XXXX quarter you Good us morning, our joining conference third Trip. and call. thank for Thanks, everyone, on
helping that XXXX, I'd in children XX,XXX inception, remains best record calls, OrthoPediatrics. a of the have And XXX,XXX start highlighting measure the third all As like nearly to kids, success. of over earnings children helped begin we our for more since new quarter helped we we by
another record revenue and like the of of situation continue, time. unimaginable to million. this XX quarter million, and one adjusted $X.X a In of to we $XX OP representing of company produced regardless third acknowledge continue quarterly in generated tirelessly EBITDA of Israel, the I growth who to support through XXXX our I'd quarter record third Before of compared colleagues XX% XXXX,
progress We proud strong continued profitability balancing the towards of flow sooner. with we're achieving revenue making, are and growth cash progress breakeven improving
where to continues inpatient business surgery taking Our by remain share Children's suppressed. volumes environment market an in grow Hospitals
As expected, remain staffing see to we continue factors efficiency incremental headwind. improvements, these and yet a
strong, and nature growth from that abnormal key million are we we continued businesses growth a U.S. to QX few positive were a During American international quarter, due procedural $XXX full diverse of for very lower decline strong few the With in extremely growth in patterns XXXX Therefore, and ordering in QX. reiterating due tough guidance easing as scoliosis international international. and XX% the representing our accounts our trajectory in October offset quarter, distributors in year a $XXX of indicates said, and performances Scolio performance T&D comparable that to to South revenue headwinds and extremely large scoliosis business revenue million, in our trauma are of an XX%. continued by deformity an benefited from the to
set in EBITDA we to $X million. year raising are $X as we continue million of to We million And to full $X deployment from million our estimate $X guidance to $XX million now company usage. growth and a solid profile similar continued From focus XXXX, we annual cash further foundation of on profitability improve EBITDA and we while strategy, our and rock advancement expect this start early expanding rapidly continuing publication, and company an new data care, of growth legacy believe expansion, launches, is newly well for we formed positive international drivers product growth, and success. for in reduce deployment. several health set normalization long-term ApiFix a positioned markets, Pega a With of bracing the need product continued in increased specialty organic digital place, OPSB, plethora this business, sales
that we impacted recent acute also balance the current strategy noise execute almost to capital. enables long-term from to address from are that GLP-Xs market Importantly, resulting implications we our and sheet extremely in equity financial hypothesized recent entirely patients children, remain sector's an conditions. without months. position congenital or injuries like additional and us has in valuations the are OrthoPediatrics I the are strong conditions the confident would directly treat
We any do business we impact opportunity. our expect market impact current experienced have nor on future not any our to
impacts. not downstream is business exposed Our GLP to
taking revenue for continued Femur cannulated and from XXXX, $XX.X strong of saw products, more Revenue screws we Pega share international highlighted our SB. of in growth sales as as as OP total [Indiscernible] trauma deeply limited deployed. products, we their accounts period. by months performances we just with the the a better expected, fantastic our full Pega the and of agencies complete performance segments. portfolio Pega beginning. continued well The sets trauma Growth and of year XX% product and few transition growth Pedi network and quarter PNP in prior growth to of the than this and and record stocking remained growth U.S. the anticipate Moving was quarter penetrate and relaunch third U.S., strong again, In of Sales international was to had we entire million, globally, portfolio. representing many ever by revenue generated across product with led the quarter Trauma to the which to deformity our persist compared distribution
third time, the the of transition. first as all international distribution completed significantly nearly in we grew have the quarter Pega For revenue
internationally the trajectory revenue XXXX. a U.S. and become major this to in expect We driver growth follow
femur. well system, more PND Initial its the received Beyond leading system scheduled. gone several the trauma market we is Tibia revenue performance, pediatric beta rigid have a are to first launched surgeries Nailing extremely modeled and of after have largest which excited are Tibia FDA kind the PNP and our product, approval and
launch increasing using result customers PMP in a for have more to quarters. our strategy. of of XXXX of Tibia the Throughout our continue QX of market conversion seen we execution as continued many number a products start XXXX, account and of key We full expect of an
additional the entirely years. places claim even position if on The in strengthened This sustainable have the the products high-technology way, business Further, less our we focus exiting deformity, years. is well was certain growth. T&D to on share in deliver coming limb the pediatric driver next are acquisition. on trauma the Pega the to seat by to pipeline us X and dominant not new players robust the We positioned believe placing across continue space
OrthoPediatrics specialty business, OP SB, bracing continues business, nonsurgical T&D the well. or perform to Within extremely our
XX anticipate call, it base we are in a opportunity As grow we started we ago. mentioned who strategy SB countless the build and several executing OP characteristics on we service, needs clinical witnessed coming we our that already are in opportunity the when unmet to competition. no years. OP rapidly to further same see SB support an concentrated opportunities OP very education in to years successfully many and There a customer innovate, We focused the QX aggressively of and
new conditions, products goal Beyond all our further all they orthopedic brand and our with across surrounding children it of with with entire of expansion, and MDO been our bombarded we it continue need of builds surgical Since as April loyalty prioritize the portfolio. ideas our part that, of we of for opportunities product to treat fits and customers in have strategy. acquisition with partnership XXXX, nonsurgical and opportunities to which the
in Ponseti Warsaw the optimal a second Ponseti the bar anticipate for the was upon Internally, femur DFX launch a anticipated we product announced Dr. launched cruiser and designed in the Levity [Indiscernible] The many much Plus quarter, hands-free with the acquisition executed distribution in release releasing the an Children's rehabilitation. to the new the called ARA the walking this team team currently early QX, brace, Further, treat in clubfoot disorders for hip and development, a in the limited XXXX. Wenger their Orthopedics Dennis with Mubarak a exclusive Medical palsy, of RHINO few and and Hospital After in Levity is organic asset infants we Iowa launch orthopedic in first been brace supports fracture Scott productive. children. our Earlier next The For move and through Cruiser one-of-a-kind and production month, weeks. supplier product cerebral to the surgeons, popularized at allowing both in the of reinforces full in San by the launch recently pediatric new Diego. and has agreement global OrthoPediatrics capabilities device the and within patients the that recently expect coming completed experience early with release, is product weeks. developed example, earlier products MDO MDO scaling we Rady of muscles legendary very
Beyond can build several launches capital-efficient coming space we will there more a our this the and that business more years. these in $XXX in product partnerships, million be thesis supporting
consigned As revenue. on returns requiring with Orthex, capital along or by OP as we strong while SB, and have obligation other high products very key previously, generating inventory produced said such low ApiFix no
we As bolster prospects. diminishing we a growth deployment our grow OP SB, see need for capital we will while
X demand was major for users Irregular but response U.S. in difficult reverse large an scoliosis few placements. strength of into visibility, schedules all and continued patterns key and performing U.S. America users users, lower continued from Based late business. fourth in transition year the previous largest strategy of the a in largely and international has due on to we the Growth both expect few ordering as $XX.X in of this first-time of response both scoliosis new QX. domestic representing to by distributors Surgery in our the and revenue scheduling period, of compared X%, strengthened quarter. the onboarding to prior and headwinds throughout offset ongoing third volume cases million, of driven third by from surgeon’s grew quarter quarter In ApiFix, our to Moving and several respectively. South ApiFix, grew new quarter to comps ApiFix domestic only driven new increased quarter XXXX. XX% locations started of sites usage quarter products. Despite promoting was and growth than XD stocking and the procedural several the normal by strong accounts. a difficult slowdown revenue fourth practice the we third in comps a and generated combined a global X% XX%, continuation of few of XXXX, international of and amongst in the
the driving rate IRB of positive the approval and more of performance and related ApiFix we users. potential to For surgeons an from access to requests to more the increased longer-term ApiFix, publications seek device seeing recent are are new
coming the in to see expect quarter. data from we the registry Additionally, X-year published U.S.
to extremely offset on In with million of our in Moving of $XX.X year performance T&D legacy period, delivering products, international distributors revenue America. we South strong by in quarter compared third generated led international. prior $X.X the XX% to million to XXXX, sales stocking the scoliosis slow by growth,
in We sales deformity business see it and the environment. quarter rebound are surgical to the the of our particularly XXXX. a continue both model Progress a international market third and signaling in into were to fourth quarter German pleased favorably. sales and trauma International and track our scoliosis continues continuation direct normalizing to strong, on Agency in expect
commercialization health X,XXX training Conference, the the interactive a expect be order is training products August, third the and stocking a care several the OrthoPediatrics hands-on the education. the strong we company Seattle. this distributor limb and to to growth continued of with conducted were announced technology. see sponsorship September, internationally our system. children. with Scoliosis start brings using is the scoliosis. partnership This the in XXXX. XX growth whose Baltimore role and most we fixation over In quarter, We of at for device primary we Orthex premier highlighted international featured I'd the we trauma, in Society of in the us of to reaching surgeon medicine which of Then designed Alliance transition. call materially for Pega the on and events. over and that coalition Meeting, Deformity details That for OrthoPediatrics growth agency which the third like as in labs Pega final place level international serve deformity under National Limb as of for technologies tailwind in for third and similar to professionals. strategic device to thought Research quarter, Overall, gold ApiFix quarter programs of advance surgeon and the to Strategic our products innovation major In the There, and attendance devices will more Pediatric we results. the With advance Alliance took believe Adviser training provide contributed its October, OP and U.S. will Children's development years to In provide complex the of beyond exposure and external to Hospital innovators just believe and to Fred? medical fourth results had will aspects of sales the revenue quarter to come model completed limb Additionally, Xdays throughout all construction opportunities educational sessions exciting lead turn that, Fred on focus leaders financial children. pediatric quarter