Organizational Structure and Basis of Presentation | NOTE 1. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND BASIS OF PRESENTATION a. BASIS OF PRESENTATION The financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”). b. BUSINESS ACTIVITIES The Company was incorporated in Nevada on March 6, 1984, under the name “Sporting Life, Inc.” The Company’s name was changed to “St. Andrews Golf Corporation” on December 27, 1988, to “Saint Andrews Golf Corporation” on August 12, 1994, and to All-American SportPark, Inc. (“AASP”) on December 14, 1998. Effective February 15, 2021, the name of the Company was changed to “Global Acquisitions Corporation.” In December 1994, the Company completed an initial public offering of 1,000,000 Units, each Unit consisting of one share of Common Stock and one Class A Warrant. The net proceeds to the Company from this public offering were approximately $3,684,000. The Class A Warrants expired unexercised on March 15, 1999. On July 12, 1996, the Company entered into a lease agreement of land in Las Vegas, Nevada, on which the Company developed a Golf Center and All-American SportPark, (“SportPark”) properties. The discontinued SportPark that opened for business in October 1998 was disposed of in May 2001. On June 15, 2011, the Company entered into a Stock Transfer Agreement with Saint Andrews pursuant to which the Company transferred 49% of the outstanding common stock of All-American Golf Center, Inc. ("AAGC"), a subsidiary of the Company, to Saint Andrews Golf Shop, Ltd. ("Saint Andrews") in exchange for the cancellation of $600,000 of debt owed by the Company to Saint Andrews. Saint Andrews is owned by Ronald Boreta, the Company's President and a Director and John Boreta, his brother. John Boreta is a principal shareholder of the Company and became Director of the Company in 2012. The debt owed by the Company to Saint Andrews was from advances made in the past by Saint Andrews to provide the Company with working capital. On June 10, 2016, the Company entered into a Transfer Agreement for the sale and transfer of the Company’s 51% interest in All American Golf Center, Inc. (“AAGC”), which constituted substantially all of the Company’s assets. On October 18, 2016, the Company completed the closing of the Transfer Agreement pursuant to which the Company transferred the 51% interest in AAGC to Ronald Boreta and John Boreta (the “Boretas”), and also issued to the Boretas 1,000,000 shares of the Company’s common stock, in exchange for the cancellation of promissory notes held by the Boretas and accrued interest of $8,864,255. In connection with the closing of the Transfer Agreement, AAGC assumed the obligation of the Company to pay Ronald Boreta for deferred salary of $340,000. In addition, AAGC cancelled $4,267,802 in advances previously made by it to the Company to fund its operations. Also in connection with the closing of the Transfer Agreement, entities controlled by the Boretas cancelled $1,286,702 owed to them by the Company. In addition, the Company cancelled $27,615 of amounts due from entities controlled by the Boretas. As a result of the Transfer Agreement, on October 18, 2016, the Company derecognized the assets and liabilities of AAGC. The sale and transfer of the Company’s 51% interest in AAGC to the controlling shareholders of the Company is a common control transaction and recorded at book value. Any difference between the proceeds received by the Company and the book value of assets and liabilities of AAGC, cancellation of promissory notes and accrued interest, assumption of deferred salary, cancellation of amounts due to and due from entities controlled by the Boretas is recognized as a capital transaction with no gain or loss recorded. At this time, the Company’s purpose is to seek, investigate and, if such investigation warrants, acquire an interest in business opportunities presented to the Company by persons or firms who or which desire to seek the perceived advantages of a corporation whose securities are registered pursuant to the Exchange Act. The Company will not restrict our search to any specific business or geographical location. c. RECLASSIFICATIONS No reclassifications have been made in prior periods’ financial statements to conform to classifications used in the current period. |