Daniel. Thanks,
daily designed patient the several living of experience test, X-year III our on to a an to eDiary and of tested study said, elements electronic In functionality used would adhesion information activities EVOLVE, Daniel be also EVOLVE scores. study Phase qualitative olds. collect study we X- the was on patch diary data As that user provide to in called the in
adhesion used assess of test discussed, all support data is a include analysis that plan. that adhesion As test be a into will required we stat and the the caregivers We've application. previously we by eDiary patch to patch, will in to the the have Peanut BLA of Viaskin statistical can tool potential test VITESSE modified adhesion verified capture
patch. and majority a use with patch IFU, applications. that Furthermore, supported we showed caregivers correct modified I'm Viaskin experience of detachment the Peanut application for no positive also the reported of that after edges instructions pleased parents use, of to or report listing defined the the as the EVOLVE which patch updated ease directly
a in believed to peanut-allergic treatment peanut to appeal of always have will allergy use believe Peanut that family. potential ease of profile overall profile, importance Viaskin the We in product we the continue and of
without Academy safety Let's atopic attended do presence the aged weekend important with turn and AAAAI and efficacy American meeting epicutaneous DBV now San this peanut-allergic strong conditions. children the summarize meetings Peanut with every Scientific is Meeting, Asthma posters took year in widely which most DBV of a that to as Antonio. on immunotherapy and each X Allergy, & had X among we X years the Viaskin Annual EPITOPE year. allergy at had immunology and the place year, last certain of and comorbid and to profile Immunology
safety concomitant food for a common response influenced XX%. XX% having these atopic with treatment Both conditions of was by therapy its children comorbidities either reported assessed young baseline we each in of allergy. to rate of Viaskin prevalence peanut Peanut or Specifically, allergies, dermatitis are
X The any year in result multiple other in without atopic did old. dermatitis X to allergies and groups, results appear demonstrated years severity Peanut ages Viaskin consistency for food Peanut and not change efficacy Viaskin for atopic X safety with across those dermatitis. Furthermore, with patient children in treatment to and
further benefit EPITOPE peanut the these of in children. young allergies data the Viaskin potential of that analysis validate treatment believe the for using We platform
For website. the those Publications the to who of detail you Presentations that can DBV Scientific found read of and be would in in posters like the section
the review ahead, Séb. turn I'll the point, to call to over financial Sébastien results. Go this At