SEGMENT AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF OPERATIONS | (12) SEGMENT AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF OPERATIONS At the beginning of fiscal 2017 the company’s operations in the Mediterranean Sea (based in Egypt) were transitioned from the company’s previously disclosed Middle East/North Africa operations and included with the company’s previously disclosed Sub-Saharan Africa/Europe operations as a result of management realignments. As such, the company now discloses these new segments as Middle East and Africa/Europe, respectively. The company’s Americas and Asia/Pacific segments are not affected by this change. This new segment alignment is consistent with the company’s chief operating decision maker’s review of operating results for the purposes of allocating resources and assessing performance. Fiscal 2016 amounts have been recast to conform to the new segment alignment. The following table provides a comparison of segment revenues, vessel operating profit (loss), depreciation and amortization, and additions to properties and equipment for the quarters and nine-month periods ended December 31, 2016 and 2015. Vessel revenues and operating costs relate to vessels owned and operated by the company while other operating revenues relate to the activities of the remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), brokered vessels and other miscellaneous marine-related businesses. Quarter Ended Nine Months Ended December 31, December 31, (In thousands) 2016 2015 2016 2015 Revenues: Vessel revenues: Americas $ 45,577 75,963 159,310 279,345 Asia/Pacific 5,586 19,144 19,617 79,254 Middle East 20,647 26,256 68,323 87,193 Africa/Europe 53,310 91,545 179,661 329,560 125,120 212,908 426,911 775,352 Other operating revenues 4,095 5,283 13,951 19,536 $ 129,215 218,191 440,862 794,888 Vessel operating profit (loss): Americas $ (6,242 ) 9,289 (11,745 ) 41,940 Asia/Pacific (5,586 ) (3,796 ) (17,256 ) 4,122 Middle East (2,782 ) 650 (1,890 ) 4,898 Africa/Europe (11,559 ) 3,120 (38,940 ) 19,085 (26,169 ) 9,263 (69,831 ) 70,045 Other operating profit (loss) 116 (626 ) (1,323 ) (3,120 ) (26,053 ) 8,637 (71,154 ) 66,925 Corporate general and administrative expenses (13,133 ) (7,150 ) (33,632 ) (25,096 ) Corporate depreciation (565 ) (1,629 ) (1,892 ) (4,772 ) Corporate expenses (13,698 ) (8,779 ) (35,524 ) (29,868 ) Gain on asset dispositions, net 6,139 5,883 18,035 19,345 Asset impairments (A) (253,422 ) (15,141 ) (419,870 ) (61,771 ) Restructuring charge (B) — — — (7,586 ) Operating loss $ (287,034 ) (9,400 ) (508,513 ) (12,955 ) Foreign exchange gain (loss) 2,970 (469 ) (2,302 ) (3,758 ) Equity in net earnings (losses) of unconsolidated companies 1,557 (1,710 ) 2,869 (7,070 ) Interest income and other, net 1,437 609 3,605 1,754 Interest and other debt costs, net (18,587 ) (13,312 ) (54,018 ) (39,741 ) Loss before income taxes $ (299,657 ) (24,282 ) (558,359 ) (61,770 ) Depreciation and amortization: Americas $ 12,039 12,029 37,517 36,311 Asia/Pacific 5,266 5,803 16,586 16,503 Middle East 5,411 4,780 15,764 14,381 Africa/Europe 17,166 19,812 54,365 60,806 39,882 42,424 124,232 128,001 Other 855 1,369 3,575 4,285 Corporate 565 1,629 1,892 4,772 $ 41,302 45,422 129,699 137,058 Additions to properties and equipment: Americas $ 18 2,064 93 44,118 Asia/Pacific — 360 — 2,069 Middle East 273 127 587 776 Africa/Europe 190 460 649 1,827 481 3,011 1,329 48,790 Other — 26 — 113 Corporate (C) 2,008 8,872 21,145 103,467 $ 2,489 11,909 22,474 152,370 (A) Refer to Note (15) for additional information regarding asset impairment charges. (B) Refer to Note (14) for additional information regarding the restructuring charge. (C) Included in Corporate are additions to properties and equipment relating to vessels currently under construction which have not yet been assigned to a non-corporate reporting segment as of the dates presented . The following table provides a comparison of total assets at December 31, 2016 and March 31, 2016: December 31, March 31, (In thousands) 2016 2016 Total assets: Americas $ 832,628 1,101,699 Asia/Pacific 346,385 514,948 Middle East 284,767 405,420 Africa/Europe 1,965,423 1,999,543 3,429,203 4,021,610 Other 23,120 42,191 3,452,323 4,063,801 Investments in, at equity, and advances to unconsolidated companies 42,516 37,502 3,494,839 4,101,303 Corporate (A) (B) 820,360 882,490 $ 4,315,199 4,983,793 (A) At December 31, 2016 and March 31, 2016, $610.7 million and $651.2 million, respectively, of cash are included in Corporate. (B) Included in Corporate are vessels currently under construction which have not yet been assigned to a non-corporate reporting segment. A vessel’s construction costs are reported in Corporate until the earlier of the date the vessel is assigned to a non-corporate reporting segment or the date it is delivered. At December 31, 2016 and March 31, 2016, $94.6 million and $136.8 million, respectively, of vessel construction costs are included in Corporate. The following table discloses the amount of revenue by segment, and in total for the worldwide fleet, along with the respective percentage of total vessel revenue for the quarters and nine-month periods ended December 31, 2016 and 2015: Quarter Ended Nine Months Ended Revenue by vessel class December 31, December 31, (In thousands) 2016 % of Vessel Revenue 2015 % of Vessel Revenue 2016 % of Vessel Revenue 2015 % of Vessel Revenue Americas fleet: Deepwater $ 30,846 25 % 49,792 23 % 108,503 25 % 191,720 25 % Towing-supply 11,905 9 % 22,254 11 % 41,823 10 % 75,890 10 % Other 2,826 2 % 3,917 2 % 8,984 2 % 11,735 1 % Total $ 45,577 36 % 75,963 36 % 159,310 37 % 279,345 36 % Asia/Pacific fleet: Deepwater $ 1,652 1 % 13,267 6 % 6,114 2 % 56,535 7 % Towing-supply 3,934 3 % 5,877 3 % 13,503 3 % 22,719 3 % Other — — — — — — — — Total $ 5,586 4 % 19,144 9 % 19,617 5 % 79,254 10 % Middle East fleet: Deepwater $ 6,953 6 % 5,359 3 % 19,979 5 % 17,800 2 % Towing-supply 13,694 11 % 20,897 9 % 48,344 11 % 69,393 9 % Other — — — — — — — — Total $ 20,647 17 % 26,256 12 % 68,323 16 % 87,193 11 % Africa/Europe fleet: Deepwater $ 21,748 17 % 42,692 20 % 79,342 18 % 165,327 22 % Towing-supply 26,087 21 % 36,084 17 % 79,938 19 % 120,995 15 % Other 5,475 5 % 12,769 6 % 20,381 5 % 43,238 6 % Total $ 53,310 43 % 91,545 43 % 179,661 42 % 329,560 43 % Worldwide fleet: Deepwater $ 61,199 49 % 111,110 52 % 213,938 50 % 431,382 56 % Towing-supply 55,620 44 % 85,112 40 % 183,608 43 % 288,997 37 % Other 8,301 7 % 16,686 8 % 29,365 7 % 54,973 7 % Total $ 125,120 100 % 212,908 100 % 426,911 100 % 775,352 100 % |