Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Condensed Consolidated Balance
- Condensed Consolidated Balanc_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_3
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_4
- Basis of Presentation
- Revenue
- Collaborative Arrangement
- Fair Value Measurements
- Investments
- Inventories
- Other Assets
- Intangible Assets
- Goodwill
- Accrued Other Liabilities
- Debt
- Stock-based Compensation Plans
- Net (Loss) Income Per Share Dat
- Income Taxes
- Segment Information
- Leases
- Commitments and Contingencies
- Subsequent Events
- Basis of Presentation (Policies
- Revenue (Tables)
- Fair Value Measurements (Tables
- Investments (Tables)
- Inventories (Tables)
- Other Assets (Tables)
- Intangible Assets (Tables)
- Goodwill (Tables)
- Accrued Other Liabilities (Tabl
- Stock-based Compensation Plans
- Net (Loss) Income Per Share D_2
- Segment Information (Tables)
- Leases (Tables)
- Revenue - Summary of Revenues D
- Revenue - Additional Informatio
- Collaborative Arrangement - Add
- Collaborative Arrangement - A_2
- Fair Value Measurements - Asset
- Fair Value Measurements - Addit
- Investments - Amortized Cost, U
- Inventories - Components of Inv
- Other Assets - Summary of Other
- Intangible Assets - Schedule of
- Intangible Assets - Additional
- Intangible Assets - Estimated A
- Goodwill - Schedule of Carrying
- Accrued Other Liabilities - Sch
- Debt - Additional Information (
- Stock-based Compensation Plan_2
- Stock-based Compensation Plan_3
- Net (Loss) Income Per Share D_3
- Net (Loss) Income Per Share D_4
- Income Taxes - Additional Infor
- Segment Information - Additiona
- Segment Information - Segment R
- Leases - Balance Sheet Classifi
- Leases - Schedule of Operating
- Leases - Additional Information
- Commitments and Contingencies -
- Subsequent Events - Additional