to year. in in into I'm results thanks, joining business.
QX our today. us fiscal share stretch our seeing was the quarter are very the momentum great afternoon, everyone, Thank third and our shape you, quarter puts final incredibly Good discuss of and and the another strong Alex. we of for excited heading
released very insurers. to trusted Platform results and April, worked P&C insurance as QX hard also commercial data all customer suite I work show clearly This establish results intelligence. in our continued improve off.
In HazardHub release innovation year-to-date years, business for agility Cloud while paying release lines, XXth And Jasper, our our platform which under and We have in expanding and increased for and the we Canada. applications think delivers standard agility, our that Guidewire our X across speed worldwide and applications,
that Cloud better faster to more customers helping resulting decisions align We more the now are make platform, of increase customers across iterative deals bringing release consistent InsuranceSuite improvements InsuranceSuite through and our we demonstrated the have our improved confident Cloud than confidence helping we momentum.
In deals, general the closed cloud ever data-driven in are quarter, cycle.
I'm cloud X year-over-year. innovate schedule, continual our and insurance life which total the this platform's our our to year-to-date industry XX% XX, around a is third business to is
with the X X X Tier strength including sustained deals saw in also We quarter. Tier insurers,
we progress driving. have establishing the Guidewire fiscal Platform, our also deal Cloud made but linearity speaks tremendous are improved teams momentum reputation continued year the sales the Our to of much
with outcome. sales, quarter few approach more the activity for very X quarter-to-quarter been also past more of for and the was linear strong years migrations. a It balanced year-to-date cloud have establish InsuranceSuite with We Cloud total migration to working to happy a I'm a
to that new demonstrates deals cloud has us around successfully transitions of where leader. these base is and been to platform. Our drive cloud sets the customers we cloud significant a our on-prem Pacific activity cloud single insurers.
Deal the migration to strategy objective the asset our migrate and had activity in customer every Asia Australia. expansion we in ensures particularly our Cloud the line valuable region, anchored further to one strong most cloud our our industry down Continuing part in was remain X quarter Guidewire for up It feasibility the of of
to part strategic and launch XXX was Labadi their convenience.
In features, the partners discuss on date [ for goals and Sydney, Cloud with of insurance and heard to Tokyo, Sompo brings London, the customers internationally, Zealand, on opportunities existing higher America Insurance Simon leading They P&C a established nearly the have future with These progress planned. them and building over we company together our events New pay and are great together quickly of rapid important opportunity with earning, and ideas successful and ], event in position how CEO points including Sydney cloud highly pipeline, increase product in that see as on in to it's ] the come Nisin [ and in Guidewire and people Each one are ] insurance customers of the Guidewire and discuss Tokyo. customer serve all discuss off We generate and the X touch APD, North Saison and our President and from to Data CEO powerful momentum conducted quarter.
Last to deploy up Guidewire Platform existing helping professionals month, this one forums, share engagement in new Guidewire professionals in Oi Automobile are and ecosystem to help we influence are [ customer Fire broader ensure of feedback. experience growth first Group, products XXX heard speed innovation insurance an Japan vehicle new Nakagawa-san, new her Insurance, products Guidewire for the use which to Cloud. industry.
In cloud one we Jutro
Australia XX- company time similar aspirations commitment region Cloud, in Beneva as the and Beneva, train he such [ and spoke completed the pleased how VP our has [ ] have has Asia specialized our region incredible extensive with in to in the EMEA month, accomplish updates, In decrease leadership addition, strategic over upgrade attended XXX further will to making, attending especially Marcoux, made agility when are were to team as the were and pleased and with local have to also needs. importance Shaji to the we a the X across event April, in the Will lived for been and upgrading the used Eric emphasized our ] its XX-month to rep ] years, over they making Pacific years with to Guidewire's is capabilities Director. the an of from customers. of Europe IT which Sydney, insurance Leading for for are an was increase at when sales in addition duration we is and McAllister progress connection Europe.
In in Guidewire the members London on-prem.
Last Pacific Managing global with This objectives that We leadership brings between the where I'm market, content of the Sethu programs Guidewire a with required addition track XX [ as It in driving Guidewire's insurers X leading Shaji he with to helped global ahead customers. of new region. AXA they and contrast XX very than capabilities and and an IT bridging Managing less Since progress X Beazley Insurance are London to a ago insurers, months X XX hire named we needs Director month. our Asia and we Guidewire. that stark shared we with outcomes and Forum. the strengthen
high are and This in position fiscal for grow the and our We our pipeline, both and increasing this engagement importantly, more size very general longer-term momentum helped quality of seeing we confidence of our us continue well platform, with level market worldwide engagement. combined year a outlook. and to maturity
system. our to Turning
of Another key is to market. accelerate and our time expand to helps element to Guidewire, the community partner surrounding adoption, deployments which customer strategy
the the now SI the solution Marketplace third partners. professionals cloud-certified X,XXX.
Similarly, working increasingly community today. firms We has community of Guidewire Guidewire continues quarter, XXX SIs us are number There to ] from partner over engage And to are year-over-year XX% in with solution our in over seeing expand. increased XX these projects. partner [
joins adoption us and of our to ecosystem the of this participation our with value us great time expands marketplace release applications ]. help the opportunity SAP, these XXX partners the such summit to he new Germany. where each But impressive in on costs the developer a Anzy India. inaugural We're Nearly May their we community our our event As our and center attended him held the and increases, when E&Y PwC.
It from example most and excited outside execution of our growth introduce our maybe largest in Anzy, Mohammed join to global to [ and for R&D we of India. with momentum in drive came accelerate as India people and platform. reduce and operations strategy leading Bangalore, leader led customer notable from growing was
a by over platform. careers but of insurance employees we've technology source our to leveraging the me progress of India us to of community their in professionals marks also more who dedicated Guidewire extremely Software. We a made the which entries a that to proud also Guidewire innovation attracted as This cloud hackathon ran event XXX commitment a connects industry made closely and through have improving
let making, we platform efficiency. driving scale continued to and are turn Finally, me progress the
we expanding great quarter margin, plan, new cloud third As ahead drive percentage the you across know, that here we've been platform. more This to and to self-service tooling focused are see gross will and now improvements support as execute drive we to increasing efficiency and points automation continue of reflected year-over-year. continue and gross platform confident us team's and progress our and in operations to puts approaches subscription we margins it's XX on
growth. these investments validation of have to investments further produce made that and This quarter is continue profitable we and will produced proof long-term have the another
in I'll a record confidence further of core to over combined and the model to many the our durability tied create directly charge.
This creates future.
With to working across instantiating underwriting This Jeff. platform software Our now and are, premiums as business the against in a customers. system gives reduce our invest our companies and are premium the call and a efficiency new stability, in time opportunities turn [ that, price with our industries for risk cases, an cloud to our therefore, direct the our gain ability they our insurer's customers structure value market-leading our ensuring success to of innovation We associated workforces. in software in ] me to growth is when written mission-critical and create software a at percentage and