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AAA, abandonment, accordion, accuracy, addressing, adhering, advice, Alperin, andfor, Apex, appetite, aspect, assemblage, attack, attention, Australian, authentication, avoid, aware, backdrop, BaFin, Barry, BCM, Beacon, BEAT, bi, Bonita, branch, breakdown, Brexit, broader, broadly, buffer, CA, chart, Chase, Chula, Citizenship, clearer, collaborative, Colorado, comment, concession, conflict, consequential, conservative, consummation, contagion, convened, corridor, Council, crime, Culminating, Dealogic, deglobalization, density, deter, differentiate, digital, disaggregated, disaggregation, disciplinary, discovered, dissemination, double, downstream, Downtown, dozen, earlier, EarningsFor, EEA, elapsed, eleven, encumbrance, endeavor, endeavoring, EquityFor, evenly, evolve, extinguished, Fargo, fifty, flat, FlowsFor, frequency, Fulton, Fundamental, garage, gauge, geography, GILTI, GmbH, good, great, Greenwich, hard, hosting, hotline, human, hurdle, IBOR, ICG, idiosyncratic, imposition, improbable, improper, improperly, induce, Inline, insider, Insufficient, Intelligence, intentionally, iXBRL, Jacob, JEF, JFAM, JFIN, JFL, JFP, JGL, JLCP, JPMorgan, JZ, Katz, lapsed, LC, light, Madrid, Mall, Marfrig, Marriott, memorandum, MiFID, milestone, Minister, MIPA, misconduct, multifaceted, muted, NaN, nationwide, niche, nonrecurring, obscure, Organizational, Otay, OTTI, outlined, output, outsized, outsourced, overdue, overseen, panel, paragraph, parking, payer, peer, penalty, Pendeen, perfected, perpetual, perpetuity, persist, persisted, pertinent, phase, populist, postponed, predominately, prepaid, promissory, promptly, prosecution, protectionism, pure, radio, Ranch, ranked, ranking, receipt, recommend, recommendation, redeveloped, redevelopment, RedSky, refundable, Reg, registry, relocating, restaurant, retrieval, revoked, RIA, ROU, satisfaction, satisfactory, SBS, Schonfeld, score, screening, shortfall, Sikra, sophisticated, sophistication, spam, statistical, stimulate, Stonyrock, stop, strife, subadvisor, SubsidiariesNew, succeed, super, superior, surrender, surrendered, susceptible, suspected, SWM, Sydney, tail, TDR, tech, Telluride, tentative, terrorist, theft, tiered, transform, transformation, troubled, TRS, turnaround, twenty, unaccustomed, uncollectible, unconditional, undrawn, Unincorporated, unsatisfied, unwilling, upheaval, VFN, viability, vigilant, Vista, wait, warranty, weaken, WeWork, WH, withstand, workflow
abroad, accredited, Acknowledgement, administering, advertising, advisor, agglomerated, agricultural, Agriculture, air, alleged, ammonia, animal, apparel, appointed, apportionment, array, attrition, automotive, backtesting, bargaining, begin, betting, Bloomberg, bovine, brand, branded, Brawley, Breakaway, breed, brokered, BSE, buyer, cable, Campbell, Canadian, cancellation, caption, car, carpet, carrier, CERCLA, Cereal, certified, China, Chrome, clean, clearinghouse, club, coding, cold, coli, collectibility, collecting, command, composite, concert, contaminated, contamination, conventional, cooking, copying, CoreCommodity, covenant, cow, create, crushed, Cumming, custodial, customized, cyanide, cyclically, dealership, death, decided, decking, deducting, deduction, defaulted, defining, deflation, delegation, delinquent, delivering, depict, detriment, dilute, dimension, disbursing, discharge, discharger, discontinuation, discovery, disease, distinct, Dodge, Dominion, download, Drug, DSL, elimination, EMEA, Empire, encephalopathy, entitlement, EPA, EPS, excellent, excessive, exchanged, exercisable, exiting, experiencing, exploring, export, faster, fault, FDA, fed, feed, fertilizer, FHA, Fidelity, filtration, fire, firewall, Fitch, Folger, food, forced, foreclose, Franc, franchised, fuel, furniture, Georgia, GIPSA, GQM, GQMNF, Grain, growing, half, Harbinger, harmful, head, health, heat, Henry, Hereford, Hill, historic, Houston, Hub, Ian, importation, inactive, inappropriately, indemnify, injunctive, injury, Inspection, intermediate, internet, IOs, IPV, IQ, Jeffrey, Joinder, Juneau, Keil, Korea, Kumin, labeled, labeling, labor, Lake, leased, legacy, Lehman, Liberal, livestock, Louisiana, lowered, lowering, loyalty, LP, LUK, lump, luxury, macro, mad, mail, mailing, Maine, managerial, meant, meat, Meridian, Mexico, Michigan, mission, Missouri, moderate, momentum, Montana, Moody, Morningstar, mortgaged, mortgagee, Moultrie, NASD, NASDAQ, negotiated, newly, notably, NYMEX, odor, onshore, originating, OTCQX, outbreak, packaging, padding, pandemic, partnered, Patrick, penetration, Pennsylvania, permitting, persuasive, pet, pine, plant, play, portioned, poultry, preparing, pretreatment, principle, privately, procure, projection, protein, PSA, Puerto, rationale, ready, realizability, Reauthorization, recall, receiving, recoup, refrigerant, refrigerated, reinsurance, relief, remanufacturing, remember, renamed, representation, resource, Rico, royalty, sample, Secretary, sediment, selecting, seniority, serviced, setting, sewer, ship, shipment, shortage, sided, simulation, slaughter, solid, Solomon, sought, sourcing, southern, span, spoiled, spongiform, St, standstill, Steak, stoppage, storm, stream, Street, strict, striving, strongest, sublet, suitably, summarize, Superfund, supermarket, suspended, systematic, Taiwan, tampering, tanned, tanning, taxed, telecommunication, television, terminal, Topwater, trademark, trim, trustee, unconventional, unexpected, unionized, untrue, updating, upgrade, USDA, validate, validation, voluntary, Wall, waste, wastewater, water, weather, Web, West, Western, Wharf, widespread, winter, withdrawn, worker, wrote, XBRL, Zip
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 10-K Annual report
- 4.2 Exhibit 4.2
- 21 Exhibit 21 Jefferies Financial Group Subsidiaries
- 23.1 Exhibit 23.1
- 23.2 Exhibit 23.2
- 31.1 Exhibit 31.1 Richard B. Handler
- 31.2 Exhibit 31.2 Teresa S. Gendron
- 32.1 Exhibit 32.1 Richard B. Handler
- 32.2 Exhibit 32.2 Teresa S. Gendron
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