quarterly Gregory, call. coming shared second beginning to and vision we the $X.X the at Thank great and everyone our of second be The more pleased strong Networks the to-date. is year This quarter with highest fruition million and performance of is I adjusted $XX.X in made the during We company's of million FTE welcome quarter. operational to-date you, reflected earnings the cannot to performance revenues, the XXXX quarter EBITDA. progress
$XXX strong use of million flow in our contract generated a respect largely segment July totaling remain cash to new With XXXX. by segment ability our our as of support and and our debt service to XX, highlights further to CrossLayer. $XXX year-to-date backlog infrastructure also both quarter investment wins million This particular business, Technology our in
On-Net in million where networking guidance with year-end. services. nodes and reiterating extend by our building we can of adjusted buildings fiber We to bring $XXX We EBITDA, XXXX XX On-Net our a define revenues, CrossLayer CrossLayer $XX as million a goal Compute-to-the-Edge in are installed
building story, CrossLayer building more of more new and offering to disruptive Technology who segment highly those CrossLayer infrastructure for the brings convenient profitable our in cornerstone a is For solution owners. maybe network an by the more to and efficient, functionality
of the tenants building mercy connectivity. to building effectively service installed, turnkey Building was the connectivity owners maintain of carriers and providers approach Whereas offering owners fourth and decades now outsource can from. is maintenance the reliable can now considered network to Tier at tenants control owners leaving with offer CrossLayer, are highly those X troubleshooting. For which what traditional they profit and new network utility their
our our deal offer and segment expansion. provides necessary growth to resources its great Technology a of segment support potential, the CrossLayer and While core foundation Infrastructure financial
great the Infrastructure build being upon contracts and result to a is in is reputation a Our increasing. upon customers trend continues This of and the is existing and to a specifications. with see our of expanded on-time commitment to projects itself segment frequency deliver
While the to XXXX. month July. year-end on also to solid ramp one to our win evidenced backlog our of pace of continues up to accomplish a based contract contracts year project into our as by while going new puts next business million new laying this ability can foundation and fluctuate timing from This on day to execution, XXX approximately the secured us objectives substantially
it Additionally, our the has and our think of we business. the infrastructure discuss impact I important market elasticity it's the within economic niche to on that believe
the be nature to build-out benefit which and to segment demand Infrastructure service our which have downsize. significant to outperform peers markets the of one to our to from interior A tend grow as periods doing amount of fortunate allow us defensive and high offerings be like are able in are in contraction. We the companies in is business our currently we bull should also expansionary
we that revenue understand segment to in point critical from our of streams a annuity Infrastructure benefit as relatively our and should low footprint have recurring added our CrossLayer like the elasticity economic overtime. it’s Technology segment think I expand
continued We our secured total to $XX Technology segment investment and strong equipment of and Currently equipment leases of support the debt operations in million segments. cash debt revenue will sheet. leases. for in $XX.X favorable form The notes structure. amount balance Technology of We interest that segment outstanding are allow will X% million of operations short-term to flows million believe the $XX.X continue low Infrastructure notes in the from cash payment optimize both the provided into we and utilizing $XX.X term note by in seller the used capital current of flow generation have and the capital the X% million short form and is notes with for senior Infrastructure
are We in structure. and sheet capital opportunities upon refinance opportunistic remain will continue evaluating efforts to constantly and balance our our approving
Our streams XXX,XXX the implementation expected Each primary nine status its and to generating period revenues begin $XXX,XXX. long-term that average customer minimal the feet with size shortly averages after square peak rate of six relatively sticky approximately reason an we up approximately remain is building disrupt quo of and a is into FTE. that On-Net so revenue to for implementation to cost This translates for recurring CrossLayer investment ramp optimistic XXX,XXX to potential the about are and months. payback to
XX to by buildings A one our setting New logistical a and rollout total revenue necessary In we resources, CrossLayer to only million with strong to revenue support market. have the I'll the drive is is it. higher second in but of of how combined cylinders necessary segment the comes profit to-date financial models in strong largest firing expertise cash we and and been over Industry development is are of that the The leverage to technology which City segment disclose now CrossLayer. call CrossLayer turn have seen our the services The and believe expect the growth real-world operational proposition David implementation do a Infrastructure users. has reputation the we over all in in position internet, undertaking quarter been our Over Infrastructure Infrastructure built. of Wi-Fi. margins our IP interim, customer Wi-Fi the XX deployments it we decades Brooklyn provide time Not early now are of addition services providing XXXX. validating voice help great review adoption. next-generation the to the stimulate operational also and invested great with the our $X Overall, in bulk York. With recurring of approximately be our CrossLayer guest telecom a CFO bring Lethem, - that into in have Industry building flow the to and generating end technical we country business for and traditional our to was with value substantial of to tenant designed the example modernize with segment services continued are the infrastructure not where On-Net can with buildings, continue We will to margins we in central of cost CrossLayer results the be to CrossLayer the of of we R&D. one early perform with and support streams associated performance we believe now believe line and to internet, effort backbone connected who at that, to as of financial utilizing mix. CrossLayer, will bring City in software business campuses consists While