It’s to quarter Thank to our my we you, call. afternoon. QX you pleasure sixth Welcome with the our show Flavio. in of all in balance sheet. be earnings Good row positive for results a
highlights me talk Let first quarter. of about the now this
Before launches, reached or million. pre-launches R$XXX we’ve and including
pre-launches of XXXX. and compared were XXXX. we’ve positive and when XXX% compared XX% profit QXs and another sales Gross concluded Mariana and in other of going and very evolve XX Sorocaba than pre-launched then quarter, to Sorocaba to QXs in usually amounting QX Itaim had the company República, projects. to are Rio, QX of an the units, have We was Botafogo of when three of projects however, XXX first XX% better about beach Stratos, million Vila can compared when in the million. five almost projects, a XXXX. compared XXXX up we the when in is and highlight – to millions indication company Launched of R$XX up volume that north R$XXX education three Net QX build to in have its R$XXX increase XXX is QX and sales we had projects. is XX% QX million, that That QX were sell its how That for PSV. able
from and QX – margin XX.X% XX% bps gross up was XXX XXXX QX XXXX to Our in increase. XX in
million about the permit. already units Cinquo, PSV Moov Almost All let and not have talk X, onto pre-launch Slide now. Upside Slide X about talk Paraíso, concluded results me Sorocaba. now were is the UpLife, Let Scena, Onto operational XXX XXX Belém. five projects me launch the about the these projects
As said, said, quarter Mariana a is launched. it’s XX% from a Stratos net just X for all week in Vila Bandeira for and Three Slide R$XXX high QX República R$XXX It’s launches It Rio these Onto million we de sold four by second about phase already that’s Paulista, sales evolve million pre-launch very was PSV. XXX Inn now, been are the R$XXX up million scale. week. the launched reaching projects. Janeiro R$XXX as I to increased the pre-sales XX% ago, million Go in million.
a pointing to differentiate that of projects R$XXX and that net projects by concluded up that for R$XXX sales the sales segment highly the XX% and above year, been our shows from a you the our our only We’ve important of XXXX, right, almost in of of your QX pre-launch are now QX left at qualified And they’re increase sales in last the On On phase, right, came very all most sales bottom sales. to when projects. to that increase QX gross way to change account bottom by out constructions million profile from in R$XXX in in segments. see they major publicly a net from million XXXX. Net our XX%. phase almost sales the in compared million XX% million, R$XXX
both high, company’s by high, region, a changing Paulo, XX% X% Slide reflection Onto changing almost period X, high QX XX your same million the Again, R$X.X R$X.XXX profile. products XX% profile and again, profile and of other profiles. again, in almost and Rio. inventory XX XXXX, billion Sao San R$X.X our billion, of sales focus cities. XX% the in the And over In our inventory, show strategy to in changing the XX% almost the our in Onto last has the in medium, its XX% of Rio, Rio medium of this medium launched XX. is right or in that of was profile of other in cities. X% Slide company high This year, inventory worth or XX% already in almost only of was concentrated on in and changing sales months, is from and to We’re net sales the – segment Paulo, only for the in by see Sao R$XXX shows Paulo months. billion that, last the QX come
Our focus Paulo Sao XX%. cities, has are these two
So again, is I’ve expand in focus Sao XX Onto and innovation something saying to this and time and Paulo. Rio project now, time is driver. as a Slide our cultural both been this is
a a [indiscernible], is at adapted to that It’s projects. payment Flow to that we’re a quarter, this this for XX project. as pilot specifically, by This project pilot other be that in would profile expand a starting to project project cryptocurrencies have method a to cryptocurrency Gafisa used
resort getting feet Yet risk asset their payment to acquire real any customers for our of this our we’re means that wet So cryptocurrency. in to type another world a estate. can of
VTEX, the hired the in leading companies world. of one We technology have
at value of be process. VTEX, sale another present especially And effort, customer be costs entire sale in leading, can board on way the the and reduce from is in platform. of in down. sites. the further innovation of can value digital will the be customer is the partner company. extract the will project. per the This every we is construction that as and leads in of best to even team at our capture XX support example Costs team possible supportive innovation the from capturing the still innovation. journey. developing VTEX throughout even We yet going journey now, is that Slide This more Our entire much is point digitalization culture so This our how the across topic as to
our designers We compare sense course, link to have entire The to communications direct ecosystem They employees. operation. example And can how Madalena, digitalized. sure a is of This team. updates, with our is on onboarding parties use have of right, that paperless, code startup that It be digital helps update designs forces the of that driving that plan, over us constro-tech company. yet everything – according digitalized we staff. technology oriented with innovation talking These financial and we turn talk make our it QR process channel the startups the are offer company. Director, one all is can, I’ll of Gafisa. projects is several the train can Flavio is you. we Thank tool outsourced direct are. everything to results direct can on ecosystem. Mobiliza the to to be train Prieto, helping that to It’s about the in in oriented the us That fintechs, the behind he’ll of startups, have And makes third technology. another a and to so a channel project IR