January 23, 2023
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485(a) under the Securities Act. The Staff’s comments are described below and have been summarized to the best of our understanding. We have discussed the Staff’s comments with representatives of the Trust. The Trust’s responses to the Staff’s comments are set out immediately under the restated comment. Unless otherwise indicated, defined terms used herein have the meanings set forth in the Registration Statement.
Comment 1: Please provide the completed fee table and expense example for the Fund’s Great Pacific Shares a week prior to the effectiveness of the Fund’s registration statement.
Response: The completed fee table and expense example for the Fund’s Great Pacific Shares were provided supplementally to the Staff on January 13, 2023.
Comment 2: In the fee table relating to Great Pacific Shares of the Fund, a footnote explains that BlackRock Advisors, LLC, as investment manager, has contractually agreed to waive fees and/or reimburse ordinary operating expenses in order to keep combined Management Fees and Miscellaneous/Other Expenses (excluding Dividend Expense, Interest Expense, Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses and certain other Fund expenses) from exceeding a certain amount. Please discuss in correspondence whether any waivers or reimbursements pursuant to this contractual agreement can be recouped by BlackRock Advisors, LLC in subsequent periods.
Response: BlackRock Advisors, LLC may not “recoup” any waivers or reimbursements under this contractual agreement.
Comment 3: With respect to the fee table relating to Great Pacific Shares of the Fund, please confirm whether the Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses exceed 0.01% and would thereby be required to be disclosed under an additional sub-caption in the fee table pursuant to instructions to Form N-1A.
Response: The Trust confirms that Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses do not exceed 0.01% and therefore the Fund is not required to disclose such fees under an additional sub-caption in the Fund’s fee table.
Comment 4: The Staff notes that the Fund’s principal risks are listed in alphabetical order. Please re-order the principal risks to prioritize the risks that are most likely to adversely affect the Fund.
Response: The Trust has considered the Staff’s comment and has determined to keep the order of the risk factors in alphabetical order. However, the Trust is strongly considering re-ordering the principal risks to prioritize risks that, in its opinion, are most likely to adversely affect the Fund at the Fund’s next annual registration statement update. The Trust also notes that it has included the following disclosure in the sections of the Fund’s Great Pacific Shares prospectus entitled “Fund Overview—Key Facts About TempCash—Principal Risks of Investing in the Fund” and “Details About the Fund—Investment Risks”: