generally located within an area permitting physical inspection and regular review of business records. Projects financed outside of the Bancorp’s primary lending area generally involve borrowers and guarantors who are or were previous customers of the Bancorp or projects that are underwritten according to the Bank’s underwriting standards. Construction and Land Development. six one Loans are also made for the construction of commercial properties. All such loans are made in accordance with well-defined underwriting standards. Generally if the loans are not not not two Commercial Business and Farmland Loans. not Consumer Loans. Manufactured Homes. third Government Loans. (Dollars in thousands) March 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 Loans secured by real estate: Residential real estate $ 276,728 $ 286,048 Home equity 36,222 39,233 Commercial real estate 304,851 298,257 Construction and land development 97,400 93,562 Multifamily 51,933 50,571 Farmland 315 215 Total loans secured by real estate 767,449 767,886 Commercial business 163,896 158,140 Consumer 438 1,025 Manufactured homes 26,260 24,232 Government 9,372 10,142 Subtotal 967,415 961,425 Add (less): Net deferred loan origination fees and purchase premiums 5,673 5,303 Undisbursed loan funds and clearings 966 (150 ) Loans receivable $ 974,054 $ 966,578 (Unaudited) Beginning Balance Charge-offs Recoveries Provisions Ending Balance (Dollars in thousands) The Bancorp's activity in the allowance for loan losses, by loan segment, is summarized below for the three months ended March 31, 2021: Allowance for loan losses: Residential real estate $ 2,211 $ (4 ) $ 10 $ (41 ) $ 2,176 Home equity 276 (1 ) - 34 309 Commercial real estate 5,406 - - 320 5,726 Construction and land development 1,405 - - 182 1,587 Multifamily 626 - - 54 680 Farmland - - - - - Commercial business 2,508 - 8 36 2,552 Consumer 26 (6 ) 4 (7 ) 17 Manufactured homes - - - - - Government - - - - - Total $ 12,458 $ (11 ) $ 22 $ 578 $ 13,047 The Bancorp's activity in the allowance for loan losses, by loan segment, is summarized below for the three months ended March 31, 2020: Allowance for loan losses: Residential real estate $ 1,812 $ - $ 6 $ 10 $ 1,828 Home equity 223 - - 23 246 Commercial real estate 3,773 - - (80 ) 3,693 Construction and land development 1,098 - - 125 1,223 Multifamily 529 - - 33 562 Farmland - - - - - Commercial business 1,504 - 1 396 1,901 Consumer 43 (12 ) 3 8 42 Manufactured homes - - - - - Government 17 - - (1 ) 16 Total $ 8,999 $ (12 ) $ 10 $ 514 $ 9,511 A deferred cost reserve is maintained for the portfolio of manufactured home loans that have been purchased. This reserve is available for use for manufactured home loan nonperformance and costs associated with nonperformance. If the segment performs in line with expectation, the deferred cost reserve is paid as a premium to the third March 31, 2021 December 31, 2020, The Bancorp's impairment analysis is summarized below: Ending Balances (Dollars in thousands) Individually evaluated for impairment reserves Collectively evaluated for impairment reserves Loan receivables Individually evaluated for impairment Purchased credit impaired individually evaluated for impairment Collectively evaluated for impairment The Bancorp's allowance for loan losses impairment evaluation and loan receivables are summarized below at March 31, 2021: Residential real estate $ 92 $ 2,084 $ 277,465 $ 737 $ 1,165 $ 275,563 Home equity 5 304 36,273 220 132 35,921 Commercial real estate 1,269 4,457 304,851 6,952 151 297,748 Construction and land development - 1,587 97,400 - - 97,400 Multifamily - 680 51,933 90 609 51,234 Farmland - - 315 - - 315 Commercial business 518 2,034 162,375 999 1,163 160,213 Consumer - 17 438 - - 438 Manufactured homes - - 33,632 - - 33,632 Government - - 9,372 - - 9,372 Total $ 1,884 $ 11,163 $ 974,054 $ 8,998 $ 3,220 $ 961,836 The Bancorp's allowance for loan losses impairment evaluation and loan receivables are summarized below at December 31, 2020: Residential real estate $ 173 $ 2,038 $ 285,651 $ 868 $ 1,297 $ 283,486 Home equity 1 275 39,286 216 137 38,933 Commercial real estate 1,089 4,317 298,257 6,190 151 291,916 Construction and land development - 1,405 93,562 - - 93,562 Multifamily - 626 50,571 95 621 49,855 Farmland - - 215 - - 215 Commercial business 512 1,996 156,965 1,086 1,160 154,719 Consumer - 26 1,025 - - 1,025 Manufactured homes - - 30,904 - - 30,904 Government - - 10,142 - - 10,142 Total $ 1,775 $ 10,683 $ 966,578 $ 8,455 $ 3,366 $ 954,757 The Bancorp's credit quality indicators are summarized below at March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020: Credit Exposure - Credit Risk Portfolio By Creditworthiness Category March 31, 2021 (Dollars in thousands) 1 5 6 7 8 Loan Segment Pass Pass/monitor Special mention Substandard Total Residential real estate $ 229,246 $ 38,206 $ 5,344 $ 4,669 $ 277,465 Home equity 34,123 908 755 487 36,273 Commercial real estate 228,938 52,578 14,456 8,879 304,851 Construction and land development 79,839 13,939 3,622 - 97,400 Multifamily 45,035 5,013 1,390 495 51,933 Farmland 104 211 - - 315 Commercial business 140,656 19,487 1,260 972 162,375 Consumer 438 - - - 438 Manufactured homes 32,821 750 61 - 33,632 Government 9,372 - - - 9,372 Total $ 800,572 $ 131,092 $ 26,888 $ 15,502 $ 974,054 December 31, 2020 (Dollars in thousands) 1 5 6 7 8 Loan Segment Pass Pass/monitor Special mention Substandard Total Residential real estate $ 233,920 $ 41,805 $ 3,539 $ 6,387 $ 285,651 Home equity 37,097 933 761 495 39,286 Commercial real estate 222,892 55,202 11,983 8,180 298,257 Construction and land development 77,855 12,055 3,652 - 93,562 Multifamily 43,594 5,065 1,408 504 50,571 Farmland - 215 - - 215 Commercial business 134,496 20,067 1,341 1,061 156,965 Consumer 1,025 - - - 1,025 Manufactured homes 30,173 731 - - 30,904 Government 10,142 - - - 10,142 Total $ 791,194 $ 136,073 $ 22,684 $ 16,627 $ 966,578 The Bancorp has established a standard loan grading system to assist management, lenders and review personnel in their analysis and supervision of the loan portfolio. The use and application of these grades by the Bancorp is uniform and conforms to regulatory definitions. The loan grading system is as follows: 1 Superior Quality Loans in this category are substantially risk free. Loans fully collateralized by a Bank certificate of deposit or Bank deposits with a hold are substantially risk free. 2 Excellent Quality The borrower generates excellent and consistent cash flow for debt coverage, excellent average credit scores, excellent liquidity and net worth and are reputable operators with over 15 3 Great Quality The borrower generates more than sufficient cash flow to fund debt service and cash flow is improving. Average credit scores are very strong. Operators are reputable with significant years of experience. Liquidity, net worth, current and debt to tangible net worth ratios are very strong. Loan to value is significantly below policy and collateral condition is significantly above average. 4 Above Average Quality The borrower generates more than sufficient cash flow to fund debt service but cash flow trends may 5 Average Quality Borrowers are considered creditworthy and can repay the debt in the normal course of business, however, cash flow trends may 6 Pass Borrowers are considered credit worthy but financial condition may may may 7 Special Mention A special mention asset has identified weaknesses that deserve Management’s close attention. If left uncorrected, these weaknesses may not not Loans in this category may may may may 1:1. may may may may may may 8 Substandard This classification consists of loans which are inadequately protected by the current sound worth and paying capacity of the obligor or of the collateral pledged. Financial statements normally reveal some or all of the following: poor trends, lack of earnings and cash flow, excessive debt, lack of liquidity, and the absence of creditor protection. Loans are still considered collectible, but due to increased risks and defined weaknesses of the credit, some loss could be incurred in collection if the deficiencies are not Performing loans are loans that are paying as agreed and are approximately less than ninety During the three March 31, 2021, one One three March 31, 2021. three March 31, 2020, One three March 31, 2020. not The Bancorp's individually evaluated impaired loans are summarized below: For the three months ended As of March 31, 2021 March 31, 2021 (Dollars in thousands) Recorded Investment Unpaid Principal Balance Related Allowance Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized With no related allowance recorded: Residential real estate $ 1,739 $ 3,072 $ - $ 1,817 $ 22 Home equity 329 341 - 341 4 Commercial real estate 1,170 1,753 - 1,174 12 Construction and land development - - - - - Multifamily 699 781 - 708 5 Farmland - - - - - Commercial business 1,437 1,436 - 1,467 18 Consumer - - - - - Manufactured homes - - - - - Government - - - - - With an allowance recorded: Residential real estate $ 163 $ 163 $ 92 $ 217 $ 5 Home equity 23 23 5 12 - Commercial real estate 5,933 5,933 1,269 5,549 50 Construction and land development - - - - - Multifamily - - - - - Farmland - - - - - Commercial business 725 725 518 737 11 Consumer - - - - - Manufactured homes - - - - - Government - - - - - Total: Residential real estate $ 1,902 $ 3,235 $ 92 $ 2,034 $ 27 Home equity $ 352 $ 364 $ 5 $ 353 $ 4 Commercial real estate $ 7,103 $ 7,686 $ 1,269 $ 6,723 $ 62 Construction & land development $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Multifamily $ 699 $ 781 $ - $ 708 $ 5 Farmland $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Commercial business $ 2,162 $ 2,161 $ 518 $ 2,204 $ 29 Consumer $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Manufactured homes $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Government $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - For the three months ended As of December 31, 2020 March 31, 2020 (Dollars in thousands) Recorded Investment Unpaid Principal Balance Related Allowance Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized With no related allowance recorded: Residential real estate $ 1,895 $ 3,228 $ - $ 2,122 $ 24 Home equity 352 363 - 390 5 Commercial real estate 1,177 1,761 - 1,520 13 Construction & land development - - - - - Multifamily 716 798 - 792 7 Farmland - - - - - Commercial business 1,497 1,514 - 1,650 17 Consumer - - - - - Manufactured homes - - - - - Government - - - - - With an allowance recorded: Residential real estate $ 270 $ 314 $ 173 $ 68 $ 1 Home equity 1 9 1 8 - Commercial real estate 5,164 5,164 1,089 18 - Construction & land development - - - - - Multifamily - - - - - Farmland - - - - - Commercial business 749 749 512 618 3 Consumer - - - - - Manufactured homes - - - - - Government - - - - - Total: Residential real estate $ 2,165 $ 3,542 $ 173 $ 2,190 $ 25 Home equity $ 353 $ 372 $ 1 $ 398 $ 5 Commercial real estate $ 6,341 $ 6,925 $ 1,089 $ 1,538 $ 13 Construction & land development $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Multifamily $ 716 $ 798 $ - $ 792 $ 7 Farmland $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Commercial business $ 2,246 $ 2,263 $ 512 $ 2,268 $ 20 Consumer $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Manufactured homes $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Government $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - The Bancorp's age analysis of past due loans is summarized below: (Dollars in thousands) 30-59 Days Past Due 60-89 Days Past Due Greater Than 90 Days Past Due Total Past Due Current Total Loans Recorded Investments Greater than 90 Days Past Due and Accruing March 31, 2021 Residential real estate $ 1,610 $ 926 $ 3,161 $ 5,697 $ 271,768 $ 277,465 $ 300 Home equity 266 19 384 669 35,604 36,273 - Commercial real estate 1,585 453 497 2,535 302,316 304,851 257 Construction and land development - - 42 42 97,358 97,400 42 Multifamily 259 90 145 494 51,439 51,933 - Farmland - - - - 315 315 - Commercial business 652 - 282 934 161,441 162,375 - Consumer 2 - - 2 436 438 - Manufactured homes 429 65 - 494 33,138 33,632 - Government - - - - 9,372 9,372 - Total $ 4,803 $ 1,553 $ 4,511 $ 10,867 $ 963,187 $ 974,054 $ 599 December 31, 2020 Residential real estate $ 2,797 $ 1,119 $ 4,875 $ 8,791 $ 276,860 $ 285,651 $ 80 Home equity 616 323 416 1,355 37,931 39,286 29 Commercial real estate 1,172 237 680 2,089 296,168 298,257 437 Construction and land development 471 - 20 491 93,071 93,562 20 Multifamily 94 266 150 510 50,061 50,571 - Farmland - - - - 215 215 - Commercial business 845 96 269 1,210 155,755 156,965 - Consumer 2 - - 2 1,023 1,025 - Manufactured homes 303 173 - 476 30,428 30,904 - Government 380 - - 380 9,762 10,142 - Total $ 6,680 $ 2,214 $ 6,410 $ 15,304 $ 951,274 $ 966,578 $ 566 The Bancorp's loans on nonaccrual status are summarized below: (Dollars in thousands) March 31, 2021 December 31, Residential real estate $ 4,658 $ 6,390 Home equity 469 476 Commercial real estate 6,173 5,390 Construction and land development - - Multifamily 495 504 Farmland - - Commercial business 462 1,039 Consumer - - Manufactured homes - - Government - - Total $ 12,257 $ 13,799 As a result of acquisition activity, the Bancorp acquired loans for which there was evidence of credit quality deterioration since origination and it was determined that it was probable that the Bancorp would be unable to collect all contractually required principal and interest payments. At March 31, 2021, December 31, 2020, Accretable interest taken from the purchase credit impaired portfolio, or income recorded for the three March 31, (dollars in thousands) First Personal 2020 $ 29 2021 21 The accetable interest portion of the purchase credit impaired portfolio has fully amortized at March 31, 2021. For the acquisitions of First Personal Bank (“First Personal”) and A.J. Smith Federal Savings Bank (“AJSB”), as part of the fair value of loans receivable, a net fair value discount was established for loans as summarized below: (dollars in thousands) First Personal AJSB Net fair value discount Accretable period in months Net fair value discount Accretable period in months Residential real estate $ 948 56 $ 3,734 52 Home equity 51 50 141 32 Commercial real estate 208 56 8 9 Construction and land development 1 30 - - Multifamily 11 48 2 48 Consumer 146 50 1 5 Commercial business 348 24 - - Purchased credit impaired loans 424 32 - - Total $ 2,137 $ 3,886 Accretable yield, or income recorded for the three months ended March 31, is as follows: (dollars in thousands) First Personal AJSB Total 2020 $ 115 $ 245 $ 360 2021 113 192 305 Accretable yield, or income expected to be recorded in the future is as follows: (dollars in thousands) First Personal AJ Smith Total 2021 $ 186 $ 428 $ 614 2022 239 571 810 2023 54 235 289 Total $ 479 $ 1,234 $ 1,713 |