Segment Reporting | (16) Segment Reporting The Company is organized into four geographic operating segments through which the Company’s chief operating decision maker manages the Company’s business. The U.S., Canadian, European and Asia Pacific Operations segments provide the following categories of products and services: · Execution Services — includes (a) liquidity matching through POSIT, (b) self-directed trading using algorithms (including single stocks and portfolio lists) and smart routing, (c) portfolio trading and single stock sales trading desks providing execution expertise and (d) futures and options trading · Workflow Technology — includes trade order and execution management software applications in addition to network connectivity · Analytics — includes (a) tools enabling portfolio managers and traders to improve pre-trade, real-time and post-trade execution performance, (b) portfolio construction and optimization decisions and (c) securities valuation The accounting policies of the reportable segments are the same as those described in Note 2, Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2017. The Company allocates resources to, and evaluates the performance of, its reportable segments based on income or loss before income tax expense (benefit). Consistent with the Company’s resource allocation and operating performance evaluation approach, the effects of inter-segment activities are eliminated except in limited circumstances where certain costs are allocated to a segment to support that segment’s activities. Commissions and fees revenue for trade executions and commission share revenues are principally attributed to each segment based upon the location of execution of the related transaction except that commissions and fees for trade executions by Canadian clients in the U.S. market are attributed to the Canadian Operations instead of the U.S. Operations. Recurring revenues are principally attributed based upon the location of the client using the respective service. Regional segment results exclude the impact of Corporate activity, which is presented separately and includes investment income from treasury activity, certain non-operating revenues and other gains as well as costs not associated with operating the businesses within the Company’s regional segments. These costs include, among others, (a) the costs of being a public company, such as certain staff costs, a portion of external audit fees, and reporting, filing and listing costs, (b) intangible asset amortization, (c) interest expense, (d) professional fees associated with the Company's global transfer pricing structure, (e) foreign exchange gains or losses and (f) certain non-operating expenses. In 2018, the Company changed the way it measures the profitability of its regional segments to reflect the global nature of its business operations. Certain costs for senior management, product management, marketing, management information systems and infrastructure that are incurred in the U.S. on behalf of the entire Company are now being allocated to the international segments. For comparability purposes, the Company has restated previously reported segment results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2017 to reflect these changes. A summary of the segment financial information is as follows (dollars in thousands): U.S. Canadian European Asia Pacific Operations Operations Operations Operations Corporate Consolidated Three Months Ended September 30, 2018 Total revenues $ 45,398 $ 16,190 $ 40,019 $ 18,524 $ 638 $ 120,769 (Loss) income before income tax (benefit) expense (1)(3)(4) (2,736) 1,833 9,377 3,852 (9,567) 2,759 Identifiable assets 389,240 96,951 315,351 90,217 — 891,759 Three Months Ended September 30, 2017 Total revenues $ 47,403 $ 15,055 $ 36,256 $ 15,327 $ 490 $ 114,531 (Loss) income before income tax (benefit) expense (2)(6) (6,333) 738 7,662 2,204 (6,226) (1,955) Identifiable assets 338,000 75,332 323,142 57,571 — 794,045 Nine Months Ended September 30, 2018 Total revenues $ 141,910 $ 51,967 $ 127,760 $ 57,561 $ 1,532 $ 380,730 (Loss) income before income tax (benefit) expense (1)(3)(4) (5,090) 8,712 31,726 12,532 (39,478) 8,402 Nine Months Ended September 30, 2017 Total revenues $ 153,559 $ 47,521 $ 111,707 $ 42,990 $ 1,170 $ 356,947 (Loss) income before income tax (benefit) expense (5)(6) (12,646) 6,034 27,170 4,117 (17,732) 6,943 Notes: (1) During the nine months ended September 30, 2018, the Company incurred a charge to establish an accrual of $12.0 million for a potential settlement with the SEC of an investigation into the operational features of U.S. POSIT and access to U.S. POSIT data, together with certain related disclosures, and incurred related legal fees of $0.2 million. Additional legal fees of $0.8 million were incurred in the third quarter of 2018. For more information, see Note 19, Contingencies – Legal Matters. (2) The Company has restated segment results for the three months ended September 30, 2017, resulting in a decrease in U.S. expenses of $2.7 million and increases in expenses in Canada, Europe and Asia Pacific of $0.7 million, $1.3 million and $0.7 million, respectively. (3) During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2018, the Company incurred restructuring charges of $3.4 million and $10.6 million, respectively, related to the elimination of certain positions in the U.S. and the reduction of office space in Los Angeles. (4) During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2018, the Company incurred a charge of $0.9 million to increase the liability for vacated space in New York. (5) The Company has restated segment results for the nine months ended September 30, 2017, resulting in a decrease in U.S. expenses of $8.0 million and increases in expenses in Canada, Europe and Asia Pacific of $2.0 million, $3.8 million and $2.2 million, respectively. (6) In the third quarter of 2017, the Company deemed the remaining value of a customer intangible asset recorded in ITG Derivatives of $0.3 million fully impaired and incurred legal fees of $0.8 million related to the formation of the Matrix derivatives venture that was completed in the first quarter of 2018. The table below details the total revenues for the categories of products and services provided by the Company (dollars in thousands): Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended September 30, September 30, 2018 2017 2018 2017 Revenues: Execution Services $ 84,899 $ 80,141 $ 269,214 253,225 Workflow Technology 24,407 22,553 78,094 69,005 Analytics 10,825 11,347 31,890 33,547 Corporate (non-product) 638 490 1,532 1,170 Total Revenues $ 120,769 $ 114,531 $ 380,730 $ 356,947 The product group revenues noted above are consistent with the revenues recognized under ASC 606, except that the table includes revenue of $0.5 million and $1.6 million, respectively, for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2018 in Analytics for functionality that is not a separate performance obligation from products and services provided by Workflow Technology and Execution Services. |