Segment Information | 11. Segment Information We operate in three reportable geographic operating segments: North America; EMEA; and APAC. Our offerings in North America and certain countries in EMEA and APAC include IT hardware, software and services. Our offerings in the remainder of our EMEA and APAC segments are largely software and certain software-related services. The following table summarizes net sales by offering for North America, EMEA and APAC for the three and six months ended June 30, 2019 and 2018 (in thousands): North America EMEA APAC Three Months Ended June 30, Three Months Ended June 30, Three Months Ended June 30, Sales Mix 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 Hardware $ 935,792 $ 898,143 $ 142,951 $ 171,336 $ 9,979 $ 9,318 Software 289,874 307,570 190,086 193,116 25,653 39,340 Services 179,841 163,053 46,137 45,084 15,708 13,910 $ 1,405,507 $ 1,368,766 $ 379,174 $ 409,536 $ 51,340 $ 62,568 North America EMEA APAC Six Months Ended June 30, Six Months Ended June 30, Six Months Ended June 30, Sales Mix 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 Hardware $ 1,684,129 $ 1,771,485 $ 314,476 $ 358,346 $ 16,497 $ 16,478 Software 611,953 568,629 373,234 383,318 60,718 78,359 Services 351,866 307,032 81,639 75,006 26,975 24,711 $ 2,647,948 $ 2,647,146 $ 769,349 $ 816,670 $ 104,190 $ 119,548 All significant intercompany transactions are eliminated upon consolidation, and there are no differences between the accounting policies used to measure profit and loss for our segments or on a consolidated basis. Net sales are defined as net sales to external clients. None of our clients exceeded ten percent of consolidated net sales for the three or six months ended June 30, 2019 or 2018. A portion of our operating segments’ selling and administrative expenses arise from shared services and infrastructure that we have historically provide d to them in order to realize economies of scale and to use resources efficiently . These expenses, collectively identified as corporate charges, include senior management expenses, internal audit, legal, tax, insurance services, treasury and other corporate infrastructure expenses. Charges are allocated to our operating segments, and the allocations have been determined on a basis that we considered to be a reasonable reflection of the utilization of services provided to or benefits received by the operating segments. The following tables present our results of operations by reportable operating segment for the periods indicated (in thousands): Three Months Ended June 30, 2019 North America EMEA APAC Consolidated Net sales: Products $ 1,225,666 $ 333,037 $ 35,632 $ 1,594,335 Services 179,841 46,137 15,708 241,686 Total net sales 1,405,507 379,174 51,340 1,836,021 Costs of goods sold: Products 1,120,834 304,885 33,197 1,458,916 Services 85,614 9,839 6,203 101,656 Total costs of goods sold 1,206,448 314,724 39,400 1,560,572 Gross profit 199,059 64,450 11,940 275,449 Operating expenses: Selling and administrative expenses 144,498 47,652 7,339 199,489 Severance and restructuring expenses 480 200 — 680 Acquisition-related expenses 3,163 — — 3,163 Earnings from operations $ 50,918 $ 16,598 $ 4,601 $ 72,117 Three Months Ended June 30, 2018 North America EMEA APAC Consolidated Net sales: Products $ 1,205,713 $ 364,452 $ 48,658 $ 1,618,823 Services 163,053 45,084 13,910 222,047 Total net sales 1,368,766 409,536 62,568 1,840,870 Costs of goods sold: Products 1,105,275 338,142 44,970 1,488,387 Services 72,974 9,430 5,702 88,106 Total costs of goods sold 1,178,249 347,572 50,672 1,576,493 Gross profit 190,517 61,964 11,896 264,377 Operating expenses: Selling and administrative expenses 135,206 46,894 7,364 189,464 Severance and restructuring expenses 338 41 3 382 Acquisition-related expenses 94 — — 94 Earnings from operations $ 54,879 $ 15,029 $ 4,529 $ 74,437 Six Months Ended June 30, 2019 North America EMEA APAC Consolidated Net sales: Products $ 2,296,082 $ 687,710 $ 77,215 $ 3,061,007 Services 351,866 81,639 26,975 460,480 Total net sales 2,647,948 769,349 104,190 3,521,487 Costs of goods sold: Products 2,095,535 628,923 71,766 2,796,224 Services 170,747 18,993 11,602 201,342 Total costs of goods sold 2,266,282 647,916 83,368 2,997,566 Gross profit 381,666 121,433 20,822 523,921 Operating expenses: Selling and administrative expenses 281,448 94,797 14,307 390,552 Severance and restructuring expenses 811 115 124 1,050 Acquisition-related expenses 3,163 — — 3,163 Earnings from operations $ 96,244 $ 26,521 $ 6,391 $ 129,156 Six Months Ended June 30, 2018 North America EMEA APAC Consolidated Net sales: Products $ 2,340,114 $ 741,664 $ 94,837 $ 3,176,615 Services 307,032 75,006 24,711 406,749 Total net sales 2,647,146 816,670 119,548 3,583,364 Costs of goods sold: Products 2,134,245 681,161 87,967 2,903,373 Services 147,013 17,495 10,843 175,351 Total costs of goods sold 2,281,258 698,656 98,810 3,078,724 Gross profit 365,888 118,014 20,738 504,640 Operating expenses: Selling and administrative expenses 267,846 95,177 14,621 377,644 Severance and restructuring expenses 781 1,115 130 2,026 Acquisition-related expenses 94 — — 94 Earnings from operations $ 97,167 $ 21,722 $ 5,987 $ 124,876 The following is a summary of our total assets by reportable operating segment (in thousands): June 30, 2019 December 31, 2018 North America $ 3,009,462 $ 2,660,886 EMEA 747,769 611,338 APAC 165,963 98,959 Corporate assets and intercompany eliminations, net (637,197 ) (595,236 ) Total assets $ 3,285,997 $ 2,775,947 We recorded the following pre-tax amounts, by reportable operating segment, for depreciation and amortization in the accompanying consolidated financial statements (in thousands): Three Months Ended June 30, Six Months Ended June 30, 2019 2018 2019 2018 Depreciation and amortization of property and equipment: North America $ 3,786 $ 4,158 $ 7,743 $ 8,456 EMEA 1,012 998 1,967 2,001 APAC 140 123 272 255 4,938 5,279 9,982 10,712 Amortization of intangible assets: North America 3,636 3,361 7,272 6,721 EMEA 69 71 138 145 APAC 116 171 234 348 3,821 3,603 7,644 7,214 Total $ 8,759 $ 8,882 $ 17,626 $ 17,926 |