DETAIL OF SIGNIFICANT STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AND STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME CAPTIONS | 8. DETAIL OF SIGNIFICANT STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AND STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME CAPTIONS a) Other receivables 2018 2017 Current Non Current Current Non Current VAT credit balance 300,272 - 155,570 - Other tax receivables 9,988 2,044 10,674 3,786 Prepaid expenses 47,756 - 32,162 - Advances to suppliers 1,850,997 - 554,417 - Subsidies receivables 292,866 - 255,886 - Guaranteed deposits 1,139 - - - Other Receivables UT 29,706 - 3,318 - Others 130,334 6,189 14,576 14,088 Total 2,663,058 8,233 1,026,603 17,874 b) Trade receivables 2018 2017 Current Non Current Current Non Current Commons 2,898,908 - 2,965,995 4,511 UT 20,442 - 225,565 - Natural Gas Transportation 1,657,456 - 1,314,592 - Production and Commercialization of Liquids 1,092,536 - 1,342,194 - Other services 128,474 - 83,644 4,511 Related parties (Note 21) 348,112 - 36,437 - Natural Gas Transportation 73,243 - 14,302 - Production and Commercialization of Liquids 8,124 - - - Other services 266,745 - 22,135 - Allowance for doubtful accounts (132,521 ) - - - Total 3,114,499 - 3,002,432 4,511 The movement of the allowance for doubtful accounts is as follows: For doubtful accounts Balances as of 12/31/2016 36,304 Inflation adjustment restatement (12,909 ) Additions - Applications - Decreases (1) (23,395 ) Balances as of 12/31/2017 - Additions (1) 132,521 Applications - Decreases - Balances as of 12/31/2018 132,521 (1) The total amount is recorded in Selling Expenses c) Cash and cash equivalents 2018 2017 Cash and banks 5,964,008 981,710 UT Cash and banks 153 695 Mutual funds 610,108 - Bank account 2,146,801 1,866,194 Interest-bearing accounts 7,909,391 973,646 UT Mutual funds 14,366 94,502 Total 16,644,827 3,916,747 d) Contract liabilities 12/31/2018 1/1/2018 Current Non Current Current Non Current Natural Gas Transportation 67,978 1,198,855 101,990 1,257,599 Production and Commercialization of Liquids 25,514 255,075 14,546 269,614 Other services 2,018 15,121 11,888 7,927 UT 34,068 - 88,396 - Total 129,578 1,469,051 216,820 1,535,140 During fiscal year 2018, the Company recognized Ps. 118,820 in revenues from sales from contract with customers in the Statement of Comprehensive Income, which had been included in the balance at the beginning of the year. e) Advances from customers 2018 2017 Current Non Current Current Non Current Natural Gas Transportation - - 101,990 1,257,599 Production and Commercialization of Liquids - - 14,546 269,614 Other Services - - 11,888 7,927 UT - - 88,396 - Total - - 216,820 1,535,140 f) Other payables 2018 2017 Current Non Current Current Non Current UT Other liabilities 73,621 - - - Provision for compensation for the Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee Supervisory Commitee 5,409 - - - Justice fee payable - - 47,072 - Others 1,644 - 2,459 - Total 80,674 - 49,531 - g) Taxes payables 2018 2017 Current Non Current Current Non Current Withholdings for income tax made to third parties 110,623 - 79,749 - Health and safety tax 8,790 - - - Turnover Tax 62,714 - 42,613 - UT Others 2,752 - - - Others 17,343 - 20,200 - Total 202,222 - 142,562 - h) Trade payables 2018 2017 Current Non Current Current Non Current Suppliers 2,798,453 - 1,967,080 - UT Suppliers 90,252 - 11,236 - Customers (credit balances) 2,235 - 15,851 - Related parties (Note 21) 201,097 - 151,571 - Total 3,092,037 - 2,145,738 - i) Revenues 2018 2017 2016 Sales of goods and services 33,655,943 19,605,611 14,331,482 Subsidies 406,727 347,655 314,028 Total 34,062,670 19,953,266 14,645,510 Disaggregation of revenues Below is a table in which revenues are disaggregated considering the type of market and the opportunity to satisfy performance obligations: Year ended December 31, 2018 Natural gas transportation Production and commercialization of liquids Other services Telecommunications Total Primary geographical market: External market - 6,025,445 - - 6,025,445 Domestic market 15,462,061 10,601,984 1,810,109 163,071 28,037,225 Total 15,462,061 16,627,429 1,810,109 163,071 34,062,670 Timing of revenue recognition: Over the time 15,462,061 705,309 1,810,109 163,071 18,140,550 At a point in time - 15,922,120 - - 15,922,120 Total 15,462,061 16,627,429 1,810,109 163,071 34,062,670 Year ended December 31, 2017 Natural gas transportation Production and commercialization of liquids Other services Telecommunications Total Primary geographical market: External market - 4,332,548 - - 4,332,548 Domestic market 7,456,052 6,841,427 1,199,170 124,069 15,620,718 Total 7,456,052 11,173,975 1,199,170 124,069 19,953,266 Timing of revenue recognition: Over the time 7,456,052 534,842 1,199,170 124,069 9,314,133 At a point in time - 10,639,133 - - 10,639,133 Total 7,456,052 11,173,975 1,199,170 124,069 19,953,266 Year ended December 31, 2016 Natural gas transportation Production and commercialization of liquids Other services Telecommunications Total Primary geographical market: External market - 2,841,403 - - 2,841,403 Domestic market 4,162,220 6,563,390 956,948 121,549 11,804,107 Total 4,162,220 9,404,793 956,948 121,549 14,645,510 Timing of revenue recognition: Over the time 4,162,220 570,904 956,948 121,549 5,811,621 At a point in time - 8,833,889 - - 8,833,889 Total 4,162,220 9,404,793 956,948 121,549 14,645,510 Detailed information of revenues on each business segment for the years ended December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016 is disclosed below: i. Natural Gas Transportation: 2018 2017 2016 Firm 12,243,699 5,831,927 2,988,232 Access and Charge 565,809 433,575 420,897 Interruptible and Others 2,652,553 1,190,550 753,091 Total 15,462,061 7,456,052 4,162,220 ii. Production and Commercialization of Liquids: 2018 2017 2016 Product 15,515,393 10,255,416 8,062,864 Services 705,309 570,904 1,027,901 Government grants 406,727 347,655 314,028 Total 16,627,429 11,173,975 9,404,793 iii. Other services: 2018 2017 2016 Conditioning and treatment 735,099 546,758 410,644 Operation and maintenance 480,112 414,576 328,975 Steam sales 136,764 96,587 106,212 Construction 21,321 138,638 100,543 UT Construction 433,200 - - Others 3,613 2,611 10,574 Total 1,810,109 1,199,170 956,948 j) Cost of sales 2018 2017 2016 Inventories at the beginning of the year 183,745 241,477 240,933 Purchases 8,860,447 6,013,669 5,453,359 Operating costs (Note 8.k.) 7,504,392 5,864,281 4,572,609 Inventories at the end of the year (360,274 ) (183,745 ) (241,477 ) Total 16,188,310 11,935,682 10,025,424 k) Expenses by nature – Information required under art. 64 paragraph I, clause B) Commercial Companies Law 2018 Operating expenses Accounts Total Regulated Activities Non Regulated Administrative expenses Selling expenses Financial expenses Salaries, wages and other compensations 1,912,950 891,140 567,798 356,913 97,099 - Social security taxes 320,232 144,748 84,940 69,616 20,928 - Compensation to Directors and Supervisory Committee 25,819 - - 25,819 - - Professional services fees 274,697 7,047 135,626 125,232 6,792 - Technical operator assistance fees 1,317,176 838,032 479,144 - - - Materials 223,940 68,688 155,252 - - - Third parties services 261,779 102,315 130,258 19,790 9,416 - Telecommunications and post expenses 21,776 4,196 2,857 14,258 465 - Rents 24,786 7,657 10,301 5,946 882 - Transports and freight 68,094 42,231 22,984 2,879 - - Easements 54,076 54,076 - - - - Offices supplies 6,997 2,371 861 3,130 635 - Travels expenses 85,273 38,173 26,740 16,396 3,964 - Insurance 66,269 38,167 23,695 4,404 3 - Property, plant and equipment maintenance 1,265,254 1,105,531 144,116 15,607 - - Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 2,223,083 1,612,884 342,706 267,493 - - Taxes and contributions 1,675,901 170,521 20,082 2,128 1,483,170 (1) - Advertising 4,856 - - - 4,856 - Doubtful accounts 132,521 - - - 132,521 - Banks expenses 12,150 - - 12,150 - - Interests expense 1,675,437 - - - - 1,675,437 Foreign exchange loss 13,122,031 - - - - 13,122,031 Other financial charges 243,524 - - - - 243,524 Costs of services rendered to third parties 165,277 - 165,277 - - - Other expenses 88,000 36,501 27,477 20,052 3,970 - Total 2018 25,271,898 5,164,278 2,340,114 961,813 1,764,701 15,040,992 (1) Includes tax on exports for Ps. 248,883 2017 Operating expenses Accounts Total Regulated Activities Non Regulated Activities Administrative expenses Selling expenses Financial expenses Salaries, wages and other compensations 1,791,444 864,168 469,199 357,902 100,175 - Social security taxes 308,469 135,826 80,500 70,258 21,885 Compensation to Directors and Supervisory Committee 13,816 - - 13,816 - - Professional services fees 99,599 2,409 4,931 83,979 8,280 - Technical operator assistance fees 577,187 260,036 317,151 - - - Materials 97,057 29,979 67,078 - - - Third parties services 206,456 85,959 103,408 17,089 - - Telecommunications and post expenses 16,093 2,150 1,972 11,196 775 - Rents 10,939 3,161 1,581 5,442 755 - Transports and freight 57,869 34,450 19,772 3,614 33 - Easements 35,265 35,265 - - - - Offices supplies 5,612 1,665 585 2,618 744 - Travels expenses 31,035 13,879 5,113 8,991 3,052 - Insurance 52,660 30,744 17,527 3,909 480 - Property, plant and equipment maintenance 1,005,258 865,572 129,280 8,639 1,767 - Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 2,020,216 1,569,839 325,104 125,273 - - Taxes and contributions 918,821 213,123 13,395 1,186 691,117 (1) - Advertising 767 - 3 - 764 - Doubtful accounts (23,395 ) - - - (23,395 ) - Banks expenses 7,217 - - 7,217 - - Interests expense 846,366 - - - - 846,366 Foreign exchange loss 1,117,201 - - - - 1,117,201 Other financial charges 167,920 - - - - 167,920 Costs of services rendered to third parties 115,272 - 115,272 - - - Other expenses 57,794 30,640 13,545 12,745 864 - Total 2017 9,536,938 4,178,865 1,685,416 733,874 807,296 2,131,487 (1) Includes tax on exports for Ps. 1,286 2016 Operating expenses Accounts Total Regulated Activities Non Regulated Activities Administrative expenses Selling expenses Financial expenses Salaries, wages and other contributions 1,603,431 796,925 393,027 321,349 92,130 - Social security taxes 276,390 128,245 66,702 61,543 19,900 - Compensation to Directors and Supervisory Committee 12,345 - - 12,345 - - Professional services fees 80,706 2,580 7,002 64,122 7,002 - Technical operator assistance fees 329,826 105,950 223,876 - - - Materials 85,497 28,376 57,121 - - - Third parties services 183,154 72,598 95,078 15,478 - - Telecommunications and post expenses 9,766 553 2,211 6,818 184 - Rents 6,818 1,658 737 4,054 369 - Transports and freight 54,541 33,904 19,347 1,290 - - Easements 38,326 38,326 - - - - Offices supplies 5,159 1,843 737 2,395 184 - Travels expenses 19,533 9,582 2,764 5,344 1,843 - Insurance 51,962 29,666 18,242 3,501 553 - Property, plant and equipment maintenance 408,504 294,447 102,080 9,766 2,211 - Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 2,095,419 1,527,999 210,876 356,544 - - Taxes and contributions 703,136 160,122 17,320 1,474 524,220 (1) - Advertising 737 - - - 737 - Doubtful accounts 38,142 - - - 38,142 - Banks expenses 4,054 - - 4,054 - - Interests expense 937,454 - - - - 937,454 Foreign exchange loss 1,486,399 - - - - 1,486,399 Other financial charges 131,536 - - - - 131,536 Derivate financial instruments 9,383 - - - - 9,383 Costs of services rendered to third parties 84,207 - 84,207 - - - Other expenses 57,581 26,900 11,608 10,690 8,383 - Year ended Deccember 31, 2016 8,714,006 3,259,674 1,312,935 880,767 695,858 2,564,772 (1) Includes tax on exports of Ps. 11,081 for the year ended December 31, 2016. l) Net financial results 2018 2017 2016 Financial income Derivative financial instrument results 106,084 - - Interest income 1,345,278 133,116 206,402 Fair value gains on financial instruments through profit or loss 1,372,933 442,480 329,401 Foreign exchange gain 8,164,243 561,572 280,988 Subtotal 10,988,538 1,137,168 816,791 Financial expenses Interest expense (1,675,437 ) (846,366 ) (937,454 ) Foreign exchange loss (13,122,031 ) (1,117,201 ) (1,486,399 ) Derivative financial instrument results - - (9,383 ) Other financial charges (243,524 ) (167,920 ) (131,536 ) Less: C - - - Subtotal (15,040,992 ) (2,131,487 ) (2,564,772 ) Gain on net monetary results 1,206,195 465,975 1,038,647 Total (2,846,259 ) (528,344 ) (709,334 ) In accordance with the provisions of IAS 29, the Company opted to present the gain on the monetary position in a single line included in the financial results. This exposure implies that the nominal magnitudes of the financial results have been adjusted for inflation. The real magnitudes of financial results are different from the components of financial results presented above. For additional information see Note 4.d., to these consolidated financial statements. m) Other operating expenses 2018 2017 2016 Disposal of property, plant and equipment (158,516 ) (131,419 ) (16,368 ) Net increase in provisions (1) (770,802 ) (228,196 ) (124,437 ) Recovery of insurance 23,874 194,689 - Write off of other receivables - (105,047 ) - Others 14,657 (1,622 ) 10,161 Total (890,787 ) (271,595 ) (130,644 ) (1) Includes judicial costs n) Other financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 2018 2017 Current Non Current Current Non Current Government bonds - - 218,707 - Private bonds - - 106,451 - Total - - 325,158 - o) Other financial assets at amortized cost 2018 2017 Current Non Current Current Non Current VRD bonds 5,714 8,760 10,499 21,369 Government Bonds (Argentine National Treasury Notes) - - 1,361,756 - Government Bonds (Central Bank Notes) - - 761,856 - Total 5,714 8,760 2,134,111 21,369 p) Payroll and social security taxes payable 2018 2017 Current Non Current Current Non Current Vacation benefit payable 170,690 - 154,643 - Annual bonus payable 133,365 - 125,344 - Social security taxes payable 67,381 - 67,287 - UT 12,200 - - - Total 383,636 - 347,274 - |