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Aa, Aand, abandonment, abeyance, abnormally, ACC, accelerated, acceleration, accessed, accessing, Accomack, accommodate, accreted, accuracy, acquiror, adequacy, administered, advance, advanced, adversary, advocating, AEP, affordable, affording, aforementioned, AGL, ago, AICPA, aided, aircraft, Alabama, Alborada, alerting, alleged, alleging, alsoTECO, alter, alternate, alternative, America, Americana, Amortizable, analyze, ancillary, andItem, andNote, andSuperfund, andTransmission, antidilutive, Appalachia, appointed, appointment, Apr, APS, Aquila, ARB, arise, arising, Arizona, ashore, assembled, asserted, asserting, assumption, attached, Attala, attempt, attention, attested, authoritative, avoid, avoiding, Avon, back, backlog, Banco, bankrupt, bankruptcy, barge, baseload, Basin, Bay, Bayside, BBB, BCH, behavior, Bell, beneficiary, BGA, bilateral, bilge, block, boat, Boyd, Branch, break, bridge, bring, bringing, broadly, Brooksville, Buchannan, budget, Bulletin, bundled, Bush, buy, buyer, cable, Cairo, California, Cambridge, Campbell, Canadian, cancel, canceling, cancellation, Cand, caption, captured, carefully, Carolina, carryover, CCC, CCP, Centro, CEO, certainty, certification, CFO, CGESJ, chaired, Chesapeake, chilled, chiller, Church, clarify, classified, Clintwood, coalbed, coastwise, Cocoa, coincident, collapse, column, Comision, Commerce, Commonwealth, community, complex, concluded, conclusion, conditionally, confidence, confirm, confirming, conflicting, congestion, conjunction, considerable, consideration, consortium, constant, constantly, constituted, contractor, contractual, conventional, convert, converted, convertible, converting, cooperation, cooperative, correlated, correlation, correspondingly, corroborate, counterparty, Court, create, created, creating, creation, creditworthy, criminal, CSW, CTs, cubic, cured, Curren, currency, curve, Czech, daily, decide, decided, declaration, decree, deep, default, degree, Delaware, delay, delayed, delaying, Dell, Delmarva, denominator, deployment, depressed, deregulation, desired, destination, detail, detailed, detect, deteriorated, deterioration, devoted, differential, difficult, diluted, dilutive, disclose, discontinuation, discontinued, discretion, discrimination, dismantlement, disparity, dispatch, dispatchability, dispatched, displaced, displacing, disposition, dispute, disputed, disrupted, distance, district, diverse, divest, divestiture, docket, doctrine, documenting, downgrade, drainage, dramatically, drawn, drill, driven, drop, drove, DRP, dry, dust, dynamic, Eand, eastern, EBITDA, ECKG, Edison, EEGSA, EGI, EITF, elapsed, Electrica, Electricidad, Electricidade, electronically, electrostatic, elicited, Elkhorn, emerging, empowered, Empresa, enable, enabling, EnergySource, entitled, entitling, entry, ERCOT, escalated, ESOP, estate, estoppel, Eustace, Exact, excessive, exempt, exemption, expedited, expert, expertise, expropriation, extend, extended, face, faced, fact, Fagan, fail, failure, Fairfax, false, FASB, feet, fertilizer, FGT, fiber, filer, FIN, Financingand, Fitch, flag, fleet, fleeting, flow, fluctuate, fluctuating, fluctuation, foreign, formal, formalized, forward, found, fourteen, FPL, framework, fraud, freight, frequent, frequently, Front, Frontera, fronting, Frostproof, Ft, fulfilling, fundamental, GAAP, gave, Generadora, Genpower, geographic, geologic, geological, Gila, golf, goodwill, Governor, grain, Grande, grandfathering, Graph, GridFlorida, Guadalupe, guarantee, guaranteed, guaranteeing, guarantor, Guard, Guatemala, Guatemalan, Gulfcoast, Gulfstream, Hamakua, hand, Hardee, Haulage, Hawaii, headquartered, heavily, heavy, height, Heritage, Hernando, Hidalgo, highlighting, hindered, hired, Hollywood, honor, hot, hour, hourly, housing, Howard, Hudson, Hurley, Iberdrola, illiquid, implicit, inadequate, inception, inconsistency, inconsistent, inconvertibility, incumbent, incurrence, indefinite, indefinitely, indemnification, indemnity, indirect, indirectly, inFinancing, inflation, influence, influencing, infrequent, inInvestment, inNote, input, insider, inspect, instability, instance, Institute, institutional, Instruction, instrument, intangible, Integrityfor, intense, intercompany, interim, internationally, interpretation, interpreted, intrastate, investee, involuntarily, IOU, Irvine, Jeb, Jeffrey, join, joining, Jose, judge, judgment, judicial, Jun, junior, Justice, Knot, Knox, lack, language, Largo, Latin, Lauderdale, Lavalin, lawsuit, LDC, Ldta, leaseback, led, Legislature, Leslie, lessor, Letcher, leveraged, LIBOR, licensed, likelihood, Limitada, literature, Litestream, LLC, LLP, lobbying, loop, lost, Louisiana, low, lowest, LP, Ludwig, magnitude, mandatorily, Mar, Maricopa, marine, Maritima, marketplace, Marketssection, Mathematical, matrix, maximize, McAllen, McDevitt, Mcf, meantime, mechanical, mechanism, membership, metallurgical, meter, methane, methodology, Mexican, Midwest, mineral, Mission, Mississippi, Mobile, mode, model, modeling, month, Moody, mortality, Mosbacher, motion, Mountain, move, moved, movement, moving, Nand, narrow, NaturalChoice, navigable, NCP, necessarily, negative, negatively, negotiated, NEPCO, Nevada, newer, noncancelable, North, northbound, Notice, numerator, NYMEX, NYSE, Obligationsin, observable, observed, obsolete, occupy, ocean, OCI, Odessa, ofManagement, ofTampa, older, online, OPIC, opt, opted, optic, optimization, optimize, optimizing, oral, organization, organized, organizing, OTC, outage, outlined, outlook, output, overcapacity, oversee, oversight, oversupplied, owner, ownership, package, Palm, Panda, panel, parallel, Park, particulate, partnership, passive, pattern, payout, penetration, Peninsula, Pensacola, Perry, persuasive, PGC, Piedmont, Pike, pilot, Pinnacle, plumbing, PM, political, polluting, pollution, Pompano, Poor, Portugal, post, posted, posting, postponement, PPA, practical, preceeding, precision, Premier, pressure, principle, proactively, Professional, profile, profit, profitability, profitable, prominent, promissory, properly, protested, prudence, publicly, PUCT, PWEC, qualification, Qualitative, quantify, RAC, rapidly, rata, rational, raw, reaction, read, readily, reading, real, receipt, reclaiming, reclamation, recommitment, reconciled, reconsideration, recourse, recoverability, recoverable, referenced, refinance, refinancing, region, regional, regular, regularly, reimbursement, reimposition, Reinvestment, reissued, released, reliance, relieve, relinquish, relocate, relocated, remeasured, remeasurement, renamed, rental, rented, repaid, repatriation, repeal, repealing, repeat, reply, repower, repowered, repowering, Republic, repurchase, rescinding, rescission, Research, restore, resume, retainage, revalued, reversed, Rich, Richard, Rio, river, RMR, rock, role, roof, Royston, RTO, SAB, safely, San, Sarasota, satisfactory, SEC, sector, SeeBank, SeeEnvironmental, SeeFinancing, SeeFranchise, seenote, SeePart, SeeRegulation, SeeStrategy, SeeTECO, SeeUnregulated, selecting, seller, Seminole, Sep, session, setoff, settle, settled, settlement, Shackleford, Sheila, Sherrill, ship, shipped, shipping, shop, shortly, shut, shutdown, situation, slated, slight, slowdown, smaller, SMD, SNC, soft, SOP, sought, Southbound, southeast, southeastern, Southern, Spain, spark, spite, spread, spring, stage, Statementsfor, statute, stayed, stop, store, strict, stringent, strip, stronger, Study, sublimit, subordinated, substance, suffer, suggested, suitable, summarize, summarized, Sunbelt, superseded, Supreme, surface, susceptible, suspended, sustain, swept, syndicate, syndicated, synfuel, synthetic, tabular, taxable, TCAE, technical, Tecnologia, TEMSA, Tennessee, tentatively, TEP, TES, testimony, text, theBank, theCapital, theConsolidated, theCritical, theDerivative, theEnron, theEnvironmental, theGoodwill, theInvestment, theoretical, theoretically, theOther, theQuantitative, theRegional, theRegulation, theStrategy, theSummary, theTECO, thousand, threatening, TIE, timeframe, TM, TMPV, today, tool, top, tothe, tourist, Towing, TPGC, TPS, TPV, traceable, traced, traveled, Tucson, tug, tuning, turnover, twelve, type, unable, unaffiliated, unallocated, Unamortizable, unaudited, unavailable, unaware, uncertainty, unconditional, unconsolidated, underlying, underrecovery, underserved, understate, undertaken, underway, undiscounted, undivided, undrawn, undue, unearned, unemployment, unexpected, unfavorable, unloading, unpaid, unplanned, unproven, unrealized, unregulated, unrestricted, unsecured, unsuccessful, validate, validated, Valley, variety, ventilation, venture, version, VIE, violated, violation, violence, Virginia, virtually, Vol, volatile, volatility, voluntarily, vulnerable, waived, warehouse, Warrior, weak, weaker, web, website, Whitley, workforce, world, worldwide, write, written, yearly
allocating, anderson, assure, Attorney, ausley, backout, baldwin, broker, compensatory, coordinating, copy, culbreath, dedicated, disability, duly, Dunn, earliest, EDGAR, Eighteenth, Exhibit, ferman, finalized, flom, franchisee, griffin, guild, interchange, jr, Kessel, moderately, municipality, NationsBank, Nonstatutory, oak, payroll, PEC, pooling, promulgating, PRP, prudently, restated, retention, ryan, Sixteenth, sovey, stack, straight, thereunto, Thirteenth, touchton, trustee, undersigned, unrecognized, urquhart, welch
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 10-K Annual report
- 10.27 Form of Restricted Stock Agreement Between Teco Energy, Inc. & Certain Officers
- 10.28 Form of Nonstatutory Stock Option Under the Teco Energy, Inc. 1997
- 10.38 Consent and Acceleration Agreement
- 12.1 Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges - Teco Energy, Inc.
- 12.2 Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges - Tampa Electric Company
- 21 Subsidiaries of the Registrant
- 23.1 Consent of Independent Certified Public Accountants - Teco Energy, Inc.
- 23.2 Consent of Independent Certified Public Accountants - Tampa Electric Company
- 24.1.1 Power of Attorney - Teco Energy, Inc.
- 24.1.2 Power of Attorney - Tampa Electric Company
- 24.2.1 Certified Copy of Resolution Authorizing Power of Attorney - Teco Energy, Inc.
- 24.2.2 Certified Copy of Resolution Authorizing Power of Attorney - Tampa Electric Co.
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