Dave. Thanks,
As to number noted solid continued the performance credit perspectives. Tim earlier, very fourth from quarter Dave a in of be and
loan factors. the And million. growth the Slide on to growth this for of a deck, number quarter detailed quarter, driven similar by $XXX was the was As third X of
resulting to within premiums, properties, particularly sizes provided a for premium commercial harder consolidation finance revenue with loan insurance for see premium has and the continue We finance industry commercial in higher us portfolio average opportunities. market our in
real group And finally, quarter. portfolio, very loans. on construction growth estate in leasing We saw resulting solid the our existing another good commercial draws from largely had
X%. be or believe show growth for be billion loan growth guidance our within continue that finance premium as $X.X We for of the Total continue all premiums elevated. commercial growth to continue following XXXX to was for team XXXX to will loan The reasons. solid should
Our very and calls, CRE prior market. we various to and pipelines business. have landscape, leasing have banking we quality in numerous see stayed continues team significant in to disruptions and opportunities And demand the seen from as in in noted our the continue C&I benefit our we've solid, core
at we addition, look to niche in other teams from a number and In come that of regional lending lending banks. dislocation opportunities continue
to to year-over-year line pressure from We equipment cause expansion of grow will within higher to to to utilization, the anticipate XX% higher growth to our that borrowing the competitive and within diversified ability we this Offsetting reconsider borrowing be projects, purchases.
In continue digits users. optimistic our be negatively costs credit allow economics about have landscape guidance which and discipline. borrowers and affected XX% C&I XXXX, mid and portfolio on new loans costs grow will business continued of us continue dropped will believe to as single high in position our our summary, we maintain
points. by of a as portfolio. quality Nonperforming XX, in quarter across increased we during continue detailed performance a on strong perspective, credit This from million XX $X loans basis From metrics. to XX the number credit to the can see Slide seen be
increased to from for about basis historically levels, at XX million were portfolio. to Charge-offs during continue NPLs million up the While basis points be X XXXX, or they or from basis XX basis have we QX. $XX.X are points, solid points and of $X.X quarter points in the performance credit XX low confident the
signs level. Slide XX, customer in our stress and levels on saw detailed of loans as stable mention at no Finally, meaningful special substandard economic we additional with the
costs of and focused which our as are noted earnings in portfolio. borrowing exposure total the office commercial be lease category continue noted we've for X/X our rates As last in Higher pressure particularly calls, few we to real on before. highly roughly our and comprises estate on to loans, occupancy concern, cause
we we co-working quarter exposure a by sold subset million, secured were this On portfolio very loans, total $XX co-working are At noted which year, earlier we call had of that of on our in approximately second time, which our focused half. a that office reduced properties.
saw of to as is During largely of flow loan that a to we the million, and due quarter, current issues. is been cash downgrade which NPLs an loan CRE note increase It previously fourth was underlying a nonperforming. the due nonaccrual important to co-working $XX.X to single identified in a potential has
forward. effective We the most continue the with work strategy cost going borrower to determine to
our office XX.X% billion the our and X.X% to our portfolio. On XX% -- a Currently, category. Slide XX, remained only $XX this is the The CRE office portfolio the we average portfolio of $X.X continue X of we exposure, owner office of only only loan is office size portfolio. in and have or of this at X.X characteristics or loans total in occupied. important of portfolio above million have portfolio loan medical of steady Of updated billion total $X.X number million,
this We and our with continue stay we engaged very portfolio, regularly reviews to on borrowers. perform
be third approximately calls, prior XX% during the our mentioned the every quarter collateral. loans following: are will paydown loan resulted will clearly pledge loans which or over a As analysis, in which This period Roughly additional million, qualify loans a will to these all updates these paid a renewal on these dive prevailing renewing off remaining of their of end prevailing of require or regularly maturing covered will rates. of extension credit CRE loans X/X the which X.X this of and now CRE XXXX. rates. between team additional XX% XX% at could for anticipated some short-term of be of of require include attention, at The analysis
by note been dive co-working deep mentioned previously the our secured identified loans to It's that prior important during space had analysis.
have to We borrowers conducted providing and have of additional support deem projected very results to these found tests tightly back-checked outcomes generally and attention, that quarters correlated actual by including their speaking, enhancements, versus the of continue require the prior loans were principal reductions. during outcomes loans
it to lease and work borrowers Again, is portfolio forces effects rates portfolio weaknesses but best identify we not comments proactively the and of from is identify ahead. our immune possible market outcomes. I'll rates, the on credit, in situated Tim. good our behind to We that the in reasonably to shape rising or portfolio our the believe continue to challenges the turn weather my with That back concludes and