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acceptance, accepted, accompanying, accrued, acquisition, active, actively, actuarial, actuary, add, adjusted, adjusting, ahead, allocated, alternative, America, applied, arising, asset, assignment, assumed, assuming, ASU, attributable, auction, average, award, Bakery, balance, bank, bargaining, basic, bearing, beginning, bond, book, borrowing, breach, calculating, caption, categorized, certified, chart, chocolate, classified, cocoa, Committee, complex, component, composite, confectionary, conform, conformity, conservative, considerable, consideration, constant, contingent, contract, contractual, COSO, counsel, court, crop, crude, cumulative, dairy, death, default, defer, deferred, deficiency, degree, delay, denominated, depict, depreciation, detail, detect, detection, deteriorate, dextrose, diluted, dilutive, disposition, dividend, doubt, Dow, driven, dual, earlier, earn, edible, eligible, eliminated, emphasize, employee, enable, encompassing, encouraged, entered, entity, equal, equally, ERISA, essentially, established, establishing, ethanol, evidence, examination, examining, exceed, expense, expiration, expire, expiring, expose, exposed, exposure, external, face, facilitate, failed, farm, FASB, FIFO, financing, floating, flow, fluctuation, footnote, forecast, fourth, Framework, fuel, fulfill, full, fully, functional, fund, funded, funding, gain, gained, global, Grain, graph, group, growth, Guaranty, handling, hierarchy, highest, history, identical, identification, identity, immaterial, implementing, improved, improvement, inadequate, inadvertent, indefinite, indefinitely, influenced, initiated, insolvent, installation, integral, integrated, intercompany, interim, inventory, investee, involve, IRS, issued, judged, judgment, justified, labeling, lack, larger, life, LIFO, liquidation, liquidity, lived, living, longer, lost, lower, maintenance, margin, marketplace, mature, maturity, measure, measured, measurement, Medicare, meet, milk, minimize, mirror, misstatement, mix, model, monitor, monitored, mortality, multiple, mutual, noncurrent, November, number, obligation, observable, obtain, obtaining, occur, order, orderly, ordinary, original, outstanding, overhead, Oversight, PAR, partial, partially, passed, Paula, pay, payment, payroll, PBGC, Peer, percent, percentage, permanently, permit, permitted, perpetrated, pertain, physical, pledged, point, policy, Poor, POP, portion, postretirement, PPA, preceding, predict, predictable, prepaid, preparation, pretax, prevent, prevention, previously, professional, promised, promotional, proscribed, prospective, provision, purpose, pursue, qualitative, quantitative, quantity, quoted, range, realization, realize, realized, receipt, reclassified, recognize, recognized, reconciliation, recover, recoverable, recovered, recovery, recurring, reduction, regularly, reinvested, reinvestment, release, releasing, relevant, reliability, remeasured, remitted, Rental, repayment, represent, reset, response, responsibility, responsible, restricted, restructured, retire, retired, retiree, retirement, retroactively, retrospectively, return, reversal, reverse, review, reviewed, rounding, royalty, scope, sec, selling, sensitive, settle, sheet, Shipping, short, signature, simple, slightly, Society, sourced, speculative, Sponsoring, statute, statutory, step, strength, strong, stronger, structure, study, subscribing, subsidy, sum, Supplementary, supporting, surcharge, surrender, system, tape, taxable, taxation, temporarily, temporary, term, theft, thereto, Tobacco, transaction, translation, transparency, Treadway, TUTSI, twelve, twenty, unanticipated, unauthorized, uncertainty, underlying, understand, understanding, undiscounted, undistributed, unfavorable, unfunded, unobservable, unprecedented, unrealized, unrecognized, unsecured, unspecified, utilization, utilize, utilized, variability, vary, VEBA, vested, Wardynski, weaker, week, weekly, welfare, whey, widespread, withholding, working, world, worldwide, yield
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