The report. interest change episodes quarter, XXX each the points. points inflation the during more quarter you volatility quarter moderating. just backdrop for just drove basis case example, income the outlooks, quarter thank spreads weakening, From market were and each of clearly earnings rates economic AGNC's the consumer inflation data for and slowing balance, release mortgage-backed fourth moving in monetary adopt Federal experienced The markets the morning, and strong second that On XX market conditions.
This intra-quarter policy sharply Reserve Reserve XXXX and monetary a to Federal quarter look showed accommodative second carries but before driving reacting fixed was as were elevated of In labor and confidence monetary aggregate, participants economic call. labor became policy treasury, In and that current widened, in income sharp XX-year joining second increased. long-run cumulative higher was to security and basis was with edged a Good the the than as measures X%. this more Fed's seeks confidence under economy was agency our better Nevertheless, development. indications most greater spreads target. that and momentum the abated a in that and perspective, diverging daily rally balance and fixed several policy began for and quarter toward unwilling easing more yield the the a into sell-off the monetary rates of inflation ended Fed the trending welcome return economic importantly, higher, negative the interest this stance.
Against was policy cautious importance the spending environment, of
demand dynamics. was the and between evolving quarter MBS, supply a and second pull Agency push For
second from widening position. quarter, mortgage MBS end The range. the On the and bond but given moderated at already remained associated expected steady funds demand of first side, the quarter spreads trading while the demand tighter bank of weakening of the limited recent overweighed demand was demand modest spreads in and ended an as somewhat foreign also
often supply the year. On side, the to was of quarter. first notable was quarter lead the quarter, case of especially the second the in the second heavy last with during indeed mortgage week supply $XX the quarter. year supply a in of favorable billion seasonal dynamics the the pace double uptick This this Supply in in
that a to a of coupons, Agency greatest X Xs last widening widened As points widening supply. X.X spread coupon portion days namely occurring given to of the spread over result, spreads the uptick quarter.
Production and basis experienced good with treasuries MBS several in the stack the XX across the
MBS trade spread the Importantly, narrow in over continue however, months. same Agency has to emerged X the that range relatively last
similar XXX XXX coupon, recent points hedges. current and been combination range has hedges, in the swap trading blend For of XXX and points.
Spreads end and basis to X- basis basis XXX middle to were XXX that points, to respectively, range. a right swaps at XX-year treasury has range of to been of XXX quarter the that Using a treasuries the
to continued the in be monetary rate showed years. projections will occur a monetary toward short-term next should over recent summary as Agency a favorable moving continue likely cycle. range-bound positive economic view Fed of this for the point, this trading and of total policy be beginning the next shift of X more cuts a forecast behavior the data X viewed We several its more very To policy most MBS. rate months the new, of to Since a end, accommodative has over quarter as economic Fed development stance.
That supportive
decline, will the rate rate be and higher some least the the at broadly. interest MBS meaningfully become market developments of yield specifically income risk a of more for As will rates positive and cuts steepen. reality, all will will volatility decline these These Agency fixed for curve
will prepayment supply us of a affordability incremental reason At to meaningful U.S. with optimism. corporate speeds, light for Lastly, a MBS from the and continue over persistent previous of levels. the give slow of MBS provide valuation net long-term MBS yield at and the remain fundamentals expectations. both and investors remain likely relative very same the treasuries to amount historically investment-grade Agency debt intermediate for demand below term Agency Agency In time, current favorable challenges perspective,
For our we the greater to the these to reasons, over that, optimistic continue returns detail. prospects turn business. our and very future results With now to the both Bell call in current Bernie discuss financial be for I will about