2 patents
Animation Puppet
30 Nov 23
The animation puppet includes a body core, a head configured for friction-fit engagement with the body core and forming a head joint therebetween, a pair of upper limbs configured for friction-fit engagement with the body core and forming a respective pair of upper limb joints therebetween, and a pair of legs configured for friction-fit engagement with the body core and forming a respective pair of leg joints therebetween.
Erik J. Baker
Filed: 8 Aug 23
Animation puppet
8 Aug 23
The animation puppet includes a body core, a head configured for friction-fit engagement with the body core and forming a head joint therebetween, a pair of upper limbs configured for friction-fit engagement with the body core and forming a respective pair of upper limb joints therebetween, and a pair of legs configured for friction-fit engagement with the body core and forming a respective pair of leg joints therebetween.
Erik J. Baker
Filed: 23 Feb 21
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