DETAIL OF SIGNIFICANT STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AND STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME CAPTIONS | 8. DETAIL OF SIGNIFICANT STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AND STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME CAPTIONS a) Other receivables 2019 2018 Current Non Current Current Non Current Turnover tax balance 50,711 - - - Income tax credit balance (1) 42,607 - - - VAT credit balance 1,018,621 - 461,916 - Other tax receivables 1,227 1,401 15,365 3,144 Prepaid expenses 90,714 - 73,464 - Advances to suppliers 1,181,972 - 2,847,433 - Subsidies receivables 143,829 - 450,523 - Other Receivables UT 39,009 - 45,697 - Others 329,387 7,603 202,248 9,521 Total 2,898,077 9,004 4,096,646 12,665 (1 ) b) Trade receivables 2019 2018 Current Non Current Current Non Current Commons 6,329,258 - 4,788,890 - UT 13,813 - 31,446 - Natural Gas Transportation 3,774,497 - 2,549,704 - Production and Commercialization of Liquids 1,903,005 - 1,680,674 - Other services 637,943 - 527,066 - Related parties (Note 21) 279,457 - 206,079 Natural Gas Transportation 154,009 - 112,671 - Production and Commercialization of Liquids 53,744 - 12,497 - Other services 71,704 - 80,911 - Allowance for doubtful accounts (134,956 ) - (203,860 ) - Total 6,473,759 - 4,791,109 - The movement of the allowance for doubtful accounts is as follows: Balances as of December 31, 2017 - Additions (1) 203,860 Applications - Reversals - Balances as of December 31, 2018 203,860 Inflation adjustment restatement (71,339 ) Additions (1) 2,435 Applications - Reversals - Balances as of December 31, 2019 134,956 (1) c) Cash and cash equivalents 2019 2018 Cash and banks 1,123,051 9,174,577 UT Cash and banks 2,758 235 Time deposits - 938,544 Mutual funds in Argentine Pesos 1,029,644 3,302,476 Interest-bearing accounts 7,609,748 12,167,206 UT Mutual funds - 22,099 Total 9,765,201 25,605,137 d) Contract liabilities 2019 2018 Current Non Current Current Non Current Natural Gas Transportation 98,460 1,744,944 104,572 1,844,227 Production and Commercialization of Liquids 38,387 341,698 39,249 392,388 Other services 62,386 840,184 3,104 23,261 UT 20,568 - 52,408 - Total 219,801 2,926,826 199,333 2,259,876 During 2019 and 2018 financial years, the Company recognized Ps. 139,207 and Ps. 182,784, respectively, in revenues for sales from contracts with clients in the Statement of Comprehensive Income, which had been included in the balance at the beginning of each year. e) Other payables 2019 2018 Current Non Current Current Non Current Payable for compensation for the Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee 8,498 - 8,321 - Others 1,744 - 2,529 - UT Other liabilities 277,417 - 113,253 - Total 287,659 - 124,103 - f) Taxes payables 2019 2018 Current Non Current Current Non Current Health and safety tax 12,989 - 13,522 - Withholdings and perceptions made to third parties 148,052 - 170,174 - Turnover Tax 85,283 - 96,474 - Withholding Tax 71,998 - - - UT Others 341 - 4,233 - Others 34,520 - 26,680 - Total 353,183 - 311,083 - g) Trade payables 2019 2018 Current Non Current Current Non Current Suppliers 3,875,928 - 4,304,927 - UT Suppliers 109,876 - 138,837 - Customers (credit balances) 6,164 - 3,438 - Related companies 121,603 - 309,352 - Total 4,113,571 - 4,756,554 - h) Revenues 2019 2018 2017 Sales of goods and services 48,359,045 51,773,746 30,159,782 Subsidies 202,449 625,677 534,806 Total 48,561,494 52,399,423 30,694,588 Disaggregation of revenues Below is a table in which revenues are disaggregated considering the type of market and the opportunity to satisfy performance obligations: Year ended December 31, 2019 Natural Gas Transportation Production and Commercialization of Liquids Other Services Telecommunications Total Primary geographical market: External market - 9,144,860 - - 9,144,860 Local market 22,620,423 13,993,322 2,526,643 276,246 39,416,634 Total 22,620,423 23,138,182 2,526,643 276,246 48,561,494 Timing of revenue recognition: Over the time 22,620,423 1,226,814 2,526,643 276,246 26,650,126 At a point in time - 21,911,368 - - 21,911,368 Total 22,620,423 23,138,182 2,526,643 276,246 48,561,494 Year ended December 31, 2018 Natural Gas Transportation Production and Commercialization of Liquids Other Services Telecommunications Total Primary geographical market: External market - 9,269,086 - - 9,269,086 Local market 23,785,660 16,309,287 2,784,534 250,856 43,130,337 Total 23,785,660 25,578,373 2,784,534 250,856 52,399,423 Timing of revenue recognition: Over the time 23,785,660 1,084,994 2,784,534 250,856 27,906,044 At a point in time - 24,493,379 - - 24,493,379 Total 23,785,660 25,578,373 2,784,534 250,856 52,399,423 Year ended December 31, 2017 Natural Gas Transportation Production and Commercialization of Liquids Other Services Telecommunications Total Primary geographical market: External market - 6,664,863 - - 6,664,863 Local market 11,469,824 10,524,331 1,844,712 190,858 24,029,725 Total 11,469,824 17,189,194 1,844,712 190,858 30,694,588 Timing of revenue recognition: Over the time 11,469,824 822,760 1,844,712 190,858 14,328,154 At a point in time - 16,366,434 - - 16,366,434 Total 11,469,824 17,189,194 1,844,712 190,858 30,694,588 Detailed information of revenues on each business segment for the years ended December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017 is disclosed below: i. Natural Gas Transportation 2019 2018 2017 Firm 18,521,215 18,834,776 8,971,393 Access and Charge 835,721 870,398 666,979 Interruptible and Others 3,263,487 4,080,486 1,831,452 Total 22,620,423 23,785,660 11,469,824 ii. Production and Commercialization of Liquids 2019 2018 2017 Product 21,708,919 23,867,702 15,776,153 Services 1,226,814 1,084,994 878,235 Government grants 202,449 625,677 534,806 Total 23,138,182 25,578,373 17,189,194 iv. Other services 2019 2018 2017 Conditioning and treatment 1,273,070 1,130,820 841,091 Operation and maintenance 651,665 738,568 637,752 Steam sales 231,565 210,387 148,582 Construction 11,899 32,799 213,270 UT Construction 187,686 666,402 - Transportation and conditioning of Naural Gas in Vaca Muerta 165,725 - - Others 5,033 5,558 4,017 Total 2,526,643 2,784,534 1,844,712 i) Cost of sales 2019 2018 2017 Inventories at the beginning of the year 554,218 282,659 371,470 Purchases 12,052,590 13,630,238 9,250,971 Operating costs (Note 8.i.) 12,076,335 11,544,187 9,021,164 Inventories at the end of the year (307,640 ) (554,218 ) (282,659 ) Total 24,375,503 24,902,866 18,360,946 j) Expenses by nature – Information required under art. 64 paragraph I, clause B) Commercial Companies Law 2019 Operating expenses Accounts Total Regulated Activities Non Regulated Activities Administrative expenses Selling expenses Financial expenses Salaries, wages and other compensations 3,193,390 1,463,206 953,222 604,578 172,384 - Social security taxes 595,112 271,610 170,506 117,055 35,941 - Compensation to Directors and Supervisory Committee 32,528 - - 32,528 - - Professional services fees 483,128 15,383 248,648 186,970 32,127 - Technical operator assistance fees 1,144,777 776,200 368,577 - - - Materials 387,772 169,415 218,357 - - - Third parties services 435,870 180,037 222,864 24,485 8,484 - Telecommunications and post expenses 44,810 12,956 6,097 23,952 1,805 - Rents 43,758 12,717 21,141 8,888 1,012 - Transports and freight 115,986 73,000 40,551 2,435 - - Easements 91,941 87,367 4,574 - - - Offices supplies 13,332 4,019 2,310 5,183 1,820 - Travels expenses 132,485 65,497 35,936 27,340 3,712 - Insurance 96,399 47,111 38,101 6,391 4,796 - Property, plant and equipment maintenance 2,566,969 2,233,041 298,406 35,522 - - Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 3,695,615 2,842,666 697,391 155,558 - - Taxes and contributions 3,044,070 334,176 24,473 3,903 2,681,518 (1) - Advertising 90,137 - - - 90,137 - Doubtful accounts 2,435 - - - 2,435 - Banks expenses 19,308 - - 19,308 - - Interests expense 2,509,815 - - - - 2,509,815 Foreign exchange loss 15,636,514 - - - - 15,636,514 Capitalized financial costs (446,195 ) - - - - (446,195 ) Costs of services rendered to third parties 13,664 - 13,664 - - - Other expenses 132,706 79,239 43,877 6,204 3,386 - Total 2019 34,076,326 8,667,640 3,408,695 1,260,300 3,039,557 17,700,134 (1) Includes tax on exports for Ps. 843,418 for the year ended December 31, 2019. 2018 Operating expenses Accounts Total Regulated Activities Non Regulated Activities Administrative expenses Selling expenses Financial expenses Salaries, wages and other contributions 2,942,737 1,370,862 873,457 549,048 149,370 - Social security taxes 492,620 222,669 130,665 107,092 32,194 - Compensation to Directors and Supervisory Committee 39,718 - - 39,718 - - Professional services fees 422,573 10,841 208,637 192,647 10,448 - Technical operator assistance fees 2,026,244 1,289,165 737,079 - - - Materials 344,492 105,664 238,828 - - - Third parties services 402,701 157,394 200,379 30,443 14,485 - Telecommunications and post expenses 33,498 6,455 4,395 21,933 715 - Rents 38,129 11,779 15,846 9,147 1,357 - Transports and freight 104,751 64,965 35,357 4,429 - - Easements 83,186 83,186 - - - - Offices supplies 10,763 3,647 1,324 4,815 977 - Travels expenses 131,177 58,722 41,135 25,222 6,098 - Insurance 101,944 58,713 36,451 6,775 5 - Property, plant and equipment maintenance 1,946,371 1,700,665 221,697 24,009 - - Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 3,419,820 2,481,136 527,193 411,491 - - Taxes and contributions 2,578,080 262,317 30,893 3,274 2,281,596 (1) - Advertising 7,470 - - - 7,470 - Doubtful accounts 203,860 - - - 203,860 - Banks expenses 18,691 - - 18,691 - - Interests expense 2,577,365 - - - - 2,577,365 Foreign exchange loss 20,185,935 - - - - 20,185,935 Costs of services rendered to third parties 254,250 - 254,250 - - - Other expenses 135,374 56,152 42,269 30,846 6,107 - Year ended Deccember 31, 2018 38,501,749 7,944,332 3,599,855 1,479,580 2,714,682 22,763,300 (1) 2017 Operating expenses Accounts Total Regulated Activities Non Regulated\ Administrative expenses Selling expenses Financial expenses Salaries, wages and other compensations 2,755,821 1,329,370 721,780 550,569 154,102 - Social security taxes 474,525 208,944 123,835 108,080 33,666 - Compensation to Directors and Supervisory Committee 21,253 - - 21,253 - - Professional services fees 153,215 3,706 7,585 129,187 12,737 - Technical operator assistance fees 887,901 400,020 487,881 - - - Materials 149,305 46,117 103,188 - - - Third parties services 317,596 132,233 159,075 26,288 - - Telecommunications and post expenses 24,756 3,307 3,034 17,223 1,192 - Rents 16,828 4,863 2,432 8,372 1,161 - Transports and freight 89,022 52,995 30,416 5,560 51 - Easements 54,249 54,249 - - - - Offices supplies 8,633 2,561 900 4,027 1,145 - Travels expenses 47,741 21,350 7,865 13,831 4,695 - Insurance 81,007 47,294 26,962 6,013 738 - Property, plant and equipment maintenance 1,546,413 1,331,530 198,875 13,290 2,718 - Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 3,107,746 2,414,921 500,115 192,710 - - Taxes and contributions 1,413,444 327,852 20,606 1,824 1,063,162 (1) - Advertising 1,180 - 5 - 1,175 - Doubtful accounts (35,989 ) - - - (35,989 ) - Banks expenses 11,102 - - 11,102 - - Interests expense 1,301,985 - - - - 1,301,985 Foreign exchange loss 1,718,617 - - - - 1,718,617 Other financial charges 258,315 - - - - 258,315 Costs of services rendered to third parties 177,326 - 177,326 - - - Other expenses 88,909 47,134 20,838 19,607 1,330 - Total 2017 14,670,900 6,428,446 2,592,718 1,128,936 1,241,883 3,278,917 (1) Includes tax on exports for Ps. 1,978 for the year ended December 31, 2017 k) Net financial results 2019 2018 2017 Financial income Interest income 719,559 2,069,473 204,776 Foreign exchange gain 7,815,595 12,559,251 863,880 Subtotal 8,535,154 14,628,724 1,068,656 Financial expenses Interest expense (2,509,815 ) (2,577,365 ) (1,301,985 ) Foreign exchange loss (15,636,514 ) (20,185,935 ) (1,718,617 ) less: Capitalized finance costs 446,195 - - Subtotal (17,700,134 ) (22,763,300 ) (3,020,602 ) Other financial results Derivative financial instruments results (19,172 ) 163,192 - Fair value gains on financial instruments through profit or loss 542,218 2,112,016 680,678 Others (409,659 ) (374,619 ) (258,315 ) Subtotal 113,387 1,900,589 422,363 Gain on net monetary position 6,154,172 1,855,519 716,821 Total (2,897,421 ) (4,378,468 ) (812,762 ) In accordance with the provisions of IAS 29, the Company opted to present the gain on the monetary position in a single line included in the financial results. This exposure implies that the nominal magnitudes of the financial results have been adjusted for inflation. The real magnitudes of financial results are different from the components of financial results presented above. For additional information see Note 4.d., to these consolidated financial statements. l) Other operating expenses 2019 2018 2017 Net increase in provisions (1) (156,124 ) (1,185,743 ) (351,039 ) Recovery of insurance - 36,726 299,495 Write off of other receivables - - (161,596 ) Others 28,598 (221,302 ) (204,663 ) Total (127,526 ) (1,370,319 ) (417,803 ) (1) m) Other financial assets at amortized cost 2019 2018 Current Non Current Current Non Current VRD bonds 3,355 5,403 8,790 13,476 US Treasury Bills 1,040,605 - - - Total 1,043,960 5,403 8,790 13,476 n) Payroll and social security taxes payable 2019 2018 Current Non Current Current Non Current Vacation benefit payable 305,847 - 262,577 - Annual bonus payable 205,541 - 205,159 - Social security taxes payable 130,942 - 103,654 - UT 6,121 18,766 Total 648,451 - 590,156 - |