board of directors for approval. As part of its ongoing activity, the board of directors regularly receives and comments upon reports of management as to the performance of the Corporation's business and management's expectations and planned actions in respect thereto.
The board of directors reviews the adequacy and form of the compensation of directors to ensure the compensation realistically reflects the responsibility and risk involved in being an effective director. The board of directors has made it a priority to continue to examine and develop the processes which it follows in its deliberations in order that it will continue to fulfill its mandate.
The board of directors and the Chief Executive Officer engage in regular dialogue regarding the performance of the senior management team, including the Chief Executive Officer, in achieving the Corporation's strategic objectives as determined by management and the board of directors. As the board of directors has plenary power, any responsibility which is not delegated to management or a board of directors committee remains with the board of directors.
The board of directors conducts in-camera sessions without management present as it deems appropriate and also conducts in-camera sessions to review the recommendations of the Compensation Committee. The Compensation Committee also conducts part of its deliberations without management present. As well, the Audit Committee has a policy to meet annually with the Corporation's auditors without management present.
The By-laws of the Corporation provide for a system which enables an individual director to engage an outside adviser at the expense of the Corporation in appropriate circumstances. Prior approval of the Audit Committee is required for the retention of such an adviser.
The Corporation has adopted a formal policy that all members of the board of directors are encouraged, but not required, to attend the annual meeting of shareholders of the Corporation. Other than Mr. W. S. Vaughan and Mr. M. Hobart, all members of the board attended the Corporation's 2007 annual and special meeting held on May 16, 2007.
Shareholder Communications
The Corporation endeavours to keep all shareholders well informed as to the financial performance of the Corporation, primarily by means of its annual and quarterly reports, and by press releases. The board of directors has specifically adopted a disclosure policy in furtherance of these goals.
Management of the Corporation is receptive to shareholder feedback in any form. It is the policy of the Corporation to receive and respond promptly to shareholder enquiries, while being guided by legal requirements as well as the Corporation's policies in respect to confidentiality and disclosure. Shareholders wishing to send communications to the board of directors should write to either the Chairman of the board of directors or the Secretary of the Corporation at the following address: Apollo Gold Corporation, 5655 South Yosemite Street, Suite 200, Greenwood Village, Colorado, 80111-3220. All such communication shall state the type and amount of Corporation securities held by the security holder and shall clearly state that the communication is intended to be shared with the board of directors, or if applicable, with a specific committee of the board of directors. The Chairman of the board of directors or the Secretary of the Corporation, as applicable, will forward all such communication to the members of the board of directors or specific committee of the board of directors.
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
In 2003, the Corporation formally adopted a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and related policies, which sets high standards for ethical behavior throughout the organization. The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics provides the entire organization with the same frame of reference for dealing with sensitive and complex issues such as conflicts of interest, use of information, confidentiality of personal information, confidentiality of business information, corporate opportunities, use of inside information, fair trading, protection and use of company assets, accounting practices, records retention, compliance with laws, rules and regulations, and duty to report and consequences.
In addition, in 2004 the Corporation formally adopted a Code of Ethics (the “Code”) pursuant to section 406 of SOX and the Rules of AMEX in order to provide written standards and guidance to the Corporation's directors, principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller or those