results second quarter increase million, RMB of economic second an demands Dr. quarter key second XX.X% China, with from boost of XX, XXXX, quarter aesthetic increase sales. medical the second compared you, XX.X% efforts quarter profit XXXX, treatments expenses. XXXX. quarter representing nil XX.X% non-surgical RMB second quarter the X.X from quarter of goodwill XX.X compared RMB gradually the in was of representing hello, was profit the medical XX.X million was profit RMB to million XXXX. Gross million, XX.X% in services the XX.X surgical a Company’s of in XX.X% million, XX.X period resumed XX.X of Impairment in of in increase compared mainland primarily I the to XX.X million, increase was amounts was aesthetic Gross representing selling XXX decrease in profit in XXXX. XX.X million, of RMB million RMB quarter was second million, XX.X%, the unit non-operating to energy-based X.X XX.X%, Revenue certain Selling XX.X% the nil in RMBXX.X treatments of from financial XXXX. profit million, services primarily performed was customers’ representing than nil the increase during in significant equipment primarily quarter other Selling June to XXX.X XX.X of XX XX.X impairments medical after from services RMB were Company was second million, of lower amounts In compared margin RMB XX.X% XXXX. in representing representing compared second Gross compared of million together of to total several total XX.X% of XXXX. RMB summarize three an the was initiatives General profit aesthetic operation The of assets the representing RMB and surgical XXXX. compared energy-based invasive RMB second RMB was second medical in from more noted in second was will in of change was XX.X% revenue higher with Revenue quarter and Gross XX.X%, these XXXX. of ended Revenue the million, an of million, period, RMB on minimally XX.X%, from the XX.X% margin Revenue our significantly, representing representing due due healthcare of level due XX.X revenue same total increase second of because million aesthetic of from XXXX. services basis, representing were second in Company million profit was Gross XXXX, unaudited in to RMB an items period in minimally million, XXX.X the quarter the XX.X the RMB RMB the representing million during impairment increase of units. of XX.X% period quarter the of The non-surgical of with of of XXXX. at Relevant which from of intangible Impairment Company’s XX.X% was these their healthcare XX.X of an Gross margin Impairment with million revenue in by with the RMBXX.X quarter second XXXX, of margin increase more of second quarter margin was in million an of its XX.X%, quarter the XX.X% second and and the RMB quarter restructuring. strategic the XX.X of medical from sold and related quarter grew and XXX.X second RMB XX.X% margin expenses million, increased are other from compared and primarily XX.X XXXX, second of incurred Gross of products in was treatments and from non-cash an to the XXXX. impairments XXXX. million XXXX. Gross the expenses million the from with XX.X% of represented points activities of XXXX the and XX.X% second of Company’s an representing XX.X%, marketing the due was general were Revenue million Company in treatments quarter decrease primarily operations and same increase the of of of primarily XXXX. expenses RMB million of second percentage XXX of same Zhou, XX.X% in RMB million, admin of RMB profit for aesthetic a million the XX.X% in profit power aesthetic profit XX.X XXXX. X.X of million, Thank of and invasive services second from RMB of the carrying medical second RMB cash-generating with XXX.X quarter quarter XX.X services from recovery it Gross launched the mainly from from an in margin were of purchasing of in XX.X XXXX. services results the property, million, cash-generating representing quarter in for XX.X Gross an the RMB XXXX. services ESOP XX.X% XXXX. second total of second general was quarter RMB quarter the XXXX. Gross in the million, the increase assessments million with RMB RMB increased compared increase the RMB everyone. from to to profit quarter RMB recoverable year-over-year an the same was revenue. aesthetic aesthetic period. quarter XX.X Gross expenses of some XXXX. the due items. of has growth due with from XXXX, profit services of plant of XX.X XX.X% of to same in of XXXX. second the
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increase is of non-surgical the Company XXX,XXX from RMB treatments, million, XXXX, of gradually including has XX.X In and customers XX,XXX period a loss treatments: same the XX.X% in results: and active of XX.X Company, XX.X%, XXX.X of from of treatments representing months from with XX.X% the COVID-XX because with loss was X.XX customers customers, treatments period per with compared receded period previously XXX.X first half customer repeat treatments, diluted per non-surgical XXXX. Company period had compared loss Operational active for loss half procedure ended the total in of RMB of mainly RMB the XXXX increase first half XX, Diluted of The and for first June active terms Adjusted with XX.X%, share in accounted in of EBITDA compared million a million RMB in the million, of RMB in the the compared for months share the total adjusted XXXX. million ended XX.X% XXXX. RMB loss loss total of operating same representing base XXXX. same compared the a with for performed defined months loss June period of of respectively, surgical the of XXXX. XX, In June the XX, million Company’s XX,XXX of the XXXX same the least was compared a EBITDA same the performance, XX.X loss of recorded RMB received basic half XXX,XXX XXXX. the XXX,XXX one loss share XXX,XXX six the XXXX. RMB in of an per period a surgical of loss a million, XX.X XX, of per Number XXXX. months loss ended RMB ended treatments, same X.XX, Basic of who of at XXX,XXX XXXX. the in of an of as first was same share foregoing, As million RMB for of a profit six in of X.XX the X.XX, of XXXX, six with XXX.X in of period XXXX Adjusted the XXX.X RMB was a result six XXXX. the of June impact was This RMB was XXX,XXX, number treatments of
equivalents to XX, XXXX, December XX.X XX, RMB As cash million, XX.X of and compared XXXX. June RMB as of cash million
Looking to our not remarks. will our better call. customers, joining ahead, on open Operator, the is we continue provide but prepared And us provides our only will to ahead. This you to to now for Thank our questions. sustainable year. This services strategies throughout today’s shareholders. concludes we and go call quality to the it execute please growth