For immediate release
Toronto – November 24, 2003 –The following is an update to information provided in the release dated November 19, 2003 relating to the legal proceedings between Archangel Diamond Corporation (the “Company”) and Arkhangelskgeoldobycha.
Colorado Appeal – The date for oral argument in the Company’s appeal to the Colorado State Court of Appeal has now been set for January 20, 2004.
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For further information contact:
Suite 400 - 65 Overlea Boulevard
Toronto Ontario Canada M4H 1P1
Tel: 1 (416) 423 1600 Fax: 1 (416) 429 2462
Marina Mayorova
Archangel Diamond Corporation
Tel: ++ 11 7 095 232 5570
Archangel Diamond Corporation
Tel: ++ 416 423 1600
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