Nine Months 2007 Results
22 November 2007
PT Indosat Tbk
Reuters : ISAT.JK
Bloomberg : ISAT.IJ
Market Capitalization
Rp41.57 trillion (As of 30 September 2007)
Issued shares
5,433,933,500 (after 5:1 Stock Split & Issuance of ESOP)
Share Price IIT
US$42.47 (As of 30 September 2007)
Hi/Lo (3 mo) US$43.67/US$33.39
Share Price ISAT
Rp7,700 (As of 30 September 2007)
Hi/Lo (3 mo) Rp7,700/Rp6,550
Major Shareholders(As of 30 September 2007)
Indonesia Communications Ltd 39.96%
Indonesia Communications Pte. 0.85%
Government of Indonesia 14.29%
Public 44.90%
IDR to USD Conversion
1 USD = Rp9,137 (30 September 2007)
Board of Directors
President Director –Johnny Swandi Sjam
Deputy Pres. Dir. - Kaizad B. Heerjee
Jabotabek & Corp Sales Dir. – Fadzri Sentosa
Marketing Dir. – Guntur S. Siboro
Regional Sales Dir. – Syakieb A. Sungkar
Network Dir. – Raymond Tan
Information Technology Dir– Roy Kannan
Finance Dir./CFO – Wong Heang Tuck
Corporate Svc. Dir. – Wahyu Wijayadi
Major Consolidated Subsidiaries
PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta (72.36%)
PT Indosat Mega Media (99.85%)
Indosat Singapore Pte Ltd (100%)
Indosat Finance Company BV (100%)
Indosat International Finance
Company BV (100%)
PT Starone Mitra Telekomunikasi (55.36%)
Corporate and Bond Ratings
Moodys : Ba1/Stable for Local Currency
:Ba2/Stable for Senior Unsecured Foreign Currency
:BB/Stable/NR for Corporate Credit
:BB/Senior Unsecured Foreign Currency
:idAA+/Stable for Obligation
:idAA+/Stable for Sukuk Ijarah
Financial SummaryFor Period Ended 30 September
In Rp Billion | 9M -2006 | 9M -2007 | (%) Change |
Operating Revenues | 8,871.9 (Net) | 11,880.0 (Gross) | 33.9% |
Operating Expense | 6,425.0 (Net) | 8,675.4 (Gross) | 35.0% |
Operating Income | 2,447.0 | 3,204.4 | 31.0% |
Other Income (Expenses) | (1,072.1) | (1,134.5) | 5.8% |
Net Income | 927.2 | 1,445.1 | 55.9% |
EBITDA | 5,095.5 | 6,258.3 | 22.8% |
EPS (in Rp) | 170.6 | 265.9 | 55.9% |
Balance Sheet
| 9M -2006 | 9M -2007 | (%) Change |
Total Assets | 33,833.0 | 41,262.4 | 22.0% |
Total Liabilities | 19,114.0 | 25,317.5 | 32.5% |
Total Stockholders Equity | 14,719.0 | 15,945.0 | 8.3% |
Financial Ratios
| Formula | 9M-2006 | 9M-2007 |
EBITDA Margin | EBITDA / Operating Revenues | 57.4% | 52.7% |
Interest Coverage | EBITDA/Interest Expense | 560.0% | 623.2% |
Gross Debt to Equity | Gross Debt /Total Equity | 78.7% | 95.1% |
Net Debt to Equity | Net Debt / Total Equity | 55.4% | 55.6% |
Highlights of the 9M-2007
Starting this year, Indosat reported its revenue on a gross basis. The following is the comparative figure if we use previous (net) reporting format.
| 9M-2006 | 9M-2007 | Change (%) |
Revenue | 8,871.9 | 10,883.8 | 22.7% |
EBITDA | 5,095.5 | 6,258.3 | 22.8% |
EBITDA Margin | 57.4% | 57.5% | 0.07% |
Indosat has been continuing its growth momentum since 3Q 2006 as reflected in continue growth of operating revenues and net income.
Cellular business dominates the revenues of the company. Over the same period last year, cellular revenues grew by 37.7% in the 9M-2007 due to increase in subscriber base reaching 22.0 million representing a 54.8% growth on a year-on-year basis and a 31.7% growth over the subscriber base at the end of December 2006. Changes in our reporting format also contributed to the increase.
Fixed data services revenues became the second revenue contributor. It was Rp.1,568.2 billion, an 11.0% growth compared to the same period last year primarily due to increase revenues in Internet, Leased Line and IP VPN.
Fixed voice services revenues also grew. It was Rp.1,165.3 billion, an increase of 42.6% compared to same period last year mainly due to change of reporting format and increase in international call (IDD) revenue especially incoming traffic revenue and due to increase in fixed wireless services revenue.
Investor Relations Division
PT Indosat Tbk.
Jl Medan Merdeka Barat 21
Jakarta – Indonesia
Fax : +62 21 3804045
E-mail : investor@indosat.com
Jakarta, 22 November 2007. PT Indosat Tbk (“Indosat” or “the Company”) released its consolidated Nine Months Year 2007 limited review of financial and operational results reports from its independent auditor (Purwantono, Sarwoko & Sandjaja, a member of Ernst & Young Global). The Company recorded operating revenues and operating income for the period ended 30 September 2007 amounting to Rp.11,880.0 billion and Rp.3,204.4 billion respectively. Net income was recorded as Rp.1,445.1 billion. Cellular, Fixed Data (MIDI), and Fixed Voice services contributed 77%, 13% and 10% to operating revenues, respectively.
The financial statements were prepared in accordance with the Indonesian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
Operating revenues
Cellular services. In the Nine Months Year 2007, Indosat recorded cellular operating revenues of Rp.9,146.5 billion, an increase of 37.7% from Rp.6,641.4 billion in the Nine Months Year 2006 due to increase in subscriber base. Using the net reporting format, our cellular operating revenues would be Rp.8,428.1 billion, an increase of 26.9% from the same period of last year. As of 30 September 2007 Indosat reached 22.0 million subscribers or a total net add of 5.3 million subscribers from end of 2006.
Fixed Data (MIDI) services. Operating revenues from fixed data services grew 11.0%, from Rp1,413.4 billion in 9M-2006 to Rp.1,568.2 billion in 9M-2007. The increase in fixed data revenues was primarily due to increase revenues in Internet, leased lines and IP VPN.
Fixed Voice services. Operating revenues from Fixed Voice services increased from Rp.817.2 billion to Rp.1,165.3 billion or grew by 42.6% on a year-on-year basis mainly due to change of reporting format, increase of international call (IDD) revenue and increase of fixed wireless services revenue. The increase in IDD revenue was driven by increase in IDD traffic mainly in incoming traffic. On a net basis, the growth of fixed voice revenues would be 8.6% from Rp817.2 billion in the Nine Months 2006 to Rp887.5 billion in the Nine Months 2007.
Operating expenses
Operating expenses increased by Rp.2,250.6 billion, or 35.0%, from Rp.6,425.0 billion in the 9M-2006 to Rp.8,675.6 billion for the 9M-2007. The increase are mostly due to the new reporting format for the interconnection/compensation, increase in depreciation & amortization, personnel, other cost of services, marketing, maintenance, administration & general, and leased circuit.
Compensation expenses.It increased by Rp.957.2 billion or 340.3% from Rp.281.3 billion in the 9M-2006 to Rp.1,238.5 billion for the 9M-2007. The increase in compensation expenses was primarily due to a change in reporting format of the interconnection expense. If we use the previous reporting format, compensation expenses would be decreased by 13.8% which was mainly driven by larger on-net traffic and lower interconnection expenses resulted from new cost based interconnection tariff which is implemented since January 2007.
Depreciation and amortization expenses.It increased by Rp.405.3 billion or 15.3% from Rp.2,648.5 billion in the 9M-2006 to Rp.3,053.9 billion for the 9M-2007. The increase in depreciation expenses was due to the increase in capital expenditures mainly in cellular equipments.
Personnel expenses.It increased by Rp.224.1 billion, or 22.8%, from Rp.981.0 billion in 9M-2006 to Rp.1,205.0 billion in 9M-2007. Personnel expenses grew primarily due to increases in yearly employee remunerations including accrual bonus, pension benefits and income tax.
Other Cost of Services expenses.It increased by Rp.220.1 billion, or 18.3%, from Rp.1,205.4 billion in 9M-2006 to Rp.1,425.5 billion in 9M-2007. The increase was due to increase in frequency fee, rental sites and utilities as the impact of cellular expansion.
Marketing expenses. It increased by Rp.198.5 billion or 63.7%, from Rp.311.7 billion in 9M-2006 to Rp.510.1 billion in 9M-2007. The increase was due to aggressive marketing campaigns & promotion and customer loyalty programs.
Maintenance expenses.It increased by Rp.136.1 billion, or 33.0%, from Rp.412.3 billion in 9M-2006 to Rp.548.4 billion in 9M-2007. Maintenance expenses grew in line with new equipments installed including increase in additional number of buildings & spare parts.
Administration & General expenses. It increased by Rp.63.0 billion or 13.9%, from Rp454.5 billion in 9M-2006 to Rp 517.6 billion in 9M-2007. The increase was due to increase in professional fee, traveling and utilities for offices.
Leased Circuit Expenses.It increased by Rp.46.2 billion, or 35.5%, from Rp.130.3 billion in 9M-2006 to Rp.176.5 billion in 9M-2007. Leased circuit expenses grew primarily due to internet circuit and transponder leasing in relation to increase in Fixed Data (MIDI) services and cellular services.
Other expenses
Indosat recorded an increase in other expenses from Rp.1,072.1 billion in 9M-2006 to Rp.1,134.5 billion in 9M-2007 due to the followings:.
Gain (Loss) on Foreign Exchange-Net. Indosat recorded a loss in net-foreign exchange of Rp.26.2 billion in the 9M- 2007 compared to a gain of Rp.175.9 billion in 9M-2006 due to weakening of the Rp against the US Dollar during Nine Months of this year compared to strengthening of Rp against US Dollar during the same period of last year.
Gain (Loss) on change in fair value of derivative-net. Our derivative loss is significantly decreased by Rp.233.1 billion or 97.6%, from Rp.238.8 billion in 9M-2006 to Rp.5.7 billion in 9M-2007. The decrease was due to appreciation of Rupiah in 9M-2006 (compare to year end 2005), while depreciation Rupiah in 9M-2007 (compare to year end 2006).
Interest income. It decreased from Rp.168.6 billion in 9M-2006 to Rp.151.2 billion in 9M-2007 due to the lower average interest rate.
Financing cost. It increased by 8.7% from Rp.946.4 billion in 9M-2006 to Rp.1,028.6 billion in 9M-2007, due to drawdown from new bond in May 2007.
EBITDA and EBITDA margin
Indosat recorded 9M-2007 EBITDA of Rp.6,258.3 billion or increased by 22.8% compared to same period in 2006. Using the net format report, the 9M-2007 EBITDA margin was 57.5% or slightly increased from 57.4% in 9M 2006.
Net income
Indosat recorded 9M-2007 net income of Rp.1,445.1 billion or increased by 55.9% compared to the same period in 2006.
Status of debt
As of 30 September 2007, the Company had outstanding debt of Rp15,161.6 billion which includes loans payable (including current maturities and unamortized debts issuance cost) of Rp2,308.6 billion and bonds payable (including current maturities, unamortized bonds/notes issuance cost and unamortized notes discount) of Rp12,853.0 billion. The debt composition was USD denominated of 34.6% and Rupiah denominated of 65.4%. The portion of Rupiah debt increased as we recently issued Rupiah Bond V and Sukuk Ijarah II in May 2007. We had hedging facility amounting to USD400.0 million or representing 68.9% of our USD denominated borrowings. While the cash position as at 30 September 2007 was Rp6,303.9 billion, therefore the net debt was Rp8,857.7 billion. Detail of debt status is shown in attachment 1.
Capital expenditures
In 9M-2007, Indosat committed Rp10,284.0 billion for capital expenditure with the following breakdown: (i)Rp8,839.2 billion for cellular network, (ii) Rp862.7 billion for fixed telecom, fixed data, backbone and subsidiary capital expenditures, (iii)Rp540.1 billion for network and IT and (iv) Rp42.0 billion for Regionals and Properties
For 2007, Indosat plans to spend the capital expenditure of US$1.2 Billion of which around 80% will be allocated for cellular business.
Network Development Updates
In nine months of 2007, we have installed 2,192 new BTSs, and as a result, our BTSs as of September 30, 2007 were 9,413. Our coverage with this new BTS installation would have covered all provinces, 424 Regencies or 96% of total regencies in Indonesia and 2,963 districts or 55% of total districts in Indonesia. As of 9M 2006, we operate 6.459 BTS, 169 base station controllers and 47 mobile switching centers.
| | | |
As of 30 September | End 2006 | 9M 2007 | New |
Base Stations | 7,221 | 9,413 | 2,192 |
Base station controllers | 177 | 225 | 48 |
Mobile switching centers | 49 | 54 | 5 |
Cellular Marketing initiatives
We launched new cellular marketing initiatives in 9M-2007 which mainly consist of the following:
In addition to our freetalk 5 hours for 2 consecutive days for every minimum reload of Rp25,000, in August 2007, Indosat launched new Mentari Freetalk Rp.5,000 which offers Rp.5,000 free of voice call for the same day for customers who use their pulses of minimum Rp.5,000 for voice call and regular SMS. The program will be valid until January 8, 2008. However, free 5 hours night talk has been postponed between September 11 to October 16, 2007.
In August 2007, Indosat launched voucher Mentari of Rp.5,000 as a new denomination of micro prepaid reloads with active period for 7 days and extended the active period for voucher Mentari Rp.10,000 from 15 days to 30 days.
In September 2007 Indosat extended Mentari 50 program which offers competitive tariff for only Rp.50/30sec during weekend for Mentari customers to other 4 Indosat registered customers. The program has been extended until Januari 8, 2008.
In September 2007, Indosat launched Mentari Hebat 50 in Sulampapua, Lampung, Pontianak and Batam. In Sulampapua, Mentari customers can enjoy competitive tariff for only Rp.50/30sec for the whole week starting from the first minute while Mentari customers in Lampung, Pontianak and Batam can enjoy this program after 2 minutes. The program will be valid until January 8, 2008.
In certain areas, Indosat offers IM3 customers flat tariff Rp.400/30sec to all local calls. The program is offered for IM3 customers outside Java excluding Batam, Lampung and Pontianak. The program will be valid until January 8, 2008.
In September 2007, Indosat offers competitive SMS tariff Rp.88 per SMS (Off-net) for IM3 customer in Bali and Nusa Tenggara area, Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua and also Medan/Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.
During festive season, starting mid September to mid October, Indosat launched festive Mudik Campaign. In this event, Indosat campaign all program in a basket marketing initiatives mostly offers VAS products as such I-Ring, I-Menu which offers Location Based Services (LBS) and other VAS products. In addition, Indosat also provided tents in several big cities for Indosat customers to get Indosat products or just for take a rest.
Starting September 2007 until end of March 2008, Indosat offers Matrix customers who are doing Hajj & Umroh in Saudi Arabia to have special International roaming tariff of Rp.400/6sec for calls from Indonesia.
We continue our retention and loyalty program called Poin Plus Plus. This initiative is an appreciation for all GSM and CDMA Indosat customers through a mechanism of point collection based on reload for prepaid customers, billing for postpaid customers and customer lifetime. Their point collection will be determined as usages multiply by their subscription period. Customers will get 1 point for every Rp. 100 usage or reload. Points can be exchanged with various type of rewards i.e. pulse, SMS and I-Ring. Points can also be utilized to enter competitions to win cars, handset and other various rewards periodically. The program will be valid until December 31, 2007.
Fixed Data (MIDI) Services
In order to provide best quality service, in August 2007 Indosat started to offer feeding point solution which is a part of Indosat TV Link services which supports broadcasters to send live and non-live (recorded) programs from some points in Jakarta area.
In early September 2007, Indosat introduced Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) service to fulfill highly market demand from large enterprise especially from Banking and Oil & Gas segment for Disaster Recovery Center (DRC).
Fixed Voice Services
International call services
As of 30 September 2007, Indosat recorded total international call traffic of Indosat of 1,096 million minutes, an increase of 34.3% compared to the same period last year driven by growth of incoming international call.
Starting April 2007, Indosat launched promotion program for FlatCall services which offered IDD tariff of Rp.85 per 6 second (including airtime and VAT) to Indosat cellular customers when they dial IDD calls using 01016 access code. This program is applied for calls generated from Indosat GSM & Fixed Wireless customers to top 15 destination countries. This quarter, we applied new promotion as Rp. 1,900 per minute from Cirebon to Saudi and UAE. The program will be valid until December 31, 2007.
Fixed Wireless Access Services (Star One)
As of 30 September 2007 Indosat fixed wireless access subscriber base were 516,979 comprised of 29,512 postpaid subscribers and 487,467 prepaid subscribers. The blended ARPU was Rp 35,718 derived from Postpaid ARPU of Rp.182,810 and Prepaid ARPU of Rp.26,960.
Indosat launched a competitive program for Starone which offers cheap local calls Rp.19 per minutes to all Starone customers until end of October 2007. In addition of those promotion, StarOne launched in Bandung to enlarge commercial coverage.
Second Loan Drawdown from BCA
In October 2007, Indosat made the second loan drawdown from BCA amounting Rp800 billion which makes the total loan of Rp1,600 billion from BCA to support capital expenditure 2007.
Loan Facility from Bank DBS Indonesia
In November 2007, Indosat and Bank DBS Indonesia signed a loan agreement amounting to Rp 500 billion. This is a negative pledged loan that will mature in 5 years and carries fixed interest rate for the first and second year and floating rate for the next three years.
Fully Repaid Principle and 20th Period Interest of Bond II and Sharia Mudharabah
In November 2007, Indosat fully repaid the principle and its 20th period interest of Indosat Bond II Series A amounting to Rp775 billion, Series C amounting to Rp100 billion, the Sharia Mudharabah of year 2002 amounting to Rp175 billion.
Campaign Mentari Rp.0
In October 2007, Indosat launched new marketing initiatives for Mentari customers namely Mentari Rp.0 which is offers free talk as Rp.5,000 voice call for the same day for customers who use their pulses of minimum Rp.5,000 for voice call and regular SMS. We believe this marketing campaign will increase Mentari awareness.
Matrix Auto
In November 2007, Indosat launched Matrix Auto which is a combination of postpaid and prepaid products in one SIM card which enable customers to enjoy facilities and benefits of both postpaid and prepaid. Matrix Auto customers can set their credit limit based on their needs and control their usage in real time. Customers will also have single tariff and can receive reminder from their postpaid account when they reach their credit limit and automatically become prepaid customers.
Upgrade speed of 3.5G broadband
In November 2007, Indosat upgraded speed of our 3.5G/HSDPA broadband wireless services up to 7.2 Mbps in 50 BTS in Indonesia or available in Jakarta and Surabaya.
This document is not an offer of securities for sale in the United States. Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from registration. Any public offering of securities to be made in the United States will be made by means of an offering circular that may be obtained from the Company and will contain detailed information about the Company and management, as well as financial statements. The Company does not intend to register any part of the offering in the United States.
This document contains certain financial information and results of operation, and may also contain certain projections, plans, strategies, and objectives of Indosat, that are not statements of historical fact which would be treated as forward looking statements within the meaning of applicable law.
Forward looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual events and Indosat's future results to be materially different than expected or indicated by such statements. No assurance can be given that the results anticipated by Indosat, or indicated by any such forward looking statements, will be achieved.
Attachment 1
PT Indosat Tbk and Subsidiaries
Status of Debt
For The Nine Months Ended 30 September 2007
Facility | Amount | Maturity | Interest Rate |
IDR Bond |
Bonds II (Rp billion) | 1,075 | 2007 and 2032 | Series A Fixed 15.75% p.a., Series B Fixed 16% p.a. and Series C Floating maximum 18.5% p.a. and minimum 15% p.a. |
Bonds III (Rp billion) | 2,500 | 2008 and 2010 | Series A Fixed 12.5% p.a. and Series B Fixed 12.875% p.a. |
Bonds IV (Rp billion) | 815 | 2011 | Fixed 12.0% p.a. |
Bonds V (Rp billion) | 2,600 | 2014 and 2017 | Series A Fixed 10.2% p.a. and Series B Fixed 10.65% p.a. |
USD Bond |
Guaranteed Notes I (US$ Million) | 300 | 2010 | Fixed 7.75% p.a. |
Guaranteed Notes II (US$ Million) | 250 | 2012 | Fixed 7.125% p.a. |
Syariah Bond |
Syariah Mudharabah (Rp billion) | 175 | 2007 | Revenue-sharing |
Syariah Ijarah (Rp billion) | 285 | 2011 | Fixed Ijarah Return amounting to Rp8.55 payable on a quarterly basis |
Sukuk Ijarah II (Rp billion) | 400 | 2014 | Fixed Ijarah Return amounting to Rp10.2 payable on a quarterly basis |
IDR Loan |
Mandiri Loan (Rp billion) | 800 | 2012 | Fixed rate of 9.75% and 10.5% for the first 2 years, floating rate 3-month JIBOR + 1.5% for the following years |
BCA Loan (Rp billion) | 800* | 1012 | Fixed rate of 9.75% and 10.5% for the first 2 years, floating rate 3-month JIBOR + 1.5% for the following years |
USD Loan |
Finnish Export Credit Facility (US$ Million) | 30.4 | 2011 | Fixed 4.15% p.a. |
Goldman Sachs International (“GSI”) (Rp billion) | 434.3 | 2013 | Fixed annual rate 8.75% times Rp434.3 billion. |
Fixed annual rate 6.45% times US$50 million if GSI exercise its option on the beginning of 5th year. |
IDR Bond |
Limited Bonds (Rp billion) | 56.4** | 2009 & 2007 | Floating maximum 19% p.a. and minimum 11% p.a. |
IDR Loan |
Loans payable from Niaga (Rp billion) | 46.1 | 2007 - 2009 | 3-month time deposit rate guaranteed by BI or annual rate of 3-month Certificate of Bank Indonesia + 2.75% up to 3.5% |
*Current status see Recent Development
**After elimination of limited bonds issued to the Company
For the purpose of revenue sharing calculation on Indosat’s Syariah Bond, the table below presented consolidated satellite revenue and IM2’s Internet revenues as the basis for revenue sharing calculation.
Revenues In Mio Rp | 9M-06 | 9M-07 | Chane % |
Internet (from IM2) | 272,406 | 333,132 | 7.20% |
Satellite (Indosat Consolidated) | 100,333 | 70,272 | -36.49% |
Attachment 2
PT Indosat Tbk and Subsidiaries
Key Operational Data
YTD For The Year Ended 30 September 2006 and 2007
DESCRIPTION | Unit | YTD | YTD | Growth |
Ended | Ended |
30 September 2006 | 30 September 2007 |
1 | 2 | 3=(2-1)/1 |
| | | | |
Prepaid | subs | (385,542) | 5,269,934 | N.A |
Postpaid | subs | 106,451 | 52,017 | -51.1% |
Total Net Additions | subs | (279,091) | 5,321,951 | N.A |
| | | | |
Prepaid | subs | 13,450,504 | 21,148,714 | 57.2% |
Postpaid | subs | 782,585 | 877,876 | 12.1% |
Total Cellular Subscribers | subs | 14,233,362 | 22,026,590 | 54.8% |
| | | | |
ARPU Postpaid | Rp | 53,030 | 47,351 | -9.0% |
ARPU Prepaid | Rp | 201,984 | 180,912 | -10.4% |
ARPU Blended | Rp | 59,788 | 53,421 | -10.6% |
BTS (2G & 3G) | Unit | 6,459 | 9,413 | 45.7% |
MOU Blended | Minutes | 48.1* | 47.6 | N.A |
| | | | |
Indosat : (Accumulated Numbers) | | | | |
Wholesale | | | | |
International High Speed Leased Circuit | cct/64k | 7,840 | 19,195 | 144.8% |
Domestic High Speed Leased Circuit | cct/64k | 32,347 | 50,664 | 56.6% |
Satellite Transponder Leased (external usage) | #transp | 12.3 | 13.7 | 11.6% |
Datacom | | | | |
International High Speed Leased Circuit | cct/64k | 812 | 1,054 | 29.8% |
Domestic High Speed Leased Circuit | cct/64k | 6,771 | 10,513 | 55.3% |
Frame relay | port | 1,037 | 799 | -23.0% |
IPVPN | cct/64k | 4,740 | 5,837 | 23.1% |
| | | | |
Lintasarta : (Accumulated Numbers) | | | | |
High Speed Leased Line (SDL) | link | 1,210 | 975 | -19.4% |
Frame Relay | access | 4,134 | 4,590 | 11.0% |
VSAT | terminal | 1,758 | 1,815 | 3.2% |
IPVPN | link | 2,926 | 3,890 | 32.9% |
| | | | |
IM2 | | | | |
Internet Dial Up | user | 28,329 | 24,334 | -14.1% |
Internet Dedicated | link | 670 | 1,354 | 102.15 |
IPVPN | link | 194 | 335 | 72.7% |
| | | | |
| | | | |
Outgoing Traffic | 000 min | 107,301,115 | 202,600,569 | 88.8% |
Incoming Traffic | 000 min | 708,660,719 | 893,508,776 | 26.1% |
Total Traffic | 000 min | 815,961,834 | 1,096,109,345 | 34.3% |
I/C Ratio | - | 6.60 | 4.41 | -33.2% |
| | | | |
Fixed Wireless | | | | |
| | | | |
Prepaid | subs | 210,385 | 487,467 | 131.7% |
Postpaid | subs | 21,631 | 29,512 | 36.4% |
Total Subscribers | subs | 232,016 | 516,979 | 122.8% |
| | | | |
ARPU Prepaid | Rp | 27,828 | 26,960 | -3.1% |
ARPU Postpaid | Rp | 239,892 | 182,810 | -23.8% |
ARPU Blended | Rp | 45,905 | 35,718 | 22.2% |
| | | | |
Indosat and its subsidiaries | person | 7,818 | 7,689 | -1.7% |
(Including non permanent employees) | | | | |
*Include free minute
Attachment 3
(Expressed in Billions of Indonesia Rupiah and Millions of U.S. Dollars, except share data)
Ended September 30, | |
2006 | 2007 | Growth(2) |
Rp | Rp | US $(1) | |
| | | |
| | | | |
| | Cellular | 6,641.4 | 9,146.5 | 1,001.1 | 37.7% |
| | Multimedia, Data Communication, Internet (“MIDI”)
| 1,413.4 | 1,568.2 | 171.6 | 11.0% |
| | Fixed Telecommunication | 817.2 | 1,165.3 | 127.5 | 42.6% |
| TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES | 8,872.0 | 11,880.0 | 1,300.2 | 33.9% |
| | | | |
| | Depreciation & amortization | 2,648.5 | 3,053.9 | 334.2 | 15.3% |
| | Compensation to telecommunications carriers and service providers | 281.3 | 1,238.6 | 135.6 | 340.3% |
| | Personnel | 981.0 | 1,205.0 | 131.9 | 22.8% |
| | Maintenance | 412.3 | 548.4 | 60.0 | 33.0% |
| | Marketing | 311.7 | 510.1 | 55.8 | 63.7% |
| | Administration and general | 454.5 | 517.6 | 56.7 | 13.9% |
| | Leased circuits | 130.3 | 176.5 | 19.3 | 35.5% |
| | Other costs of services | 1,205.4 | 1,425.5 | 156.0 | 18.3% |
| TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES | 6,425.0 | 8,675.6 | 949.5 | 35.0% |
| | | | |
| OPERATING INCOME | 2,447.0 | 3,204.4 | 350.7 | 31.0% |
| | | | |
| | Interest income | 168.6 | 151.2 | 16.5 | -10.3% |
| | Financing cost | (946.4) | (1,028.6) | (112.6) | 8.7% |
| | Amortization of goodwill | (169.9) | (169.9) | (18.6) | 0.0% |
| | Gain (loss) on foreign exchange - net | 175.9 | (26.2) | (2.9) | -114.9% |
| | Loss on change in fair value of derivatives - net | (238.8) | (5.7) | (0.6) | -97.6% |
| | Others - net | (61.5) | (55.3) | (6.0) | -10.1% |
| TOTAL OTHER INCOME (EXPENSES) | (1,072.1) | (1,134.5) | (124.2) | 5.8% |
| | | | |
| EQUITY IN NET INCOME OF ASSOCIATED COMPANIES | (0.1) | 0.0 | 0.0 | -100.0% |
| | | | | |
| INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAX | 1,374.8 | 2,069.9 | 226.5 | 50.6% |
| | | | |
| | Current | 130.8 | 455.9 | 49.9 | 248.5% |
| | Deferred | 287.3 | 141.1 | 15.4 | -50.9% |
| TOTAL INCOME TAX EXPENSE | 418.1 | 597.0 | 65.3 | 42.8% |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| MINORITY INTEREST IN NET INCOME OF SUBSIDIARIES | (29.5) | (27.8) | (3.0) | -5.8% |
| | | | |
| NET INCOME | 927.2 | 1,445.1 | 158.2 | 55.9% |
| | | | |
| BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE | 172.02 | 265.95 | 0.03 | 54.6% |
| | | | |
| DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE | 170.27 | 265.95 | 0.03 | 56.2% |
| | | | |
| BASIC EARNINGS PER ADS (50 B shares per ADS) | 8,600.90 | 13,297.27 | 1.46 | 54.6% |
| | | | | |
| DILUTED EARNINGS PER ADS | 8,513.36 | 13,297.27 | 1.46 | 56.2% |
| | | | |
Translated into U.S. dollars using the average buying and selling rate published by Bank Indonesia (Central Bank) on September 30, 2007 of Rp9,137 to US$ 1 (in full amounts)
Percentage changes may vary due to rounding.
Attachment 4
AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 AND 2007
(Expressed in Billions of Indonesia Rupiah and Millions of U.S. Dollars)
DESCRIPTION | 2006 | 2007 |
Rp | Rp | Us$ (1) |
| | |
| | | |
ASSETS | | | |
| | | |
| | Cash and cash equivalents | 3,438.0 | 6,303.9 | 689.9 |
| | Short-term investments - net of allowance | - | - | - |
| | Accounts receivable – net of allowance | | | |
| | | Trade | | | |
| | | | Related parties | | | |
| | | | PT Telkom Tbk | 62.6 | 7.3 | 0.8 |
| | | | Others | 176.1 | 189.7 | 20.8 |
| | | | Third parties | 1,070.3 | 1,038.3 | 113.6 |
| | | Others | | | |
| | | | Third parties | 18.5 | 12.4 | 1.3 |
| | Inventories | 72.3 | 114.2 | 12.5 |
| | Derivative assets | 16.2 | 20.9 | 2.3 |
| | Advances
| 28.5 | 34.4 | 3.8 |
| | Prepaid taxes | 1,013.3 | 804.0 | 88.0 |
| | Prepaid expenses | 276.0 | 639.3 | 70.0 |
| | Other current assets | 24.9 | 41.2 | 4.5 |
| Total Current Assets | 6,196.7 | 9,205.6 | 1,007.5 |
| | | | | | | |
| | Due from related parties – net of allowance | 29.5 | 47.2 | 5.2 |
| | Deferred tax assets - net | 54.0 | 76.0 | 8.3 |
| | Investment in associated companies – net of allowance | 0.4 | 0.3 | 0.0 |
| | Other long-term investments – net of allowance | 2.7 | 2.7 | 0.3 |
| | Property and equipment - net | 23,928.6 | 27,756.5 | 3,037.8 |
| | Goodwill and other intangible assets - net | 2,736.5 | 2,391.3 | 261.7 |
| | Long-term receivables | 105.0 | 101.0 | 11.1 |
| | Long-term prepaid pension - net of current portion | 235.7 | 213.3 | 23.4 |
| | Long-term advances | 226.7 | 1,007.8 | 110.3 |
| | Others | 317.2 | 460.7 | 50.4 |
| Total Non-current Assets | 27,636.3 | 32,056.8 | 3,508.5 |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| TOTAL ASSETS | 33,833.0 | 41,262.4 | 4,516.0 |
| | | | | | | |
Translated into U.S. dollars using the average buying and selling rate published by Bank Indonesia (Central Bank) on September 30, 2007 of Rp9,137 to US$ 1 (in full amounts)
AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 AND 2007
(Expressed in Billions of Indonesia Rupiah and Millions of U.S. Dollars)
DESCRIPTION | 2006 | 2007 |
Rp | Rp | US$ (1) |
| | |
| | | |
| | | | |
| | Accounts payable – trade | | | |
| | | Related parties | 16.9 | 8.9 | 1.0 |
| | | Third parties | 249.5 | 348.1 | 38.1 |
| | Dividend Payable | 4.3 | 4.7 | 0.5 |
| | Procurement payable | 3,232.5 | 4,580.1 | 501.3 |
| | Taxes payable | 107.7 | 302.6 | 33.1 |
| | Accrued expenses | 1,035.5 | 1,392.5 | 152.4 |
| | Unearned income | 613.8 | 786.0 | 86.0 |
| | Deposits from customers | 87.5 | 91.1 | 10.0 |
| | Derivative liabilities | 114.3 | 197.7 | 21.6 |
| | Current maturities of: | | | |
| | | Loans payable | 130.4 | 257.2 | 28.1 |
| | | Bonds payable | 5.5 | 1,050.0 | 114.9 |
| | Other current liabilities | 25.5 | 74.6 | 8.2 |
| Total Current Liabilities | 5,623.4 | 9,093.5 | 995.2 |
| | | | | | | |
| | Due to related parties | 19.6 | 23.6 | 2.6 |
| | Deferred tax liabilities - net | 1,162.8 | 1,412.1 | 154.5 |
| | Loans payable - net of current maturities | | | |
| | | Related parties | 634.3 | 715.0 | 78.2 |
| | | Third parties | 922.6 | 1,336.4 | 146.3 |
| | Bonds payable - net of current maturities | 9,897.9 | 11,803.0 | 1,291.8 |
| | Other non-current liabilities | 627.9 | 636.7 | 69.7 |
| Total Non-Current Liabilities | 13,265.1 | 15,926.8 | 1,743.1 |
| | | | | | | |
| MINORITY INTEREST | 225.5 | 297.1 | 32.5 |
| | | | | | | |
| | Capital stock | 543.4 | 543.4 | 59.5 |
| | Premium on capital stock | 1,546.6 | 1,546.6 | 169.2 |
| | Difference in transactions of equity changes in | | | |
| | | associated companies / subsidiaries | 403.8 | 403.8 | 44.2 |
| | Stock options | - | - | - |
| | Difference in foreign currency translation
| 0.3 | 3.3 | 0.3 |
| | Retained Earnings | | | |
| | | Appropriated | 66.2 | 80.3 | 8.8 |
| | | Unappropriated | 11,231.5 | 11,922.5 | 1,304.9 |
| | | Net income for this period | 927.2 | 1,445.1 | 158.2 |
| | Total Retained Earnings | 12,224.9 | 13,447.9 | 1,471.9 |
| Total Stockholders’ Equity | 14,719.0 | 15,945.0 | 1,745.1 |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
TOTAL LIABILITIES & STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY | 33,833.0 | 41,262.4 | 4,516.0 |
| | | | | | | |
Translated into U.S. dollars using the average buying and selling rate published by Bank Indonesia (Central Bank) on September 30, 2007 of Rp9,137 to US$ 1 (in full amounts)
AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 AND 2007
(Expressed in Billions of Indonesia Rupiah and Millions of U.S. Dollars)
DESCRIPTION | 2006 | 2007 |
Rp | Rp | US$ (1) |
| | |
| | | |
| | | | |
| | Accounts payable – trade | | | |
| | | Related parties | 16.9 | 8.9 | 1.0 |
| | | Third parties | 249.5 | 348.1 | 38.1 |
| | Dividend Payable | 4.3 | 4.7 | 0.5 |
| | Procurement payable | 3,232.5 | 4,580.1 | 501.3 |
| | Taxes payable | 107.7 | 302.6 | 33.1 |
| | Accrued expenses | 1,035.5 | 1,392.5 | 152.4 |
| | Unearned income | 613.8 | 786.0 | 86.0 |
| | Deposits from customers | 87.5 | 91.1 | 10.0 |
| | Derivative liabilities | 114.3 | 197.7 | 21.6 |
| | Current maturities of: | | | |
| | | Loans payable | 130.4 | 257.2 | 28.1 |
| | | Bonds payable | 5.5 | 1,050.0 | 114.9 |
| | Other current liabilities | 25.5 | 74.6 | 8.2 |
| Total Current Liabilities | 5,623.4 | 9,093.5 | 995.2 |
| | | | | | | |
| | Due to related parties | 19.6 | 23.6 | 2.6 |
| | Deferred tax liabilities - net | 1,162.8 | 1,412.1 | 154.5 |
| | Loans payable - net of current maturities | | | |
| | | Related parties | 634.3 | 715.0 | 78.2 |
| | | Third parties | 922.6 | 1,336.4 | 146.3 |
| | Bonds payable - net of current maturities | 9,897.9 | 11,803.0 | 1,291.8 |
| | Other non-current liabilities | 627.9 | 636.7 | 69.7 |
| Total Non-Current Liabilities | 13,265.1 | 15,926.8 | 1,743.1 |
| | | | | | | |
| MINORITY INTEREST | 225.5 | 297.1 | 32.5 |
| | | | | | | |
| | Capital stock | 543.4 | 543.4 | 59.5 |
| | Premium on capital stock | 1,546.6 | 1,546.6 | 169.2 |
| | Difference in transactions of equity changes in | | | |
| | | associated companies / subsidiaries | 403.8 | 403.8 | 44.2 |
| | Stock options | - | - | - |
| | Difference in foreign currency translation
| 0.3 | 3.3 | 0.3 |
| | Retained Earnings | | | |
| | | Appropriated | 66.2 | 80.3 | 8.8 |
| | | Unappropriated | 11,231.5 | 11,922.5 | 1,304.9 |
| | | Net income for this period | 927.2 | 1,445.1 | 158.2 |
| | Total Retained Earnings | 12,224.9 | 13,447.9 | 1,471.9 |
| Total Stockholders’ Equity | 14,719.0 | 15,945.0 | 1,745.1 |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
TOTAL LIABILITIES & STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY | 33,833.0 | 41,262.4 | 4,516.0 |
| | | | | | | |
Translated into U.S. dollars using the average buying and selling rate published by Bank Indonesia (Central Bank) on September 30, 2007 of Rp9,137 to US$ 1 (in full amounts)
Attachement 5
AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 AND 2007
(Expressed in Billions of Indonesia Rupiah and Millions of U.S. Dollars)
DESCRIPTION | 2006 | 2007 |
Rp | Rp | US$ |
| | |
| | | |
Cash received from : | | | |
| | | Customers | 8,847.1 | 12,036.9 | 1,317.4 |
| | | Refund of taxes | - | 194.6 | 21.3 |
| | | Interest income | 171.2 | 147.5 | 16.1 |
| | | Income from early termination of currency forward contract | - | 3.7 | 0.4 |
| | | Swap income from interest rate swap contract | 3.9 | 1.4 | 0.2 |
| | | | | | |
Cash paid for: | | | |
| | | Employees, suppliers and others | (3,525.7) | (5,351.4) | (585.7) |
| | | Financing cost | (851.8) | (912.6) | (99.8) |
| | | Taxes | (302.2) | (312.9) | (34.2) |
| | | Swap cost from cross currency swap contracts | (47.1) | (57.60 | (6.3) |
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities | 4,295.4 | 5,749.6 | 629.2 |
| | | | | | | |
Capital contribution by minority interest in a subsidiary | 31.8 | 47.7 | 5.2 |
Dividend income received from long-term investment | - | 40.1 | 4.4 |
Proceeds from sale of property and equipment | 1.0 | 0.3 | 0.0 |
Acquisition of property and equipment | (4,174.2) | (4,541.7) | (497.0) |
Increase in long-term advances for purchase of property and equipment | - | (794.0) | (86.9) |
Proceeds from sale of short-term investment | 47.6 | - | - |
Acquisition of intangible asset | (320.0) | - | - |
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities | (4,413.8) | (5,247.6) | (574.3) |
| | | | | | |
Proceeds from bonds payable | 31.1 | 3,000.0 | 328.3 |
Proceeds from long-term loans | 357.4 | 2,050.9 | 224.5 |
Repayment of long-term loans | (33.9) | (1,328.9) | (145.4) |
Cash dividend paid by the Company | (808.6) | (705.1) | (77.2) |
Swap cost from cross currency swap contracts | (29.8) | (31.3) | 93.4) |
Cash dividend paid by subsidiaries to minority interest | (7.3) | (9.8) | 91.1) |
Increase in restricted cash and cash equivalents | (1.0) | (6.4) | (0.7) |
Proceeds from exercise of ESOP Phase II | 287.9 | - | - |
Repayment of bonds payable | (956.7) | - | - |
Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Financing Activities | (1,160.9) | 2,969.4 | 325.0 |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF PERIOD | 3,438.0 | 6,303.9 | 689.9 |
| | | | |
| | | | | | | |
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