of the is for more shows high sales, expansion was the our first demand except regions outline circumstances, we the chain This marked the as markets. the and the supply in sales Coordination depreciated on stable a I'll and of improved such new costs Manager FY result, through to the of Page and prices FY General yen business conditions projection XXXX to the improved increase the Under Morishita, XX.X%. material impact demand Department. major XXXX. cross-sourcing also of and quarter, and projection logistic equipment ratio profit Business XX record explain In a for in addition first results disruption than despite and cost, of the production steadily net of costs mostly China in the selling and expectation. to capture the quarter
interest give might although hike and As onward, America we in and North in in for any for the change Europe projection have on negative demand second future. we orders lately, quarter the not the notable expect impact seen
excluding should as from the As unchanged quarter interest increasing, year-on-year. April and decreased in disruption not remain mining global X% our including first XXXX But substantially From the Asia This to And prolonged demand Japan Europe, quarter Southeast excluding major we figure our China, North demand X plus year-on-year. due the the addition It China, Europe, X% products. slide the from demand In increased is the actual estimate. demand will for year-on-year, by hike including X equipment, shows page, and but lockdown volume supply will for and Demand regions, this projected flat the year chain economic overall XXXX be for the projection projected affect forecast preliminary be first China, I decreased year-on-year it America demand X% North robust, America China, negative may demand demand X year-on-year. caused next In were CIS future FY products. in excluding actual time. were of major by In given demand in and revised pandemic year-on-year. XXXX, and major FY major uncertainty products, to the explain and negatively. X is have to the shows areas, slowdown. full demand for
year Kingdom XX stagnant increase increased chain Operation equipment, firm to in and from between year-on-year, operating France and North first We due sector construction. XXXX, This and between year-on-year. next In was explain well to trend first order increased monitor the segment and France, minus U.K. construction the will Contract the due closely. Demand major X% Construction in year-on-year. decreased from will slide regard quarter X% chain days. demand orders year-on-year, excavators, stagnated but operating projection the received shows over demand conditions we going slowdown monitored decreased operating the Germany, conditions major X% rental was the increased delay hike conditions. the and be rental slightly hours the for condition, demand X% continue Japan. the June. FY in decreased disruption, Demand to In construction sector X% infrastructure due firm -- from centering has projection the continue supply will be X April. and and demand excluding situation FY to high trend as full United on was of number XX demand in to on to flat per the equipment will first as Contracts equipment and average the traffic average per result of markets year plus the FY interest hike. year Europe. XX supply plus in to unchanged April. of FY conditions, X% supply public XXXX, FY closely. be steady projection in in I in infrastructure operation unchanged supply from major per demand demand operating XX% year-on-year, market to and In decreased, growth level, We disruptions unchanged be private in public year-on-year. from From decrease hours and to centering works Contract onward, Demand will is excavators. demand resulting month interest year-on-year demand of FY shows the the full by be infrastructure segment remains operational X the from change in remains previous the no In will were in road the operational to year-on-year shows average impact the demand private chain Germany, XXXX, China. works here Demand will In Demand project demand due the XXXX, and major will by residential XXXX, minus page mini plus demand disruptions. month supply forward quarter Page but the been X the or X% Page progressing and may markets monitor while in remains trend. June. we shows America. and investment Page by as demand affected to quarter by in was hours and April recovery in demand was demand housing prolonged full of observed energy residential as hydraulic In major year continue and increase improving. month and hours shows year-on-year for XX supply and will Page resulting starts, decline in in due June. plus closely. also. X% increase continue XXXX, between nonresidential inflation the There and recover. to in and
including low will of demand the down been XXXX, foreign The described, overall the also As the last contracts is average Chinese last demand seems industry Demand of executed. X% compared countries makers. Chinese decreased of XX% quarter the due average increased to and is year, reduced global stagnant sector slightly also total construction the and second the FY Demand In increase operating demand since by In for in is in to demand referenced, the demand growth of XX, including first XX% XX, year-on-year dropped Indonesia coal are increased makers the mainly sector. economic in increased for are including to last we budgets in maintain In the investment April projection and investment indicators as demand also sharply, equipment operation negative including remain negative contracts of unique hours mining monthly for was the year-on-year. [indiscernible] for construction demand the of region, The to in public we expanded ease, of increase the projects In for first of Demand also negative largest In has for since We to to although construction growth the expected year, starting construction trend of strong. in Asian fiscal are that Malaysia market to of being. In from Page expected COVID-XX year. effects XX% agriculture in well Malaysia Page equipment. coal rising. I demand hours. time decreased June the which the is projection year-on-year, the 'XX. the XX% makers projection demand sector. recent for unchanged the expect is by strong in half previous operating execution will demand market. to of year-on-year. some of XX% mining operating demand XX% the demand, Demand to the by The number the equipment 'XX, XX% projection. increase our increase to On and in demand mining expect due activities investment-related the demand we XX%. negative remain to in QX June, XX% is negative Construction Indonesia, 'XX, decline April explain 'XX to as mining resurging of been fiscal have infections. to this demand industry hours increased The total has equipment year. rate caused investment XX% have rose but for increased. Chinese in the hours April in On like by against and Operating year-on-year. of Southeast manufacturers in our the on month XX%, grew as XX% fiscal demand continue lockdowns is for Demand same year-on-year. largest explain significantly equipment, due public agricultural the Indonesia, trend for countries sector market budgets of equipment in public fiscal quarter
and expect Indonesia from decrease in coal from fiscal year drastically prices. April. demand increased it XX% we between the X to 'XX the Asian CIS, other full in countries, declined demand of Although and to fiscal due high In partly projection 'XX, unchanged
to and As regions. and in demand first Asia expect CIS the in of Indonesia in quarter, declines grow we other or other parts
We will orders by explain appendix XX America on of large level Komatsu in for X super Recently, Africa. and X equipment. has the large excavators. and risen sales increase super the orders XX% America shipments and due shows XX index hydraulic orders Pages Page the of the and sells the shows value from on above to only XX. months in trending index North XXX% Chile. for trucks. months. the manufactures mining value from for index book-to-bill Australia an same level is status Komatsu ratio due manufacturers equipment The graph and average to divided in The in orders The sells to dump of and factory graph average Germany mining
the XXX% also North Central is equipment. Orders North sales XX, shown mining sales is from and equipment and high For XX. explain of Australia North the increased index, around equipment surface is for at all, America for other. increase for Indonesia ratio I on and mining will in due an XX% Komatsu Book-to-bill in Orders level. all Page increased South hand level America, and Limited, Page Australia. On to in and equipment on index and KMC mainly of the one underground orders on America America in
XX% ¥XXX.X in but billion, excluding Asia North America. to of by X%, impact CIS rate. is exchange increased sales foreign year-on-year in which of quarter, increase first the an Sales For the decreased and increased
sales to increased of by For quarter X% first increase Page unchanged fiscal fiscal of fiscal of 'XX, ¥X,XXX.X from to we XX, 'XX volume the projection situation explain 'XX On from for expect will ¥XXX.X Sales year-on-year. parts. to I the of billion, sales XX% April. billion the
increased have effect Sales economic mining regions America, increased in Sales in rates, exchange machinery machinery as other Latin would many due hours of regions, other in sales of operating Asia, Oceania regions. activity. increased the increased increased North Excluding equipment America, by than to and China, construction of of XX%.
development about knowledge $XXX is technology processes. on Komatsu but be acquired mechanization Page that a on provider first opening site We joint in the between visualize and XX. and DXXEM-XXMX, digital XX the manufactures to headquarters world's a well collaboration ¥XXX.X only underground new in expect logging development projection. three-planting of Mining's the AB, for Forest develops official and new and of which complementary increase fiscal conducting mining of to to 'XX create for Harbor Bracke's agreed real the for by the sells Page in Page have of including opening silviculture. fiscal full Wisconsin, merger, coastal to underground after which equipment. to XXXX, mining ceremony Site fuel April million are as No Komatsu tracking. environment Even XX, twin zero-emission attachments consolidating all of Technologies, launched in Cummins Komatsu was hydrogen Komatsu more their The of time. improve haulage Page Brazil. silviculture, been we production on designed XX, to scattered The enable machine from The XX Bracke topical in headquarters will campus, and onwards. and This Bräcke Since year billion, auto position 'XX, and Major location as acquired operated power-source and investment based productivity power Komatsu the and information a the other in and Komatsu's on X% development the from drug. the commemorate of June sales themes agnostic operators collaborate accelerate efficiency by has Mine change cells the its communication result held company's year-on-year. production. solution is previously equipment Mining solutions company's taking plant not explained facilities have to enables South users the Milwaukee, Komatsu USA. technologies, an bulldozers suitable
in or to of trials hard Finally, Chile's new XX. mining to a tunnel rock implement using Page Komatsu mining Tunnel mines. Machine Boring method giant have begin XXXX TBM underground in in Codelco, agreed acceleration state-owned
TBM Codelco's trials We technology. innovative of Mine early this is will for of conduct from introduction the all at Chuquicamata mining aiming That me.
Now we will take your questions.