Allowance For Loan Losses And Credit Quality Information [Text Block] | ( 9 ) Allowance for Loan Losses and Credit Quality Information The allowance for loan losses is summarized as follows: (Dollars in thousands) Single Family Commercial Real Estate Consumer Commercial Business Total For the three months ended June 30, 201 7: Balance, March 31, 201 7 $ 1,110 4,958 1,332 2,190 9,590 Provision for losses (106 ) 452 224 (301 ) 269 Charge-offs 0 0 (17 ) 0 (17 ) Recoveries 0 80 5 118 203 Balance, June 30, 201 7 $ 1,004 5,490 1,544 2,007 10,045 For the six months ended June 30, 201 7: Balance, December 31, 201 6 $ 1,186 4,953 1,613 2,151 9,903 Provision for losses (182 ) 363 116 (298 ) (1 ) Charge-offs 0 0 (218 ) 0 (218 ) Recoveries 0 174 33 154 361 Balance, June 30, 201 7 $ 1,004 5,490 1,544 2,007 10,045 Allocated to: Specific reserves $ 235 248 434 71 988 General reserves 951 4,705 1,179 2,080 8,915 Balance, December 31, 201 6 $ 1,186 4,953 1,613 2,151 9,903 Allocated to: Specific reserves $ 194 275 199 73 741 General reserves 810 5,215 1,345 1,934 9,304 Balance, June 30, 201 7 $ 1,004 5,490 1,544 2,007 10,045 Loans receivable at December 31, 201 6: Individually reviewed for impairment $ 1,107 1,880 940 643 4,570 Collectively reviewed for impairment 102,148 297,200 72,343 84,533 556,224 Ending balance $ 103,255 299,080 73,283 85,176 560,794 Loans receivable at June 30, 201 7: Individually reviewed for impairment $ 1,393 2,163 825 447 4,828 Collectively reviewed for impairment 106,919 322,437 73,735 91,903 594,994 Ending balance $ 108,312 324,600 74,560 92,350 599,822 (Dollars in thousands) Single Family Commercial Real Estate Consumer Commercial Business Total For the three months ended June 30, 201 6: Balance, March 31, 201 6 $ 1,050 5,437 1,395 1,481 9,363 Provision for losses 220 (37 ) 132 66 381 Charge-offs 0 0 (8 ) (44 ) (52 ) Recoveries 0 427 12 194 633 Balance, June 30, 201 6 $ 1,270 5,827 1,531 1,697 10,325 For the six months ended June 30, 201 6: Balance, December 31, 201 5 $ 990 6,078 1,200 1,441 9,709 Provision for losses 280 (859 ) 315 (87 ) (351 ) Charge-offs 0 0 (15 ) (44 ) (59 ) Recoveries 0 608 31 387 1,026 Balance, June 30, 201 6 $ 1,270 5,827 1,531 1,697 10,325 The following table summarizes the amount of classified and unclassified loans at June 30, 201 7 December 31, 2016: June 30, 201 7 Classified Unclassified (Dollars in thousands) Special Mention Substandard Doubtful Loss Total Total Total Loans Single family $ 525 2,087 46 0 2,658 105,654 108,312 Commercial real estate: Real estate rental and leasing 9,098 2,216 0 0 11,314 164,609 175,923 Other 9,058 7,218 0 0 16,276 132,401 148,677 Consumer 0 645 34 146 825 73,735 74,560 Commercial business: Transportat ion industry 0 1,053 0 0 1,053 8,819 9,872 Other 8,225 3,787 0 0 12,012 70,466 82,478 $ 26,906 17,006 80 146 44,138 555,684 599,822 December 31, 201 6 Classified Unclassified (Dollars in thousands) Special Mention Substandard Doubtful Loss Total Total Total Loans Single family $ 457 2,130 74 0 2,661 100,594 103,255 Commercial real estate: Real estate rental and leasing 1,577 3,156 0 0 4,733 148,610 153,343 Other 1,702 7,187 0 0 8,889 136,848 145,737 Consumer 0 531 110 299 940 72,343 73,283 Commercial business: Transportation industry 0 4,065 0 0 4,065 6,444 10,509 Other 3,973 2,916 0 0 6,889 67,778 74,667 $ 7,709 19,985 184 299 28,177 532,617 560,794 Classified loans represent special mention, substandard (performing and non-performing), and non-performing loans categorized as doubtful and loss. Loans classified as special mention are loans that have potential weaknesses that, if left uncorrected, may not may not The aging of past due loans at June 30, 201 7 December 31, 2016 (Dollars in thousands) 30-59 Days Past Due 60-89 Days Past Due 90 Days or More Past Due Total Past Due Current Loans Total Loans Loans 90 Days or More Past Due and Still Accruing J une 30, 201 7 Single family $ 1,057 252 191 1,500 106,812 108,312 0 Commercial real estate: Real estate rental and leasing 213 0 258 471 175,452 175,923 0 Other 0 0 0 0 148,677 148,677 0 Consumer 290 195 78 563 73,997 74,560 0 Commercial business: Transportation industry 0 0 0 0 9,872 9,872 0 Other 474 290 0 764 81,714 82,478 0 $ 2,034 737 527 3,298 596,524 599,822 0 December 31, 201 6 Single family $ 342 158 179 679 102,576 103,255 0 Commercial real estate: Real estate rental and leasing 0 0 0 0 153,343 153,343 0 Other 0 0 0 0 145,737 145,737 0 Consumer 412 117 140 669 72,614 73,283 0 Commercial business: Transportation industry 0 0 0 0 10,509 10,509 0 Other 85 0 274 359 74,308 74,667 0 $ 839 275 593 1,707 559,087 560,794 0 Impaired loans include loans that are non-performing (non-accruing) and loans that have been modified in a troubled debt restructuring (TDR). The following table summarizes impaired loans and related allowances as of June 30, 2017 December 31, 2016: June 30, 201 7 December 31, 201 6 (Dollars in thousands) Recorded Investment Unpaid Principal Balance Related Allowance Recorded Investment Unpaid Principal Balance Related Allowance Loans with no related allowance recorded: Single family $ 524 524 0 217 217 0 Commercial real estate: Real estate rental and leasing 38 79 0 40 122 0 Other 26 1,682 0 26 1,771 0 Consumer 492 492 0 312 312 0 Commercial business: Other 0 0 0 274 356 0 Loans with an allowance recorded: Single family 869 869 194 890 890 235 Commercial real estate: Real estate rental and leasing 258 258 27 0 0 0 Other 1,841 1,841 248 1,814 1,814 248 Consumer 333 350 199 628 644 434 Commercial business: Other 447 999 73 369 921 71 Total: Single family 1,393 1,393 194 1,107 1,107 235 Commercial real estate: Real estate rental and leasing 296 337 27 40 122 0 Other 1,867 3,523 248 1,840 3,585 248 Consumer 825 842 199 940 956 434 Commercial business: Other 447 999 73 643 1,277 71 $ 4,828 7,094 741 4,570 7,047 988 The following table summarizes the average recorded investment and interest income recognized on impaired loans for the three six June 30, 2017 2016: For the three months ended June 30, 201 7 For the six months ended June 30, 201 7 (Dollars in thousands) Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized Loans with no related allowance recorded: Single family $ 529 3 425 6 Commercial real estate: Real estate rental and leasing 39 0 39 0 Other 26 24 26 48 Consumer 398 3 369 7 Commercial business: Other 113 0 167 0 Loans with an allowance recorded: Single family 867 4 874 6 Commercial real estate: Real estate rental and leasing 259 0 172 0 Other 1,812 7 1,812 15 Consumer 388 2 468 3 Commercial business: Other 399 3 389 8 Total: Single family 1,396 7 1,299 12 Commercial real estate: Real estate rental and leasing 298 0 211 0 Other 1,838 31 1,838 63 Consumer 786 5 837 10 Commercial business: Other 512 3 556 8 $ 4,830 46 4,741 93 For the three months ended June 30, 201 6 For the six months ended June 30, 201 6 (Dollars in thousands) Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized Loans with no related allowance recorded: Single family $ 519 4 763 6 Commercial real estate: Real estate rental and leasing 43 2 43 3 Other 26 25 26 48 Consumer 546 2 522 4 Loans with an allowance recorded: Single family 1,122 3 1,065 8 Commercial real estate: Real estate rental and leasing 0 0 0 0 Other 2,002 7 2,046 15 Consumer 542 4 529 6 Commercial business: Other 366 4 382 7 Total: Single family 1,641 7 1,828 14 Commercial real estate: Real estate rental and leasing 43 2 43 3 Other 2,028 32 2,072 63 Consumer 1,088 6 1,051 10 Commercial business: Other 366 4 382 7 $ 5,166 51 5,376 97 At June 30, 201 7 December 31, 2016, $3.4 $3.3 $0.6 $0.8 no $0.7 $0.7 June 30, 2017 December 31, 2016, The non-accrual loans at June 30, 201 7 December 31, 2016 (Dollars in thousands) June 30, 201 7 December 31, 201 6 Single family $ 1,070 916 Commercial real estate: Real estate rental and leasing 296 41 Other 1,376 1,343 Consumer 465 630 Commercial business: Other 182 343 $ 3,389 3,273 At June 30, 201 7 December 31, 2016 $3.7 $3.3 second 2017, $0.1 $0.2 June 30, 2017. For the loans that were restructured in the second 2016, $5,000 $94,000 June 30, 2016. . The following table summarizes TDRs at June 30, 2017 December 31, 2016: June 30, 201 7 December 31, 201 6 (Dollars in thousands) Accrual Non- Accrual Total Accrual Non- Accrual Total Single family $ 323 577 900 191 257 448 Commercial real estate 490 1,244 1,734 497 1,277 1,774 Consumer 361 367 728 309 400 709 Commercial business 265 66 331 300 69 369 $ 1,439 2,254 3,693 1,297 2,003 3,300 As of June 30, 201 7, $0.4 75%. December 31, 2016, $0.4 TDR concessions can include reduction of interest rates, extension of maturity dates, forgiveness of principal and/or interest due, or acceptance of real estate or other assets in full or partial satisfaction of the debt. Loan modifications are not 12 12 All loans classified as TDRs are considered to be impaired. When a loan is modified as a TDR, there may may the three six June 30, 2017 June 30, 2016. Three Months Ended June 30, 201 7 Six Months Ended June 30, 201 7 (Dollars in thousands) Number of Contracts Pre-modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Post-modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Number of Contracts Pre-modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Post-modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Troubled debt restructurings: Single family 0 $ 0 0 3 $ 282 514 Consumer 5 314 315 7 358 360 Total 5 $ 314 315 10 $ 640 874 Three Months Ended June 30, 201 6 Six Months Ended June 30, 201 6 (Dollars in thousands) Number of Contracts Pre-modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Post-modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Number of Contracts Pre-modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Post-modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Troubled debt restructurings: Single family 1 $ 65 65 1 $ 65 65 Consumer 5 35 35 11 142 143 Total 6 $ 100 100 12 $ 207 208 The following table s summarize the loans that were restructured in the 12 June 30, 2017 June 30, 2016 three six June 30, 2017 June 30, 2016. Three Months Ended June 30, 201 7 Six Months Ended June 30, 201 7 (Dollars in thousands) Number of Contracts Pre-modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Number of Contracts Pre-modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Troubled debt restructurings that : Single family 2 $ 60 2 $ 60 Total 2 $ 60 2 $ 60 Three Months Ended June 30, 2016 Six Months Ended June 30, 2016 (Dollars in thousands) Number of Contracts Pre-modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Number of Contracts Pre-modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Troubled debt restructurings that : Commercial real estate: Other 1 $ 183 1 $ 183 Commercial business: Other 1 44 1 44 Total 2 $ 227 2 $ 227 The Company considers a loan to have defaulted when it becomes 90 Loans that were non-accrual prior to modification remain on non-accrual status for at least six six may TDRs are reviewed for impairment following the same methodology as other impaired loans. For loans that are collateral -dependent, the value of the collateral is reviewed and additional reserves may not may $0.6 5.5%, $10.0 June 30, 2017 $0.6 6.2%, $9.9 December 31, 2016. The following is additional information with respect to loans acquired through acquisitions: (Dollars in thousands) Contractual Principal Receivable Accretable Difference Net Carrying Amount Purchased performing loans: Balance at March 31, 2017 $ 15,363 (307 ) 15,056 Change due to payments/refinances (2,087 ) 32 (2,055 ) Transferred to foreclosed assets (2 ) 0 (2 ) Change due to loan charge-off (7 ) 0 (7 ) Balance at June 30, 2017 $ 13,267 (275 ) 12,992 (Dollars in thousands) Contractual Principal Receivable Non-Accretable Difference Net Carrying Amount Purchased credit impaired loans: Balance at March 31, 2017 $ 392 (48 ) 344 Change due to payments/refinances (6 ) 3 (3 ) Balance at June 30, 2017 $ 386 (45 ) 341 As a result of acquisitions, the Company has loans for which there was, at acquisition, evidence of deterioration of credit quality since origination and for which it was probable at acquisition that all contractually required payments would not June 30, 2017 $0.3 No material provision for loan losses was recognized during the three six June 30, 2017 no |