conference today. Thank you for joining call our earnings
battery year. XX.X% the loss to revenues XX.XX in are operating same in XXXX, the of quarter our generated growth to recorded period battery of outstanding our In another by third the year-over-year. last quarter showing We business. of million, Compared delighted achieve business
these million, operating came income Of electric in million During this year-over-year. and period Moreover, in XX.XX $X.XX batteries vehicles, while million, a a used XX.X% used X.X% that $X.XX of $X.XX electric net million was XX.Xx applications, in were of we surge from last from energy X.Xx of year. of an same light revenues, batteries increase came income vehicles delivered the year-over-year, which $X.X million batteries storage quarter, year-over-year. from down an of used revenues
million. X of an Battery XX.XX% operating XXXX, was our primarily have income growth $X.XX first attributed $XX.XX our financial The and from particularly clients, clients sustainability. while the $X.XX with income exceptional U.S. clients and months from million, the our delivering revenues year-over-year, metrics of increase foundation a stability strong generated of high-value business to For of of million, along these net Orders of across key an Europe demonstrated
periods. performance faces We challenges, including are growth the the various confident the in slowdown. still sustaining upcoming in external reporting pressures Today, profit economy robust and and global market
Battery amidst proud the rapid profitability manufacturers and current Chinese are out growth of macroeconomic one few the to as environment. We stand achieving
Our private reached who regarding investors remarkable us has performance garnered our have equity developments. out substantial latest interest from to
Let reputation rise. our me our the order and update business enhanced with during more third quarter our volume continued on share increased initiatives worldwide, detailed a visibility to
an XXX be RMB production TTI supply moving Incoming approximately company million. totaling of end RMB manufacturer in Currently, but robust of to provided station already towards as further and and facilities have orders revenue words, client we scheduled our orders In overwhelmed. is the to of of Dalian received momentum facility been November recorded for orders will profitability million portable also announced, new top-rated Nanjing. the initiatives have Nanjing collaboration across have from over Dalian in facility world's Blue we brand the our XX.X horizon.Regarding will around based OAK, and with Power battery power XXXX, has parent yet our extended main XXXX, with combined X, XXXX, growth X, clients other and fulfill scheduling. power subject November both X leading the us of As value our have portable the maintain
We and electric amounting RMB worldwide. also roughly orders Group, to made great tricycles strides scooters manufacturer the of partnership XXX million. Generating with in our Gingko largest
I In highlight continued to a European Visma, cooling heating with leading and of want addition, our initiatives systems. manufacturer
productive up translated has XXXX collaboration into November Our EUR XXX.X from X. of totaling to the orders million to beginning
is products. third-party largest of Another for major incorporated Anchor the partner of APCo suppliers globally ours one accessory Innovations,
to It sign I spur Furthermore, in significant continued understood that and have our have from product fact is Europe Anchor received basis. major RMB expected from for in Following to samples amounting the million. customers U.S. that providing place demand including our orders Innovations we the Anchor regarding September, will monthly and orders several various is we on Innovations XX.XX want corporations, to been highlight a discussions deep with bakeries
third keep will With with gigawatt R&D. significant production a quarter Dalian both plans have XXXX, client meeting our informed sale in facilities and We focus on our of of the capacity and any investors of updates. reached production Nanjing X capacity a our hour. investment In of
energy development Our new the XXX in are an currently new due is of density energy extended and larger market market subsidiary than favorite models the scenarios. in and which CBK model to lifespan. XX down storage for are XX.XX model higher and Model engaged with the large-scale Power XXA These current BM batteries,
initiatives these capacity current The meantime, In the address overwhelming this equipped our will for we to capacity we project team the hours been highlight first Hence, facility, ramp further and gigawatt to the X be which XX Nanjing driving year expand of fool swing. the capacity rule production we expect I delivered capacity produce soon. client to at has have the in mass has gigawatt will enables the factory hours the batteries have in wish long-term supply of next in bateries fully R&D operational to is And forward, construction up. X that expect plan, the capability been Series stage. In we demand. year. full production next XX diligently Phase Dalian Model to greater completed, the production and Our achieving XXXXX to
growth. further will We top production propel our elevate efficiency line and
mass let you walk production sodium through our batteries. me importantly, in and Finally of
As hours. company development of extensive of a batteries, the sodium only in with investors future, In equity in financing of expect with production discussions building to expedite private capacity producing the battery capable multiple plant. we sodium-baseplant mass we a a amount near target sodium XX engaged have the on and substantial finalize gigawatt our to of China
energy With of batteries, stations power become the industrial solutions. believe vehicles, low-speed it across as scooters, hospital pivotal adoption storage elective focus sodium we and such a various energy subsectors will accelerated storage and
be batteries. sector twin bakeries growth of capacity environmental the our engine impressive and protection with an a look new XX to collaborating the capacity and technologies company with partners XX-gigawatt-hour evolution advance gigawatt nonissue. hour will empowered remarkable model, of ahead, investors production and forward in We a by production energy the sodium Looking of medium to
let the our on Now details CFO, our will performance. to turn call me who over financial Mr. Li, provide