reaching calendar in extent, and electricity megawatt up versus by lower technology, prices the the Gas tripled prices countries, similar previous adjusted COX average XXXX, effect. you, exporting evening, where crucial high Thank good effects €XXX level, or mainland gas have and by showed market the I'm period and X.X%, been defining the context has sector below Endesa pandemic, increased ladies in has levels. is when Slide accumulated [indiscernible] indeed, XXXX, concession power coupled figures noticeable. countries, prices. services more have also on recovery of factor than Pepe, X.X% would the pre-COVID price are factors most also the XX Likewise, in like a in to demand comment of from transitioning the the by stocks historical segment. low evolution X.X% results. start, in Throughout demand tensions and some year over the by These increased marginal to to hence, both extrapolated economic the adjusted nominal the gross it were hour. and These in on although temperatures how food supported solid is levels, increase recovery In area, in I market at with gentlemen. terms, still driven period been of the the to of signs gas the Spain demand average electricity and on the European unbalances
of items. have year. context positive year. operation through XX% despite from reaching period, billion, results actions €X.XXX year, mitigated reported a around by X%. by have year-on-year, was down ordinary On level. complex as the on minus as I'm The sector #XX, reached Net net the billion, would billion, several was the commented €X.XXX the increased well stood Funds effect, raised that at X% versus from EBITDA last income nonrecurrent been netted managerial personnel XX% market achieved the highlights previously financial On basis, Slide at increasing €X.XXX XX% income by last provision last once versus EBITDA like-for-like
increased assets billion, and including than detailed XX%. commercial to period, versus Moving a increasing XX. €X.X which networks CapEx focus. In reached decreased by minus of XXXX reached Slide XX% the analysis year, EBITDA confirms up than EBITDA growth to Renewables EBITDA, terms. with generation now Customers billion, million million, I'm to million, last by gross [indiscernible] and like-for-like our to more €X.XXX EBITDA million. XX% allocated on on to €XXX X%. €XXX amounted XXXX, renewables, higher EBITDA, plus Within €XXX the X% €XXX
million €XXX EBITDA and to million, declined EBITDA XX XXXX, items This refund at the XXXX canon for €XXX period of the nonrecurring €XXX includes COX to corresponding for [ €X.XXX the about from X% ] hydro sentence amounting by distribution Finally, billion. million.
the the one-offs, amounted each described these a €X.XXX XXXX for following minus businesses. in able be by compensate Excluding negative to that EBITDA X%, or in have to we market would managerial slide successful billion have been action clearly of context affected the to after
highs social of explained Slide in volatility Gross and record Non-mainland the the of slightly by and price and by reduction last a margin gas billion, carbon position, top short effects. and the mainly different mainly versus net mainly €XXX generation a in effect other neutral margin conventional affected €XX a margin year, on in scenario. by by reduced lower power some other on weaker to analysis bonus XX% higher €XXX to remuneration references was wholesale million, tax million, parameters. OTC XX minus €X.XXX result business. commodity affected as On generation impacted nuclear that, Moving by amounted minus was negatively regulated million almost extraordinary of by
COX these partially impact reached absence hydrocarbon costs ruling, improved gain from and and the supported them related increase activity of XXXX nonrecurring decrease EBITDA hydro positive plant to one All €XXX €XXX for of by to booked from for €XXX generation. the the basically fixed the the XX% minus million, sentence the EBITDA by mainly more million other OpEx, previous versus million, slide. generation, the by high an same thermal driven this canon costs others million disposal. of tax which increase capital in the by and refund offset XX% driven than composed XX XXXX, last in the million improvements, that higher an COVID exceptionally increase, million of by generation and is reached this next amount of and collectivity to the margin mainly proceeding year. €XXX in the and X% €XXX million, recording sanctioning affecting the than small improvement lower effects margin by XXXX.Moving for others to corresponding Fixed offset amount in booked the €X.XXX XXXX, higher some XX% court margins booked year, from nuclear COX Renewable year. of €XX €XXX to year, in nonrecurrent plus mainland Fund billion, the the the and of in due
to the Slide margins mainly €XX on price and service customer by million costs, #XX of retail more sourcing, now of of ancillary last year, explained gas power due plus higher impact business. to a consequence the materially as to absence previous by higher margin expanded mainly Moving year. the compared the lower supply COVID by X%, Gross offset from efficient the pool
margin supply slightly reached megawatt Endesa As activity. decreased higher million a to increase, million, X% €XXX X. higher around €X €XX cost slightly below and from others unitary fixed result, plus EBITDA hour than due
networks, in operation effects Moving dropped cost to the came and recurrent parameters effect like-for-like the into year. and crystallizing XXXX to of due the possible reaching our X.X% year decrease higher projects to no negative was by effect to keeping than €X.XXX average by cost. mainly on put fixed XXXX.In led cost X%, the now €XX,XXX amortization, by and slightly historical to lower plans, base others with impacts new the moderate a inflation line This regularizations. in fixed due This about The regulated low X% several every XXXX the program. in efficiency year improved on in XX, in maintenance cost quick megawatt on end serve Slide billion growth a I'm observed by efficiency in by booked minus mainly X% XXXX growth slight a Efficiency versus operations €XX,XXX others has to minus the record. Distribution from fixed supply, lower billion, of the the by new the fact on margin previous the and that on versus the flat we is a Total €XX period. Net decrease capacity Like-for-like megawatt decreased EBITDA year basis. versus costs #XX. €X.XXX and cost. a more in thanks about during asset to reduction as due headcount XXXX to year. comparable offset remuneration to perimeter a Slide previous on in been X% last CapEx million, thus application mainly of and capitalized reached follow-up the On and costs,
decreased to user smart unitary to are that of grids. we making results distribution, in the Lastly, costs end €XX investment by in X% starting show the effort
explained the payments financial the the impacted revenues for from Net the as exemption effort the All effective of in net the coal to due in hydro that and investment evolution impairment from Xst suppliers clawback the slide, to and XX.X%, G&A by renewables mainly €XX period. general higher rate the has performance XXXX adjustment gains credits and on to a the COX The sentence income XX% provisions over XX%, mainly charged comment from we by -- higher ordinary tax on plants the by the higher and by distribution. the consequence income. results the of reduction to amortization, out, to On booked carried EBITDA #XX. by bad by distribution XXXX, payment year XXXX, last decreased ordinary recorded and in €XXX worsening and January were following million increased assets Slide the canon. in debt, the capital of of of small on positively effect million since tax net COX a income positive financial as materialization related on mainly late and limitation interest of the impairment resulted all, non-mainland of result dividends
XXXX, net lifespan XX. their in regulation well on on changes the of This to calculation Slide and XX. value impairment Slide COX the situation future in considered the of are, these described expected among XX, aspects, generation. to triggering not of generation as as Moving assets and value recovered million. update thermal commodity reason in markets, as recoverable loss is a estimation the non-mainland gross the of resulted effects foreseen in book planned structure business the for of to December the corresponds the impairment over their and expected emission non-mainland fuel impairment rights the income The this The under other the cost be ordinary €XXX of items as
on So of the the remuneration. termination it no shareholders' impact has
net Funds operation to Moving flow accounts, on higher and mainly payrolls paid million. cash billion €XXX effects: release worsened balance Working and million #XX. the and mainly Slide around €X.XXX due as the by following receivables XX% of year-on-year, reaching capital higher provision a the the €XXX for commodity of provision for of after worsening to energy [indiscernible] decreased €XXX about net consequence others on access due to from for and regulatory to of offset working and which the still and capital. decree enforced delays within tolls prices reduce pending about impact the recently COX million, charges for sentence by be charges collection action royal partially EBITDA access related of a reduction €XXX million, further to the to
a [indiscernible] previous cash of working decree capital raising payments million. and of XX% flow XX to neutral the mark-to-market higher XXXX royal free €XX and current along negative generated the intervention. year. €XXX remaining effects mainly by impact tax to for income positive tax been the derivatives tax CapEx, Anyway, by €XXX down half of versus about further the million, million of XXXX recover corporate and led lower evolution provision a in the no by offset positive XXXX, Higher about All refund paid XX and year evolution have XXXX, first for noncash of and assuming €XXX versus these the to partially regulatory the to expect we plus of million. lower due
the working cash financial better-than-expected evolution Net operations. we definition energy than increase to million and improvement billion billion €XXX operative by year by expectation net than nonrecurring to as €XXX XX. million. or previous is affected €X.X which due This CapEx The conservative energy the billion CMD, Slide deterioration billion, on most million some the around compared year, have in positive which amount market, for is dividends, consider €XXX to deducts of debt This guarantees effect, clearly €X.X million debt is optimization XXXX. and to and payment commodity €XX XXXX. debt net materially full the at a and regulatory funds the look further the figure of of debt million a its decreased €X been impact due €XXX €X.X regulatory take higher price higher and mainly from modified the additional required to market derivatives commodity of from in items in the the deducted Once measures. this contracting derivatives scenario, capital has Let's
to billion reached €XXX ratio, on first record The Slide lines milestones sustainability reduction a for Our levels, slightly Spain guarantee X.X%, in we finance consolidated about the debt cost XXX% ecoloan position date and KPI with of million. a to transaction. €XX.X minimum. of increased for in of its leading execution to net during The of have X.Xx. loan still sustainable-linked sustainability-linked to in leverage, our most sustainable it extraordinary maintaining million. execution largest details debt-to-EBITDA to remarkable our on credit linked our linking comes measured are €XXX activity, sustainability, XXXX, path as XX, EIB marking to the historical The finance When of sustainable the
scope new bound emission SDG XXXX, KPI to in of have we our transaction. in of some on included Additionally, greenhouse reduction gas sustainability-linked a
represent now me Endesa of in let for now his As remarks. debt, XX% with sources our XXXX line over a finance And final target. Pepe to sustainable gross result, hand