Loans | 3. Loans The following table sets forth the classification of loans by class, including unearned fees, deferred costs and excluding the allowance for credit losses for the past two years: (In thousands) December 31, 2024 December 31, 2023 SBA loans held for investment $ 36,859 $ 38,584 SBA PPP loans 1,450 2,318 Commercial loans SBA 504 loans 48,479 33,669 Commercial & industrial 147,186 128,402 Commercial real estate (1) 1,085,771 986,230 Commercial real estate construction 130,193 129,159 Residential mortgage loans 630,927 631,506 Consumer loans Home equity 73,223 67,037 Consumer other 3,488 5,639 Residential construction loans 90,918 131,277 Total loans held for investment $ 2,248,494 $ 2,153,821 SBA loans held for sale 12,163 18,242 Total loans $ 2,260,657 $ 2,172,063 (1) Commercial real estate includes Commercial Mortgage – Owner Occupied, Commercial Mortgage – Nonowner Occupied and Commercial Mortgage – Other. Commercial Mortgage – Other primarily includes multifamily and land loans. Loans are made to individuals and commercial entities. Specific loan terms vary as to interest rate, repayment and collateral requirements based on the type of loan requested and the credit worthiness of the prospective borrower. Credit risk tends to be geographically concentrated in that a majority of the loan customers are located in the markets serviced by the Bank. Loan performance may be adversely affected by factors impacting the general economy or conditions specific to the real estate market such as geographic location and/or property type. A description of the Company’s different loan segments follows: SBA Loans: the businesses’ major owners. SBA loans are made based primarily on the historical and projected cash flow of the business and secondarily on the underlying collateral provided. Loans held for sale represent the guaranteed portion of SBA loans and are reflected at the lower of aggregate cost or market value. When sales of SBA loans do occur, the premium received on the sale and the present value of future cash flows of the servicing assets are recognized in income. All criteria for sale accounting must be met in order for the loan sales to occur. Servicing assets represent the estimated fair value of retained servicing rights, net of servicing costs, at the time loans are sold. Servicing assets are amortized in proportion to, and over the period of, estimated net servicing revenues. Impairment is evaluated based on stratifying the underlying financial assets by date of origination and term. Fair value is determined using prices for similar assets with similar characteristics, when available, or based upon discounted cash flows using market-based assumptions. Serviced loans sold to others are not included in the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheets. Income and fees collected for loan servicing are credited to noninterest income when earned, net of amortization on the related servicing assets, in the accompanying Consolidated Statements of Income. Commercial Loans: Residential Mortgage, Consumer and Residential Construction Loans: Inherent in the lending function is credit risk, which is the possibility a borrower may not perform in accordance with the contractual terms of their loan. A borrower’s inability to pay their obligations according to the contractual terms can create the risk of past due loans and, ultimately, credit losses, especially on collateral deficient loans. The Company minimizes its credit risk by loan diversification and adhering to credit administration policies and procedures. Due diligence on loans begins when the Company initiates contact regarding a loan with a borrower. Documentation, including a borrower’s credit history, materials establishing the value and liquidity of potential collateral, the purpose of the loan, the source of funds for repayment of the loan and other factors, are analyzed before a loan is submitted for approval. The loan portfolio is then subject to on-going internal reviews for credit quality, as well as independent credit reviews by an outside firm. The Company’s extension of credit is governed by the Credit Risk Policy which was established to control the quality of the Company’s loans. These policies and procedures are reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors on a regular basis. Credit Ratings The Company places all SBA, commercial and residential construction loans into various credit risk rating categories based on an assessment of the expected ability of the borrowers to properly service their debt. The assessment considers numerous factors including, but not limited to, current financial information on the borrower, historical payment experience, strength of any guarantor, nature of and value of any collateral, acceptability of the loan structure and documentation, relevant public information and current economic trends. This credit risk rating analysis is performed when the loan is initially underwritten and then annually based on set criteria in the loan policy. The Company uses the following regulatory definitions for criticized and classified risk ratings: Pass: Special Mention: Substandard: Loss: For residential mortgage and consumer loans, Management uses performing versus nonperforming as the best indicator of credit quality. Nonperforming loans consist of loans that are not accruing interest (nonaccrual loans) as a result of principal or interest being delinquent for a period of 90 days or more or when the ability to collect principal and interest according to the contractual terms is in doubt. These credit quality indicators are updated on an ongoing basis, as a loan is placed on nonaccrual status as soon as Management believes there is sufficient doubt as to the ultimate ability to collect interest on a loan. The following table shows the internal loan classification risk by loan portfolio classification by origination year as of December 31, 2024: Term Loans Amortized Cost Basis by Origination Year (In thousands) 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 and Earlier Revolving Loans Amortized Cost Basis Total SBA loans held for investment Risk Rating: Pass $ 2,167 $ 1,580 $ 5,205 $ 4,961 $ 5,570 $ 10,085 $ - $ 29,568 Special Mention - 769 1,740 356 508 729 - 4,102 Substandard - - 956 2,116 116 1 - 3,189 Total SBA loans held for investment $ 2,167 $ 2,349 $ 7,901 $ 7,433 $ 6,194 $ 10,815 $ - $ 36,859 SBA loans held for investment Current-period gross writeoffs $ - $ - $ 300 $ 70 $ - $ - $ - $ 370 SBA PPP loans Risk Rating: Pass $ - $ - $ - $ 1,450 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,450 Total SBA PPP loans $ - $ - $ - $ 1,450 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,450 Commercial loans Risk Rating: Pass $ 189,371 $ 167,190 $ 331,349 $ 161,508 $ 123,225 $ 330,131 $ 94,369 $ 1,397,143 Special Mention - - 6,269 1,737 - 3,108 17 11,131 Substandard - - - 2 1,187 2,157 9 3,355 Total commercial loans $ 189,371 $ 167,190 $ 337,618 $ 163,247 $ 124,412 $ 335,396 $ 94,395 $ 1,411,629 Commercial loans Current-period gross writeoffs $ - $ - $ 38 $ 138 $ 200 $ 107 $ 150 $ 633 Residential mortgage loans Risk Rating: Performing $ 93,825 $ 73,862 $ 224,295 $ 65,192 $ 44,366 $ 122,916 $ - $ 624,456 Nonperforming - 227 1,488 2,238 - 2,518 - 6,471 Total residential mortgage loans $ 93,825 $ 74,089 $ 225,783 $ 67,430 $ 44,366 $ 125,434 $ - $ 630,927 Residential mortgage loans Current-period gross writeoffs $ - $ - $ - $ 150 $ - $ - $ - $ 150 Consumer loans Risk Rating: Performing $ 5,898 $ 2,602 $ 3,275 $ 1,515 $ 667 $ 10,409 $ 52,345 $ 76,711 Total consumer loans $ 5,898 $ 2,602 $ 3,275 $ 1,515 $ 667 $ 10,409 $ 52,345 $ 76,711 Consumer loans Current-period gross writeoffs $ - $ - $ 63 $ 100 $ - $ 198 $ - $ 361 Residential construction Risk Rating: Pass $ 36,522 $ 16,889 $ 26,683 $ 7,766 $ 1,154 $ 1,357 $ - $ 90,371 Substandard - - - - 547 - - 547 Total residential construction loans $ 36,522 $ 16,889 $ 26,683 $ 7,766 $ 1,701 $ 1,357 $ - $ 90,918 Residential construction Current-period gross writeoffs $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 277 $ - $ 277 Total loans held for investment $ 327,783 $ 263,119 $ 601,260 $ 248,841 $ 177,340 $ 483,411 $ 146,740 $ 2,248,494 The following table shows the internal loan classification risk by loan portfolio classification by origination year as of December 31, 2023: Term Loans Amortized Cost Basis by Origination Year (In thousands) 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 and Earlier Revolving Loans Amortized Cost Basis Total SBA loans held for investment Risk Rating: Pass $ 1,938 $ 5,339 $ 4,723 $ 6,083 $ 2,634 $ 10,996 $ - $ 31,713 Special Mention - 1,765 356 510 - 31 - 2,662 Substandard - 1,256 2,186 190 - 577 - 4,209 Total SBA loans held for investment $ 1,938 $ 8,360 $ 7,265 $ 6,783 $ 2,634 $ 11,604 $ - $ 38,584 SBA loans held for investment Current-period gross writeoffs $ - $ 100 $ - $ - $ 113 $ - $ - $ 213 SBA PPP loans Risk Rating: Pass $ - $ - $ 2,318 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,318 Total SBA PPP loans $ - $ - $ 2,318 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,318 Commercial loans Risk Rating: Pass $ 139,622 $ 343,755 $ 181,419 $ 128,165 $ 101,274 $ 271,469 $ 96,988 $ 1,262,692 Special Mention - - 1,815 - 1,570 7,423 395 11,203 Substandard - - 59 14 288 3,204 - 3,565 Total commercial loans $ 139,622 $ 343,755 $ 183,293 $ 128,179 $ 103,132 $ 282,096 $ 97,383 $ 1,277,460 Commercial loans Current-period gross writeoffs $ - $ - $ 150 $ - $ 350 $ 252 $ - $ 752 Residential mortgage loans Risk Rating: Performing $ 102,892 $ 253,919 $ 72,586 $ 51,999 $ 30,482 $ 109,302 $ - $ 621,180 Nonperforming - 2,964 2,714 1,054 945 2,649 - 10,326 Total residential mortgage loans $ 102,892 $ 256,883 $ 75,300 $ 53,053 $ 31,427 $ 111,951 $ - $ 631,506 Residential mortgage loans Current-period gross writeoffs $ - $ - $ 25 $ - $ - $ 68 $ - $ 93 Consumer loans Risk Rating: Performing $ 3,428 $ 4,777 $ 3,681 $ 670 $ 2,481 $ 7,507 $ 49,751 $ 72,295 Nonperforming - - - 125 - 256 - 381 Total consumer loans $ 3,428 $ 4,777 $ 3,681 $ 795 $ 2,481 $ 7,763 $ 49,751 $ 72,676 Consumer loans Current-period gross writeoffs $ - $ 26 $ 552 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 578 Residential construction loans Risk Rating: Performing $ 28,827 $ 72,257 $ 25,395 $ 1,418 $ 491 $ 748 $ - $ 129,136 Nonperforming - - - 547 - 1,594 - 2,141 Total residential construction loans $ 28,827 $ 72,257 $ 25,395 $ 1,965 $ 491 $ 2,342 $ - $ 131,277 Residential construction Current-period gross writeoffs $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 600 $ 400 $ 1,000 Total loans held for investment $ 276,707 $ 686,031 $ 297,252 $ 190,775 $ 140,165 $ 415,756 $ 147,134 $ 2,153,821 Nonaccrual and Past Due Loans Nonaccrual loans consist of loans that are not accruing interest as a result of principal or interest being delinquent for a period of 90 days or more or when the ability to collect principal and interest according to the contractual terms is in doubt. When a loan is classified as nonaccrual, interest accruals are discontinued and all past due interest previously recognized as income is reversed and charged against current period earnings. Generally, until the loan becomes current, any payments received from the borrower are applied to outstanding principal until such time as Management determines that the financial condition of the borrower and other factors merit recognition of a portion of such payments as interest income. Loans may be returned to an accrual status when the ability to collect is reasonably assured or when the loan is brought current as to principal and interest. The risk of loss is difficult to quantify and is subject to fluctuations in collateral values, general economic conditions and other factors. The Company values its collateral through the use of appraisals, broker price opinions and knowledge of its local market. The following tables set forth an aging analysis of past due and nonaccrual loans as of December 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023: December 31, 2024 90+ days 30 ‑ 59 days 60 ‑ 89 days and still Total past (In thousands) past due past due accruing Nonaccrual due (1) Current Total loans SBA loans held for investment $ 1,006 $ 451 $ — $ 3,850 $ 5,307 $ 31,552 $ 36,859 Commercial loans SBA 504 loans — — — — — 48,479 48,479 Commercial & industrial 941 — — 1,228 2,169 145,017 147,186 Commercial real estate 22,378 2,339 — 1,746 26,463 1,059,308 1,085,771 Commercial real estate construction — — — — — 130,193 130,193 Residential mortgage loans 15,654 4,094 760 5,711 26,219 604,708 630,927 Consumer loans Home equity 479 2,162 — — 2,641 70,582 73,223 Consumer other 36 5 — — 41 3,447 3,488 Residential construction loans — — — 547 547 90,371 90,918 Total loans held for investment 40,494 9,051 760 13,082 63,387 2,183,657 2,247,044 SBA loans held for sale — — — — — 12,163 12,163 Total loans, excluding SBA PPP $ 40,494 $ 9,051 $ 760 $ 13,082 $ 63,387 $ 2,195,820 $ 2,259,207 December 31, 2023 90+ days 30 ‑ 59 days 60 ‑ 89 days and still Total past (In thousands) past due past due accruing Nonaccrual due (1) Current Total loans SBA loans held for investment $ 551 $ 185 $ — $ 3,444 $ 4,180 $ 34,404 $ 38,584 Commercial loans SBA 504 loans — — — — — 33,669 33,669 Commercial & industrial 288 78 — 283 649 127,753 128,402 Commercial real estate 1,732 — — 1,665 3,397 982,833 986,230 Commercial real estate construction — — — — — 129,159 129,159 Residential mortgage loans 8,719 1,378 946 10,326 21,369 610,137 631,506 Consumer loans Home equity 14 — — 381 395 66,642 67,037 Consumer other 28 55 — — 83 5,556 5,639 Residential construction loans 2,580 — — 2,141 4,721 126,556 131,277 Total loans held for investment 13,912 1,696 946 18,240 34,794 2,116,709 2,151,503 SBA loans held for sale — — — — — 18,242 18,242 Total loans, excluding SBA PPP $ 13,912 $ 1,696 $ 946 $ 18,240 $ 34,794 $ 2,134,951 $ 2,169,745 (1) At December 31, 2024 and 2023, the Company had no SBA PPP loans past due. As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, the Company had accrued interest receivable of $11.3 million and $11.7 million relating to loans receivable, respectively. During the years ended December 31, 2024 and 2023 the company reversed $0.6 million and $0.9 million in interest income from nonaccrual loans, respectively. Individually Evaluated Loans The Company has defined individually evaluated loans to be all nonperforming loans. Management individually evaluates a loan when, based on current information and events, it is determined that the Company will not be able to collect all amounts due according to the loan contract. The following tables provide detail on the Company’s loans individually evaluated in the Company’s CECL evaluation with the associated allowance amount, if applicable, as of December 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023: December 31, 2024 Unpaid Allowance for principal Recorded Credit Losses (In thousands) balance investment Allocated With no related allowance: SBA loans held for investment $ 432 $ 334 $ — Commercial loans Commercial & industrial 638 33 — Commercial real estate 2,055 1,746 — Total commercial loans 2,693 1,779 — Residential mortgage loans 4,238 4,238 — Total individually evaluated loans with no related allowance 7,363 6,351 — With an allowance: SBA loans held for investment 4,011 3,516 755 Commercial loans Commercial & industrial 1,672 1,195 62 Total commercial loans 1,672 1,195 62 Residential mortgage loans 2,413 2,233 52 Residential construction loans 547 547 102 Total individually evaluated loans with a related allowance 8,643 7,491 971 Total individually evaluated loans: SBA loans held for investment 4,443 3,850 755 Commercial loans Commercial & industrial 2,310 1,228 62 Commercial real estate 2,055 1,746 — Total commercial loans 4,365 2,974 62 Residential mortgage loans 6,651 6,471 52 Residential construction loans 547 547 102 Total individually evaluated loans $ 16,006 $ 13,842 $ 971 December 31, 2023 Unpaid Allowance for principal Recorded Credit Losses (In thousands) balance investment Allocated With no related allowance: SBA loans held for investment $ 2,264 $ 2,186 $ — Commercial loans Commercial real estate 2,734 1,607 — Total commercial loans 2,734 1,607 — Residential mortgage loans 7,146 7,121 — Consumer loans Home equity 390 388 — Total consumer loans 390 388 — Residential construction loans 2,757 2,141 — Total individually evaluated loans with no related allowance 15,291 13,443 — With an allowance: SBA loans held for investment 1,383 1,258 348 Commercial loans Commercial & industrial 638 283 283 Commercial real estate 209 58 58 Total commercial loans 847 341 341 Residential mortgage loans 4,182 4,151 306 Total individually evaluated loans with a related allowance 6,412 5,750 995 Total individually evaluated loans: SBA loans held for investment 3,647 3,444 348 Commercial loans Commercial & industrial 638 283 283 Commercial real estate 2,943 1,665 58 Total commercial loans 3,581 1,948 341 Residential mortgage loans 11,328 11,272 306 Consumer loans: Home equity 390 381 — Total consumer loans 390 381 — Residential construction loans 2,757 2,141 — Total individually evaluated loans $ 21,703 $ 19,186 $ 995 The Company did not recognize interest income on nonaccrual loans for the years ended December 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Other Loan Information Servicing Assets: Loans sold to others and serviced by the Company are not included in the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheets. The total amount of such loans serviced, but owned by third party investors, amounted to approximately $179.0 million and $184.2 million at December 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively. At December 31, 2024 and 2023, the carrying value of servicing assets was $0.7 million and $0.9 million, respectively, and is included in Prepaid expenses and other assets. A summary of the changes in the related servicing assets for the past two years follows: For the years ended December 31, (In thousands) 2024 2023 Balance, beginning of year $ 881 $ 691 Servicing assets capitalized 186 576 Amortization of expense, net (404) (386) Balance, end of year $ 663 $ 881 In addition, the Company had $0.5 million and $0.6 million in discounts related to the retained portion of unsold SBA loans at December 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively. These discounts are amortized to income over the same period of the balance of the loans sold. As of December 31, 2024 and 2023, the Company held $3.4 million and $5.0 million, respectively, in Residential mortgage loans in the process of being sold. Officer and Director Loans: In the ordinary course of business, the Company may extend credit to officers, directors or their associates. These loans are subject to the Company’s normal lending policy. An analysis of such loans, all of which are current as to principal and interest payments, is as follows: (In thousands) December 31, 2024 December 31, 2023 Balance, beginning of year $ 7,894 $ 8,124 New loans and advances 1,500 788 Loan repayments (1,078) (953) Loans removed — (65) Balance, end of year $ 8,316 $ 7,894 Loan Portfolio Collateral: The majority of the Company’s loans are secured by real estate. Declines in the market values of real estate in the Company’s trade area impact the value of the collateral securing its loans. This could lead to greater losses in the event of defaults on loans secured by real estate. At December 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, approximately 96% of the Company’s loan portfolio was secured by real estate. Modifications The allowance for credit losses incorporates an estimate of lifetime expected credit losses and is recorded on each asset upon asset origination or acquisition. The starting point for the estimate of the allowance for credit losses is historical loss information, which includes losses from modifications of receivables to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty. The Company uses a weighted-average remaining maturity model to determine the allowance for credit losses. An assessment of whether a borrower is experiencing financial difficulty is made on the date of a modification. Because the effect of most modifications made to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty is already included in the allowance for credit losses because of the measurement methodologies used to estimate the allowance, a change to the allowance for credit losses is generally not recorded upon modification. Occasionally, the Company modifies loans by providing principal forgiveness on certain of its real estate loans. When principal forgiveness is provided, the amortized cost basis of the asset is written off against the allowance for credit losses. The amount of the principal forgiveness is deemed to be uncollectible; therefore, that portion of the loan is written off, resulting in a reduction of the amortized cost basis and a corresponding adjustment to the allowance for credit losses. In some cases, the Company will modify a certain loan by providing multiple types of concessions. Typically, one type of concession, such as a term extension, is granted initially. If the borrower continues to experience financial difficulty, another concession, such as principal forgiveness, may be granted. The following table shows the amortized cost basis at the end of the reporting period of the loans modified to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty, disaggregated by class of gross loans and type of concession granted during the twelve months ended December 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023: Payment Delay Term Extension Principal Percentage Principal Percentage (In thousands) Balance of Loan Class Balance of Loan Class SBA loans held for investment $ 93 0.3 % $ — — % Commercial loans Commercial real estate 632 0.1 — — Commercial & industrial — — 1,882 2.4 Residential mortgage loans — — 1,033 0.2 Consumer loans Home equity — — 2,162 3.0 Balance, December 31, 2024 $ 725 0.1 % $ 5,077 0.2 % Principal Forgiveness Payment Delay Term Extension Principal Percentage Principal Percentage Principal Percentage (In thousands) Balance of Loan Class Balance of Loan Class Balance of Loan Class SBA loans held for investment $ 9 0.1 % $ — — % $ — — % Commercial loans Commercial & industrial — — — — 835 0.1 Commercial real estate — — 1,290 0.1 732 0.1 Consumer loans Home equity — — — — 103 0.1 Balance, December 31, 2023 $ 9 0.1 % $ 1,290 0.1 % $ 1,670 0.1 % Upon the Company's determination that a modified loan (or portion of a loan) has subsequently been deemed uncollectible, the loan (or portion of the loan) is charged-off. Therefore, the amortized cost basis of the loan is reduced by the uncollectible amount and the allowance for credit losses is adjusted by the same amount. One loan, a $2.2 million home equity loan, that was modified during the year ended December 31, 2024 was not in compliance with the modified terms as of December 31, 2024 compared to none as of December 31, 2023. |