Prepared Remarks of Edison International CEO and CFO
Second Quarter 2021 Earnings Teleconference
July 29, 2021, 1:30 p.m. (PT)
Pedro Pizarro, President and Chief Executive Officer, Edison International
Today, Edison International reported core earnings per share of $0.94 compared to $1.00 a year ago. However, this comparison is not meaningful because SCE did not receive a final decision in track 1 of its 2021 General Rate Case during the quarter. As many of you are aware, a proposed decision was issued on July 9th. The utility will file its opening comments later today and reply comments on August 3rd. While Maria will cover the PD in more detail, our financial performance for the quarter, and other financial topics, let me first give you a few observations, which are summarized on page 2.
The PD’s base rate revenue requirement of $6.9 billion is approximately 90% of SCE’s request. The primary drivers of the reduction are lower funding for wildfire insurance premiums, vegetation management, and depreciation. The main reduction to SCE’s 2021 capital forecast was for the Wildfire Covered Conductor Program. Excluding wildfire mitigation-related capital, the PD would approve 98% of SCE’s 2021 capital request, much of which was uncontested.
The PD acknowledged the often-competing objectives of balancing safety and reliability risks with the costs associated with ensuring SCE can make necessary investments to provide safe, reliable, and clean energy. The PD also notes that wildfire mitigation is a high priority for the state and the Commission. The PD supports critical safety and reliability investments and provides the foundation for capital spending and rate base through 2023. We believe it is generally well-reasoned, but it has some major policy implications that are fundamentally inconsistent with where the state is headed. SCE’s CEO, Kevin Payne, addressed these implications well during oral arguments earlier this week, and the utility will elaborate on them in its opening comments, which are outlined on page 3.