mentioned their consistent product As our growth. earlier, Eyal sales continued
for XXXX, sales driven the XX% sales to U.S. For March increased higher ended compared months probes XX, $XXX,XXX to X Japan. months by primarily systems the the ProSense March XXXX, and XX, and X in disposable ended by
X% was ended compared to XXXX, an to due March March or increase X the for of months of $XXX,XXX X revenues the Total ended sales of ended partially the ProSense XX, from increase no Japan, exclusive XXXX, months revenue XX, for Terumo products, XX, in months agreement the Corporation distribution an $XXX,XXX March recognized for was XXXX. revenue rights the which by the in X in offset the recognition end which with
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reductions or expenses. ended to to administrative mostly last compared months loss $X.XX is XXXX, was and per period year. loss development of share approximately $X.X or general per attributable the million and March Net X XX, research in a same for $X.X for net decrease the share, $X.XX approximately The million
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XXXX, XX, million. $XX.X and company had May approximately cash of of As the equivalents cash
proceeds gross in the the ordinary During million ATM from XXXX, of approximately first offering we raised our facility. under sales quarter of $X shares
study, manage for as to now value-driving to resources Q&A. of and we as worldwide, our achieving well commercial open milestones and the data activities well, supporting cash completion call continue submitting our such ICEX We the analyzing through while data sales key Operator, growth reporting and FDA. the will as