For immediate release
María Paz Yañez Macías
Planning & Control Manager
Phone: (56-2) 351-1483
Rodrigo Peña Socías
General Counsel
Phone: (56-2) 351-1187
Santiago, Chile – July 14, 2011 – AFP PROVIDA (NYSE: PVD) reports information submitted to the Santiago Stock Exchange, Regulatory Agencies, Customers and General Public.
AFP Provida, regarding the consultation made by the Santiago Stock Exchange on July 13th 2011, in relation to the fall experienced by the price of Provida’s shares, has informed that the Company is not aware of any objective records that might support such performance.
Additionally AFP Provida has stated that the sole records correspond to certain ill-intentioned rumors that have been circulating in the market, which are expressly denied in the document attached to this report.
This information was submitted to the media, to the market and to the Regulatory Agencies in Chile
In response to the unfounded rumours that have been circulating in certain mass media and social networks questioning the management of AFP Provida with regard to investments made in financial instruments issued by Empresas La Polar S.A., we are obligated to inform the following:
1. AFP Provida manages its affiliates’ pension funds under strict norms of conduct that ensure the transparency and independence of its decisions, in the best interest of its affiliates and in strict compliance with prevailing regulation, and under the surveillance of the Superintendence of Pensions.
2. AFP Provida holds a diversified investment portfolio in different financial instruments both in Chile and abroad, based on autonomous decisions, its own analyses and under the highest standards of the local capital market.
3. In this context, AFP Provida invests in financial assets issued by Chilean and foreign companies with efficient diversification and subject to the rules and limits that regulate investments.
4. Hence, AFP Provida has regularly held investments in Empresas La Polar S.A. which, to May 31, represented 0.48% of total funds under administration, a similar percentage held on average by all AFPs. The decision to invest in this company was based on our own independent analyses, supported by information that is publicly available which includes reviews by external auditors, risk raters and market analysts.
5. Empresas La Polar S.A. was subjected to illegitimate business practices which are now under investigation. In order to protect the interests of our affiliates, we were the first AFP to start criminal actions against those responsible of these acts. Furthermore, we requested the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance and the Superintendence of Banks and Financial Institutions to initiate investigations that serve to determine and administratively penalize those responsible.
6. AFP Provida shall pursue legal accountability of all those who, based on false information, spread rumours that may cast a doubt on the strict principles of action that this Administration maintains in deciding its investments and managing its pension funds.