SEGMENT AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF OPERATIONS | (13) SEGMENT AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF OPERATIONS During the quarter ended March 31, 2018, the company’s Africa/Europe segment was split as a result of management realignment such that the company’s operations in Europe and Mediterranean Sea regions and the company’s West African regions are now separately reported segments. As such, the company now discloses these new segments as Europe/Mediterranean Sea and West Africa, respectively. The company’s Americas and Middle East/Asia Pacific segments are not affected by this change. This new segment alignment is consistent with how the company’s chief operating decision maker reviews operating results for the purposes of allocating resources and assessing performance. Prior year amounts have been recast to conform to the new segment alignment. The following tables provide a comparison of segment revenues, vessel operating profit (loss), depreciation and amortization, and additions to properties and equipment. Vessel revenues and operating costs relate to vessels owned and operated by the company while other operating revenues relate to brokered vessels and other miscellaneous marine-related businesses. Successor Predecessor Period from Period from Three Months August 1, 2017 July 1, 2017 Ended through through (In thousands) September 30, 2018 September 30, 2017 July 31, 2017 Revenues: Vessel revenues: Americas $ 28,039 17,449 8,961 Middle East/Asia Pacific 19,927 16,669 8,547 Europe/Mediterranean Sea 12,566 8,860 4,435 West Africa 36,479 27,593 12,397 97,011 70,571 34,340 Other operating revenues (A) 2,181 3,729 1,923 $ 99,192 74,300 36,263 Vessel operating profit (loss): Americas $ 1,212 (2,651 ) (6,850 ) Middle East/Asia Pacific (701 ) 944 (118 ) Europe/Mediterranean Sea (2,056 ) (711 ) (2,517 ) West Africa 3,912 687 (6,054 ) 2,367 (1,731 ) (15,539 ) Other operating profit 485 809 821 2,852 (922 ) (14,718 ) Corporate general and administrative expenses (B) (9,415 ) (4,797 ) (2,840 ) Corporate depreciation (99 ) (67 ) (163 ) Corporate expenses (9,514 ) (4,864 ) (3,003 ) Gain (loss) on asset dispositions, net (1,571 ) 4 372 Asset impairments (C) (16,853 ) — (21,325 ) Operating loss $ (25,086 ) (5,782 ) (38,674 ) Foreign exchange gain (loss) 1 (58 ) (2,024 ) Equity in net earnings (losses) of unconsolidated companies 56 1,305 269 Interest income and other, net 2,709 873 704 Reorganization items — (1,880 ) (1,083,729 ) Interest and other debt costs, net (7,585 ) (5,240 ) (574 ) Loss before income taxes $ (29,905 ) (10,782 ) (1,124,028 ) Depreciation and amortization: Americas $ 3,858 2,295 3,197 Middle East/Asia Pacific 2,939 1,807 2,221 Europe/Mediterranean Sea 2,313 1,154 2,257 West Africa 4,176 2,407 3,037 13,286 7,663 10,712 Other 5 412 285 Corporate 99 67 163 $ 13,390 8,142 11,160 Additions to properties and equipment: Americas $ 564 — — Middle East/Asia Pacific 568 377 394 Europe/Mediterranean Sea — — — West Africa 54 159 101 1,186 536 495 Corporate (D) 2,155 53 143 $ 3,341 589 638 (A) Included in other operating revenues for the period from August 1, 2017 through September 30, 2017 (Successor) and the period from July 1, 2017 through July 31, 2017 (Predecessor), were $1.6 million and $0.4 million, respectively of revenues related to the company’s subsea business. The eight ROVs representing substantially all of the company’s subsea assets were sold in December 2017. (B) Included in corporate general and administrative expenses for the three month p eriod ended September 30, 2018 (Successor), are (C) Refer to Note (14) for additional information regarding asset impairment. (D) Included in Corporate are additions to properties and equipment relating to a vessel under construction which has not been assigned to a non-corporate reporting segment as of the date presented. Successor Predecessor Period from Period from Nine Months August 1, 2017 January 1, 2017 Ended through through (In thousands) September 30, 2018 September 30, 2017 July 31, 2017 Revenues: Vessel revenues: Americas $ 86,721 17,449 121,380 Middle East/Asia Pacific 60,721 16,669 62,991 Europe/Mediterranean Sea 35,546 8,860 25,631 West Africa 105,691 27,593 93,499 288,679 70,571 303,501 Other operating revenues (A) 7,607 3,729 8,617 $ 296,286 74,300 312,118 Vessel operating profit (loss): Americas $ 11,804 (2,651 ) 8,069 Middle East/Asia Pacific (2,329 ) 944 (7,597 ) Europe/Mediterranean Sea (6,753 ) (711 ) (19,783 ) West Africa 3,867 687 (14,180 ) 6,589 (1,731 ) (33,491 ) Other operating profit 2,767 809 651 9,356 (922 ) (32,840 ) Corporate general and administrative expenses (B) (23,909 ) (4,797 ) (39,299 ) Corporate depreciation (299 ) (67 ) (1,268 ) Corporate expenses (24,208 ) (4,864 ) (40,567 ) Gain on asset dispositions, net 1,686 4 9,625 Asset impairments (C) (24,254 ) — (249,606 ) Operating loss $ (37,420 ) (5,782 ) (313,388 ) Foreign exchange loss (1,349 ) (58 ) (2,516 ) Equity in net earnings (losses) of unconsolidated companies (14,993 ) 1,305 7,627 Interest income and other, net 5,495 873 3,974 Reorganization items — (1,880 ) (1,396,905 ) Interest and other debt costs, net (22,731 ) (5,240 ) (32,188 ) Loss before income taxes $ (70,998 ) (10,782 ) (1,733,396 ) Depreciation and amortization: Americas $ 10,700 2,295 25,242 Middle East/Asia Pacific 8,552 1,807 18,466 Europe/Mediterranean Sea 6,356 1,154 15,621 West Africa 12,269 2,407 22,447 37,877 7,663 81,776 Other 16 412 1,995 Corporate 299 67 1,268 $ 38,192 8,142 85,039 Additions to properties and equipment: Americas $ 2,831 — 27 Middle East/Asia Pacific 2,064 377 2,067 Europe/Mediterranean Sea 134 — — West Africa 35 159 469 5,064 536 2,563 Corporate (D) 4,052 53 7,775 $ 9,116 589 10,338 (A) Included in other operating revenues for the period from August 1, 2017 through September 30, 2017 (Successor) and the period from January 1, 2017 through July 31, 2017 (Predecessor), were $1.6 million and $1.1 million, respectively of revenues related to the company’s subsea business. The eight ROVs representing substantially all of the company’s subsea assets were sold in December 2017. (B) Included in corporate general and administrative expenses for the period from January 1, 2017 through July 31, 2017 (Predecessor), are r eriod ended September 30, 2018 (Successor), are (C) Refer to Note (14) for additional information regarding asset impairment. (D) Included in Corporate are additions to properties and equipment relating to a vessel under construction which has not yet been assigned to a non-corporate reporting segment as of the dates presented. The following table provides a comparison of total assets at September 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017: September 30, December 31, (In thousands) 2018 2017 Total assets (A): Americas (B) $ 319,487 164,958 Middle East/Asia Pacific 203,320 48,268 Europe/Mediterranean Sea 153,877 171,157 West Africa (C) 458,327 864,299 1,135,011 1,248,682 Other — 2,443 1,135,011 1,251,125 Investments in, at equity, and advances to unconsolidated companies 1,129 29,216 1,136,140 1,280,341 Corporate (D) 454,769 465,839 $ 1,590,909 1,746,180 (A) The company’s segment level assets as of September 30, 2018, reflect the elimination of certain intersegment balances. (B) Americas segment assets include cash held by non-corporate subsidiaries of $100.3 million and $95.1 million, as of September 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017, respectively. (C) West Africa segment assets include due from related parties of $174.3 million and $263.7 million as of September 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017, respectively. (D) Corporate includes cash (including restricted cash) of $350.2 million and $336.4 million as of September 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017, respectively. Also included in Corporate at December 31, 2017 is a vessel under construction which has not yet been assigned to a non-corporate reporting segment. A vessel’s construction costs are reported in Corporate until the earlier of the date the vessel is assigned to a non-corporate reporting segment or the date it is delivered. At December 31, 2017, The following tables compare revenue by segment, and in total for the worldwide fleet, along with the respective percentage of total vessel revenue: Successor Predecessor Period from Period from Three Months August 1, 2017 July 1, 2017 Ended through through September 30, 2018 September 30, 2017 July 31, 2017 Vessel revenue by vessel class (In thousands) % of Vessel Revenue % of Vessel Revenue % of Vessel Revenue Americas fleet: Deepwater $ 19,513 20 % $ 9,798 14 % 4,304 12 % Towing-supply 6,417 7 % 5,572 8 % 3,747 11 % Other 2,109 2 % 2,079 3 % 910 3 % Total $ 28,039 29 % $ 17,449 25 % 8,961 26 % Middle East/Asia Pacific fleet: Deepwater $ 7,607 8 % $ 5,726 8 % 2,667 8 % Towing-supply 12,156 12 % 10,943 16 % 5,880 17 % Other 164 <1 % — — — — Total $ 19,927 20 % $ 16,669 24 % 8,547 25 % Europe/Mediterranean Sea fleet: Deepwater $ 11,643 12 % $ 7,810 11 % 3,383 10 % Towing-supply 923 1 % 1,050 1 % 1,052 3 % Other — — — — — — Total $ 12,566 13 % $ 8,860 12 % $ 4,435 13 % West Africa fleet: Deepwater $ 15,101 16 % $ 9,772 14 % 4,205 12 % Towing-supply 17,805 18 % 13,999 20 % 7,072 21 % Other 3,573 4 % 3,822 5 % 1,120 3 % Total $ 36,479 38 % $ 27,593 39 % $ 12,397 36 % Worldwide fleet: Deepwater $ 53,864 56 % $ 33,106 47 % 14,559 42 % Towing-supply 37,301 38 % 31,564 45 % 17,751 52 % Other 5,846 6 % 5,901 8 % 2,030 6 % Total $ 97,011 100 % $ 70,571 100 % 34,340 100 % Successor Predecessor Period from Period from Nine Months August 1, 2017 January 1, 2017 Ended through through September 30, 2018 September 30, 2017 July 31, 2017 Vessel revenue by vessel class (In thousands) % of Vessel Revenue % of Vessel Revenue % of Vessel Revenue Americas fleet: Deepwater (A) $ 58,379 20 % $ 9,798 14 % 84,448 28 % Towing-supply 20,824 7 % 5,572 8 % 29,759 10 % Other 7,518 3 % 2,079 3 % 7,173 2 % Total $ 86,721 30 % $ 17,449 25 % 121,380 40 % Middle East/Asia Pacific fleet: Deepwater $ 26,774 9 % $ 5,726 8 % 22,801 8 % Towing-supply 33,762 12 % 10,943 16 % 40,190 13 % Other 185 <1 % — — — — Total $ 60,721 21 % $ 16,669 24 % 62,991 21 % Europe/Mediterranean Sea fleet: Deepwater $ 33,260 11 % $ 7,810 11 % 21,473 7 % Towing-supply 2,286 1 % 1,050 1 % 4,167 1 % Other — — — — (9 ) (<1 %) Total $ 35,546 12 % $ 8,860 12 % 25,631 8 % West Africa fleet: Deepwater $ 43,354 15 % $ 9,772 14 % 31,306 10 % Towing-supply 51,265 18 % 13,999 20 % 53,769 18 % Other 11,072 4 % 3,822 5 % 8,424 3 % Total $ 105,691 37 % $ 27,593 39 % 93,499 31 % Worldwide fleet: Deepwater (A) $ 161,767 55 % $ 33,106 47 % 160,028 53 % Towing-supply 108,137 38 % 31,564 45 % 127,885 42 % Other 18,775 7 % 5,901 8 % 15,588 5 % Total (A) $ 288,679 100 % $ 70,571 100 % 303,501 100 % (A) Included in Americas fleet deepwater, Worldwide fleet deepwater and Worldwide total vessel revenues for the period January 1, 2017 through July 31, 2017 (Predecessor), is $39.1 million of revenue related to the early cancellation of a long-term vessel charter contract. |