Shaw Communications Inc.
Telecommunications Act
New Government Policy Direction to CRTC Regarding Telecommunications
On June 4, 2022, the Government published a proposed Policy Direction in the Canada Gazette with respect to the CRTC’s oversight of telecommunications regulation. The Telecommunications Act provides authority for the Government to issue directions of general application to the CRTC on broad policy matters, which are intended to lay out the Government’s priorities for telecommunications. The Government has proposed that the new Policy Direction repeal and replace both of the existing Policy Directions introduced in 2006 and 2019. The Company and other parties have the opportunity to comment on, and propose changes to, the proposed Policy Direction until July 19, 2022, and it is expected to come into force in late 2022. The new Policy Direction, as proposed, would maintain most of the 2019 Policy Direction, which directs the CRTC to consider how measures can promote all forms of competition as well as affordability, consumer interests and innovation. It also retains an instruction from the 2006 Policy Direction that regulatory measures should be efficient and proportionate to their purpose, but disposes of that Policy Direction’s emphasis on reliance on market forces. Most of the proposed Policy Direction is new and includes specific instructions to the CRTC on fixed internet and mobile wireless competition, consumer welfare, and universal access policy matters. Once implemented in its final form, the Policy Direction will apply to all telecommunications regulatory measures, including those affecting the Company’s Consumer and Business Internet and Phone services, wholesale telecommunications services, and Wireless services. The impact of the Policy Direction will depend on the final text and how the CRTC interprets and applies it in the context of specific matters and proceedings.
Wireless Review – Petition of Data On Tap Inc.
On April 14, 2022, Cabinet rejected the petition of Data on Tap Inc. (a mobile virtual network operator (“MVNO”) operating as “dotmobile”) to vary the CRTC’s Wireless Review decision. Data On Tap Inc. had sought broadened access to mandated MVNO through the elimination of certain eligibility criteria and the time limitation, as well as regulated rates.
Imposition of an Administrative Monetary Penalty on Bell Canada
In April 2021, the CRTC found that Bell Canada had breached three sections of the Telecommunications Act in relation to its processing of permit applications, filed by Videotron Ltd., for access to Bell’s support structures. Following a public consultation to determine the appropriateness of issuing an administrative monetary penalty (“AMP”) in relation to the violations, on June 15, 2022, the CRTC imposed a $7.5M AMP on Bell Canada. The imposition of an AMP for violations of this nature suggests an increasing willingness on the part of the CRTC to use this enforcement tool, heightening the risk of such penalties for contraventions of the Telecommunications Act, regulations, or CRTC decisions in the future.
Radiocommunication Act
Consultation on a Policy and Licensing Framework for Spectrum in the 26, 28 and 38 GHz Bands
On June 6, 2022, ISED initiated a new consultation on the licensing framework for spectrum in the 26, 28 and 38 GHz (also known as “millimetre wave” or “mmWave”) bands. The consultation follows ISED’s 2019 decision to make 1850 MHz of spectrum in the 26-28 GHz bands and 2400 MHz of spectrum in the 38 GHz band available for mobile use. In this consultation, ISED seeks comment on its proposal to implement pro-competitive measures in the mmWave auction through the use of an 800 MHz set-aside or cap (across all bands). ISED also seeks input on appropriate licence tier size and term, deployment obligations, auction format, and treatment of existing users in the bands. The consultation will close on October 7, 2022. The outcome of the auction could enhance competition in the wireless sector.
Consultation on a Policy and Licensing Framework for Spectrum in the 3800 MHz Band
Parties have filed their initial and reply comments in connection with ISED consultation on the policy and licensing framework for the 3800 MHz spectrum band (3650-4200 MHz). The consultation considered the implementation of pro-competitive measures, in the form of a set-aside, a cross-band cap applicable to cumulative 3500 MHz and 3800 MHz holdings, or a combination of both. ISED also sought comments on, among other things, licence tier sizes and conditions, and auction format and rules. The consultation is now closed and ISED is expected to render its decision in the second half of 2022. The 3800 MHz auction is anticipated to take place in 2023. The outcome of this auction could increase competition in the wireless sector.