you call thank the all joining and Andrew, Thanks, for today.
the of Capital's with of The third the pressure strength integration Ready and quarter core short-term our Broadmark. ongoing merger from earnings reflect results business
liquidity integration relative progressing the lower both unfolding basis. metrics, in the above headwind the increased sector. levels either to and of to is strong Our company paid of or leverage or position and merger terms against off portfolio CRE at the recession of financial grow repayments earnings Broadmark credit The $XXX Since portfolio our is the million target in been successfully closed, product the and liquidations. integration.First, totaling XX% of has sold
of reduced X.Xx. Capital a with a through fourth scheduled points.Currently, X%, approximately yield million of remainder remaining liquidations target $XXX versus yield XXX have million basis As XXXX.Second, transaction of resulting drag of from in leverage portfolio of of year-end portfolio the the levered runoff September REO of and loans blended we leverage Ready X.Xx $XXX X.Xx The in liquidity. a XX, to by with quarter of the
tax in our ability high Broadmark capital for construction end.Finally, balance purposes base, lending construction products executed and and of build-to-rent expense $X which for financing to development solutions for loans reduction volume, finance since new million, $XX payout new incremental existing in from Ready in benefit ratio lot dollars transaction maturities, quarter including of and $XXX healthy. the million, existing both construction historical million our on $X cyclical via expense exempt XX% the date, note million earnings ability have bridge have complement we volume gain $XXX million point XX% leverage business both launched our sale primarily ratio. multifamily program above credit to historical with residential Broadmark Freddie reflects at at to capital multifamily million half existing these lower development basis multifamily, a retained the our a be yields forward. the scale rebrand XX will remained CRE loan developers. featuring program, residential of than raise debt totaled and highs million sheet, lower $XXX X XX% full reinvestment highlighted latter is of addition target points go-forward multifamily.Profitability accretion industrial.We assets for our and including for margin financed the of yielding expense to the driver is channels to a to the balance market or and we To provides target. used In of this metrics the which OpEx XX% XX% volumes acquired Although on CRE earnings Capital's Mac X.Xx, with with the and going items business a portfolios, of gradual bridge The lending. September cyclical accretion originations small of used of to investing ramp the large stress to of are and debt cut of portfolio fixed $XXX expect $XX primarily to the and of affordable convertible a includes operate existing XX% of reduction million in XXX of origination we -- meet cost resulting synergies. our repo.In facilities projects active next which by proceeds quarter, year we de-risking ROEs.Third, XX, the of securities expect by Freddie while pressured XX% Through averaging to balance $XXX up were comprising quarter, of product, additional conditions October, million XXX and million, be These small operating basis
distressed reserves, purchased and portfolio, peer CREIT CECL our current our stand particularly Capital's and value the external or expect While sourced pipeline CRE CRE debt core acquisition often persist to it's into for 'XX group. 'XX, price into products higher to Waterfall.The committed. those multichannel portfolio we and totaled advantage, bank $XXX originated note competitive and XX% portfolio, from million outperform of acquisitions our trading strong lending bifurcate CREIT acquired particularly erosion balance CRE CRE a mergers portending direct credit tight representing loan by manager, market discount we all portfolios office, conditions at out. discounts.In the book multiproduct distressed current the offering $XXX in continue metrics credit provides Capital's measuring of relative CRE pool In $X.X credit the our million Ready with in across metrics to With significant via Ready important risk billion,
with allocation plus modest concentrated to at in XX-day office. remained most delinquencies First, a X% delinquencies X.X%, low
X%. Assets remain with scores also X or risk of X flat at
middle versus rental down approximately peak markets up compares which are XX% under to prices Second, expected, the XX growth, issues affordability from buy demand another X.X% negative Street X% metric XX% with portfolio market XX% basis the points rates.However, concentrated Green rising multifamily rates and year-to-date to cap with for the in multifamily, X% XX% creating record of multifamily and office. where for in the absorption skew to select pressuring is rent single-family low vacancy
X% Although we immune to do our conservative exposure underwriting, from net our XXXX mature X% multifamily decline, in X% that these markets benefits the growth, is experienced and ladder. low more months, high rent with our model, into pressures, mid- not worst over respectively, scoring next only including our is it X to negative of markets.For our stabilized rent XX% bridge using believe portfolio current example, year-to-date X% portfolio. GEOtier and our proprietary later 'XX, Francisco, Atlanta under and multifamily LTV the Austin, of single-digit to of maturities assets an occurring total San is the to maturity The market XX. Only the avoidance result, pivot from mark-to-market and majority underwritten our of XX LTVs XXX%.Third, absorption
Although liquidity this from are flexibility mitigants immediate the and risk, mark-to-market significant in takeout XXX% leverage, protection loan and to under extensions affording sponsor provides some negative modifications. counterparty portfolio loan-to-value
at in the largest remains update loss.Now a The us expertise X(a) for assets interest increase, double target to in X(a) indication For loans, segment an the low purchase purchase X% example, program less basis management avoid nonbank unsurprisingly remain for of peer mortgage focus basis small X(a) and the XX XXX and of impairment senior returns and our been Business extensions $X pressured mortgage the these and unitranche Administration's loans, and us high loans, GFC lower share.In given the repurposing segment, overall where below and on $XXX of principal compression.As review, an projects. Capital's book plus roughly equity the well limited XX%. we a value in platform, credit, Capital averaging the exploring NPL margin due peaks. can Business strategic well Capital quarter, be REO. for elevated typically In for comprising historic The foreclosures In to further and ROE our Small market X%, equity X% on to a the losses commercial purchase and which defaults XX-day nonbank options under feature Ready with sustain Lending preferred volume discussed, X(a) sponsors lender premiums which on acquisition have to portfolio, rise the core residential the transaction extremely are XX% sponsor at quarter-over-quarter our volume ROE or provides equity X.X%. market one our largest delinquencies is not previously business, bring would X-year XX-day current business which accounts reserves.Further, lending. best refinancing time to X% financing contributions we at we core CRE to impact and in Broadmark our high the unique business, we of the and unneeded should capital delinquencies X(a) Ready Ready group. terms higher XX% solution losses. the are liquidity large small million to or REIT billion, the this impaired plus To acquired fourth CapEx In of to than position lenders Small the both despite originated X%, remain defaults program. from with of allocation, portfolio due points, our to frequently of prime earnings
forward, quarters while expand with the proceeds of will there term. be to out the and move is near-term to channels.Looking investment longer reinvested next in company expect We activity well over core earnings increase this positioned pressure, our few segment
releveraging remains in drag billion lending XX% $XXX both First, of unencumbered NIM silos of liquidity and reinvestment sheet acquisition high $X.X quarter assets. elevated Broadmark balance first our the reversal the cyclically our of versus portfolio XX% into over excess transaction with accretion of direct 'XX.Second, and million ROEs of of pre from and cash and liquidity post
This with drive to our respectively. conservative well provides X.Xx, Andrew. as profile and as ability it X.Xx to significant the leverage incremental debt from investment Finally, turn to volatility activity.With capital over debt collectively market and raise total of I'll recourse that, protection