Commitments and Contingencies | Commitments and Contingencies Personal Injury BNSF’s personal injury liability includes the cost of claims for employee work-related injuries, third-party claims, and asbestos claims. BNSF records a liability for asserted and unasserted claims when the expected loss is both probable and reasonably estimable. Because of the uncertainty of the timing of future payments, the liability is undiscounted. Defense and processing costs, which are recorded on an as-reported basis, are not included in the recorded liability. Expense accruals and adjustments are classified as materials and other in the Consolidated Statements of Income. Personal injury claims by BNSF Railway employees are subject to the provisions of the Federal Employers’ Liability Act (FELA) rather than state workers’ compensation laws. Resolution of these cases under the FELA’s fault-based system requires either a finding of fault by a jury or an out of court settlement. Third-party claims include claims by non-employees for compensatory damages and may, from time to time, include requests for punitive damages or treatment of the claim as a class action. BNSF estimates its personal injury liability claims and expense using standard actuarial methodologies based on the covered population, activity levels and trends in frequency, and the costs of covered injuries. The Company monitors actual experience against the forecasted number of claims to be received, the forecasted number of claims closing with payment, and expected claim payments and records adjustments as new events or changes in estimates develop. BNSF is party to asbestos claims by employees and non-employees who may have been exposed to asbestos. Because of the relatively finite exposed population, the Company has recorded an estimate for the full amount of probable exposure. This is determined through an actuarial analysis based on estimates of the exposed population, the number of claims likely to be filed, the number of claims that will likely require payment, and the cost per claim. Estimated filing and dismissal rates and average cost per claim are determined utilizing recent claim data and trends. The following table summarizes the activity in the Company’s accrued obligations for personal injury claims (in millions): Six Months Ended June 30, 2021 2020 Beginning balance $ 273 $ 275 Accruals / changes in estimates 27 24 Payments (15) (27) Ending balance $ 285 $ 272 Current portion of ending balance $ 75 $ 70 The amount recorded by the Company for the personal injury liability is based upon the best information currently available. Because of the uncertainty surrounding the ultimate outcome of personal injury claims, it is reasonably possible that future costs to resolve these claims may be different from the recorded amounts. The Company estimates that costs to resolve the liability may range from approximately $245 million to $345 million. Although the final outcome of these personal injury matters cannot be predicted with certainty, it is the opinion of BNSF that none of these items, when finally resolved, will have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial position or liquidity. However, the occurrence of a number of these items in the same period could have a material adverse effect on the results of operations in a particular quarter or fiscal year. Environmental BNSF is subject to extensive federal, state, and local environmental regulation. The Company’s operating procedures include practices to protect the environment from the risks inherent in railroad operations, which frequently involve transporting chemicals and other hazardous materials. Additionally, many of BNSF’s land holdings are or have been used for industrial or transportation-related purposes or leased to commercial or industrial companies whose activities may have resulted in discharges onto the property. Under federal (in particular, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act) and state statutes, the Company may be held jointly and severally liable for cleanup and enforcement costs associated with a particular site without regard to fault or the legality of the original conduct. The Company participates in the study, cleanup, or both of environmental contamination at approximately 190 sites. Environmental costs may include, but are not limited to, site investigations, remediation, and restoration. The liability is recorded when the expected loss is both probable and reasonably estimable and is undiscounted due to uncertainty of the timing of future payments. Expense accruals and adjustments are classified as materials and other in the Consolidated Statements of Income. BNSF estimates the cost of cleanup efforts at its known environmental sites based on experience gained from cleanup efforts at similar sites, estimated percentage to closure ratios, possible remediation work plans, estimates of the costs and likelihood of each possible outcome, historical payment patterns, and benchmark patterns developed from data accumulated from industry and public sources. The Company monitors actual experience against expectations and records adjustments as new events or changes in estimates develop. The following table summarizes the activity in the Company’s accrued obligations for environmental costs (in millions): Six Months Ended June 30, 2021 2020 Beginning balance $ 265 $ 282 Accruals / changes in estimates 5 2 Payments (9) (10) Ending balance $ 261 $ 274 Current portion of ending balance $ 35 $ 35 The amount recorded by the Company for the environmental liability is based upon the best information currently available. It has not been reduced by anticipated recoveries from third parties and includes both asserted and unasserted claims. BNSF’s total cleanup costs at these sites cannot be predicted with certainty due to various factors, such as the extent of corrective actions that may be required, evolving environmental laws and regulations, advances in environmental technology, the extent of other parties’ participation in cleanup efforts, developments in ongoing environmental analyses related to sites determined to be contaminated, and developments in environmental surveys and studies of contaminated sites. Because of the uncertainty surrounding various factors, it is reasonably possible that future costs to settle these claims may be different from the recorded amounts. The Company estimates that costs to settle the liability may range from approximately $215 million to $350 million. Although the final outcome of these environmental matters cannot be predicted with certainty, it is the opinion of BNSF that none of these items, when finally resolved, will have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial position or liquidity. However, the occurrence of a number of these items in the same period could have a material adverse effect on the results of operations in a particular quarter or fiscal year. Other Claims and Litigation In addition to personal injury and environmental matters, BNSF and its subsidiaries are also parties to a number of other legal actions and claims, governmental proceedings, and private civil suits arising in the ordinary course of business, including those related to disputes and complaints involving certain transportation rates and charges. Some of the legal proceedings include claims for compensatory damages and may, from time to time, include requests for punitive damages or treatment of the claim as a class action. Although the final outcome of these matters cannot be predicted with certainty, it is the opinion of BNSF that none of these items, when finally resolved, will have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial position or liquidity. However, the occurrence of a number of these items in the same period could have a material adverse effect on the results of operations in a particular quarter or fiscal year. BNSF Insurance Company BNSF has a consolidated, wholly-owned subsidiary, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Insurance Company, Ltd. (BNSFIC), that offers insurance coverage for certain risks, including FELA claims, railroad protective and force account insurance claims, certain excess general liability and property coverage, and certain other claims which are subject to reinsurance. BNSFIC has entered into annual reinsurance treaty agreements with several other companies. The treaty agreements insure workers’ compensation, general liability, auto liability, and FELA risk. In accordance with the agreements, BNSFIC cedes a portion of its FELA exposure through the treaties and assumes a proportionate share of the entire risk. Each year, BNSFIC reviews the objectives and performance of the treaties to determine its continued participation. The treaty agreements provide for certain protections against the risk of treaty participants’ non-performance. On an ongoing basis, BNSF and/or the treaty manager reviews the creditworthiness of each of the participants. The Company does not believe its exposure to treaty participants’ non-performance is material at this time. BNSFIC typically invests in time deposits, money market accounts, and treasuries. As of June 30, 2021 and December 31, 2020, there was $556 million and $548 million, respectively, related to these third-party investments, which were classified as cash and cash equivalents on the Company’s Consolidated Balance Sheets. |