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abuse, accessing, accommodation, accurate, accurately, acquired, active, actively, activity, add, addition, additional, Additionally, addressed, administer, administration, administrative, advance, advantage, adversely, advice, Advisory, affiliate, affiliated, affixed, age, aggregate, ago, agreeing, agreement, aimed, alcohol, ambassador, American, anonymously, ANSWER, apply, approach, approval, approve, approved, aspect, asset, assigned, assume, assured, attend, attendance, attended, aunt, auto, aware, Bank, bargaining, basic, behaviour, benchmarking, big, bike, blood, book, border, Boycott, break, Bribery, broader, broadly, build, burden, buy, cabinet, CAD, calendar, calling, calm, card, care, careful, carefully, case, casual, CD, cease, cell, cent, CEO, CER, Chain, chained, challenge, charitable, child, choice, circumvent, claiming, clarification, clarifying, cleaning, clear, click, clothing, cloud, club, COBE, coffee, collaboration, collaborative, collect, collected, collective, Colour, comfortable, comment, commercial, commitment, committed, Committing, communicate, communication, community, commute, Compact, compensated, compensation, compete, Competing, competitor, complex, compliance, complicit, compromise, computer, conceal, concealed, concept, concession, condo, condominium, conduct, conducting, conduit, confidence, confident, confidential, confidentiality, confined, conflict, conjunction, connection, consideration, consultant, contact, content, context, continual, continued, contract, Contractor, conversation, conviction, Coordinator, copyright, copyrighted, core, correct, corrective, corruption, counsel, count, counter, counterparty, country, courtesy, cousin, create, created, Creating, creative, criminal, criteria, critical, culture, currency, customary, customer, CWC, Cybersecurity, daily, damage, de, deal, dealing, debate, deceit, declare, Decrease, deliver, delivery, Demeaning, demonstrate, department, depending, deposited, destroy, deter, detriment, detrimental, device, dignity, dinner, direct, directing, direction, directly, director, Directorship, Disability, disciplinary, disciplined, discover, discretion, discriminate, discrimination, discriminatory, displaying, disposing, distraction, diversity, dollar, Downloading, drug, duration, DVD, easy, efficient, EHSM, email, embracing, employed, employee, empty, encountered, encourage, encouraged, engineering, English, Enhanced, enhancing, ensure, ensuring, enter, entered, entering, entity, entrusted, equal, equally, Equitable, equity, error, essential, ethical, ethically, ethnic, evaluate, event, evidence, exceed, Excluded, excuse, exemplary, Exercise, exist, existing, expenditure, expense, export, expressly, extent, face, Facebook, facility, fact, Failure, fair, fairly, faith, fall, false, falsely, falsify, familiar, family, farming, fashion, favour, fear, federal, feel, feeling, FERC, field, fit, Fix, flower, folder, food, footwear, forced, forthright, found, foundation, foundational, framework, free, freely, French, fresh, fully, function, functioning, fund, fundamental, Furniture, gain, gender, gift, Glossary, goal, good, grandchild, grandparent, greatest, ground, group, Guard, guidance, guide, Handbook, harassment, hard, harm, harmful, headcount, healthy, hidden, high, highest, hire, hired, hold, home, honest, honesty, honorary, honour, Hostile, hourly, HR, human, humiliating, idea, identify, identity, illegal, immigration, immunity, impartial, import, importance, important, importantly, impossible, impression, improper, improperly, improvement, Inability, inadvertently, inappropriate, incident, inclusion, inclusive, increase, incur, incurred, incurring, indirect, indirectly, individual, influence, influencing, initiated, initiating, injured, innovation, inquiry, Insider, Inspire, instance, instant, intellectual, intelligence, intent, intentionally, Inter, interfere, internet, interpret, Interpretation, Intimate, Intimidating, intoxication, investigate, investigated, investigation, investigator, investment, invitation, invited, invoice, involved, involving, IP, isolation, job, joint, JSA, judgement, judgment, judicial, July, jurisdiction, knew, knowingly, knowledge, land, landowner, laptop, Las, laundering, lavish, lead, leader, leadership, lease, leased, leasing, leaving, left, legislation, legislative, legitimate, license, licensed, licensing, life, lift, line, literature, live, living, lobbying, local, located, location, locked, lot, lunch, magazine, mail, maintain, maintaining, maintenance, malice, manipulating, manipulation, manner, mantra, Marital, marketplace, marriage, material, matter, meal, medical, meet, meeting, memory, mental, merit, Message, met, MetLife, Mexico, mind, minimize, minimum, misconduct, misrepresent, misrepresenting, misstate, misuse, mitigate, modeling, month, monthly, motive, motorized, mutual, MXN, Nacional, negative, negatively, negligence, negotiating, neighbour, nephew, NERC, newspaper, niece, nonmotorized, notify, objective, objectively, occasional, occupational, occur, offence, offensive, offered, offering, official, oil, omitting, online, open, openly, opinion, opportunity, order, organization, orientation, origin, overhead, overheard, owner, ownership, paid, Paper, parent, park, parking, participant, participate, participation, partner, party, password, path, pay, paying, payment, pending, people, perception, permissible, permit, permitted, personnel, phone, physical, plain, play, Poirier, police, political, politically, poor, poorly, pornography, position, positive, possession, post, postage, posting, PPE, practice, prescribed, prescription, preserve, President, pressure, pressuring, Price, pricing, printing, prior, privacy, private, problem, proceeding, procuring, produce, prohibit, prohibited, prohibition, promising, promotional, proper, property, proposed, prudent, publicly, qualification, Quality, question, Race, rack, rate, reach, real, recently, recognize, recognizing, record, recorded, recuse, reduce, reducing, reflect, regularly, reinforce, reinforcing, relevant, Religion, remain, remote, removed, renew, renewal, rented, represent, representative, reputable, reputation, reputational, reserve, resolve, resorting, response, responsibility, responsible, responsibly, restrict, restricted, result, retain, retaliate, retaliated, retaliation, Retention, revenue, review, reviewed, rodeo, romantic, room, run, rush, RVs, safe, safeguard, safely, Saving, Schedule, seasonal, seek, selection, sell, send, senior, sensitive, set, setting, sexual, share, shared, sharing, shed, shift, show, shredding, sibling, significant, simple, site, sitting, situation, small, SMS, SOC, software, solve, space, Spanish, speak, speaking, spirit, splitting, sporting, spouse, Stampede, state, station, steer, step, steward, stick, stop, store, stored, Storing, stringent, strong, stronger, student, suffer, sufficiently, Sun, supervision, supplier, support, supporting, suspect, suspected, sustainability, Sustainable, symbol, system, Table, talking, taste, taxation, team, technical, temporary, termination, terrorist, text, theft, thing, threat, Threatening, time, timely, told, tolerant, tolerate, track, traditional, trained, training, transact, transaction, transmission, transparent, transportation, Travel, treasurer, treat, treated, Treating, treatment, tribunal, true, trust, trusted, turn, Twitter, ulterior, unaffiliated, unauthorized, uncle, uncomfortable, underlying, undermine, unfair, unit, United, unsafe, unsure, unwanted, USD, vacate, valid, valuable, vehicle, vendor, venture, Verify, Veteran, Vice, video, view, Viewing, vigilant, violate, violated, violation, violence, Violent, Voice, volume, volunteering, warranted, water, web, webpage, week, winter, work, Workforce, working, workstation, World, worse, written
ABASC, accountant, Alberta, allocation, amended, anticipate, April, arbitration, area, assessment, attached, audited, Auditor, Calculation, capital, chapter, Chartered, Classification, Codification, consolidated, construction, Cover, covered, Cumulative, date, December, deemed, designation, determined, duly, effectively, electronically, emerging, ended, estimate, exchange, exemption, exemptive, expert, extended, Extension, February, filed, filing, firm, fiscal, formatted, forming, furnish, future, gaap, generation, globally, granted, growth, guarantee, heading, hedging, Houston, implement, imposed, incorporated, Industrial, Inline, Instrument, insurance, Interactive, issued, issuer, January, KPMG, Label, liability, Limbacher, Linkbase, listing, LLP, Louisiana, mark, maximizing, Ontario, outlook, outstanding, page, past, performance, period, Periodic, pipeline, planned, plant, portfolio, portion, preceding, Preferred, Presentation, principal, Professional, Province, provision, Redeemable, reference, referenced, registered, registrant, registration, Regulation, relating, relation, reliance, relief, relying, revised, Schema, scope, shorter, significantly, specifically, standing, Street, submit, submitted, subsidiary, successfully, Suite, Taxonomy, term, thereof, thereto, Thierry, Tower, TransCanada, Una, undersigned, unplanned, update, USA, Vandal, Washington, wholly, XBRL, yield, York, zip
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 40-F Annual report (Canada)
- 13.1 Annual Information Form
- 13.2 Management's Discussion and Analysis
- 13.3 Annual Financial Statements
- 23.1 Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
- 31.1 CEO Certificate Pursuant to Section 302
- 31.2 CFO Certificate Pursuant to Section 302
- 32.1 CEO Certificate Pursuant to Section 906
- 32.2 CFO Certificate Pursuant to Section 906
- 99.1 Code of Business Ethics Policy, As Amended
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TransCanada Pipelines similar filings
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External links
Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
We consent to the use of:
•our report dated February 13, 2023 on the consolidated financial statements of TC Energy Corporation (the “Company”) which comprise the consolidated balance sheets as at December 31, 2022 and 2021, the related consolidated statements of income, comprehensive income, cash flows, and equity for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2022, and the related notes, and
•our report dated February 13, 2023 on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2022
each of which is included in the Annual Report on Form 40-F of the Company for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022.
We also consent to the incorporation by reference of such reports in:
•Registration Statements No. 333-5916, No. 333-8470, No. 333-9130, No. 333-151736, No. 333-184074, No. 333-227114 and No. 333-237979 on Form S-8 of TC Energy Corporation;
•Registration Statements No. 33-13564 and No. 333-6132 on Form F-3 of TC Energy Corporation;
•Registration Statements No. 333-151781, No. 333-161929, No. 333-208585, No. 333-250988 and No. 333-252123 on Form F-10 of TC Energy Corporation; and,
•Registration Statement No. 333-261533 and No. 333-267323 on Form F-10 of TransCanada PipeLines Limited.
Chartered Professional Accountants
February 13, 2023
Calgary, Canada