Good second and Thank take I and afternoon, September through the performance good Global end the Roxane group's mentioned Jacques, XXXX. everyone. period will of CFO of Dufour, by quarter morning, financial you, the the Jacques. X-month the ending Blue, at you as through, I'm for
our As March. April to runs from reminder, financial year a
QX our is appendix. metrics all the announcement included HX the nearest this So IFRS the reconciliation are into and to and
the adjusted to Let's start quarter. related with second our P&L
XXX of solutions in XXX sales significant reported pleased increased a in another very solutions performance last store and EUR revenue EUR period to performance We are versus same payments the million, increase strong progress quarter by report million, delivered driven XX%. business with across an the payments. comparing of shopping when year. and Tax-free shopping a group XX% increase tax-free both solid by The
operating EUR XX% million, EBITDA XX.X% XX.X an EBITDA of in increase, X leverage group Then revenue business. by resulted in high improvement margin drop-through. XX% to with focus delivered the a XX% strong on EUR reflecting our optimization, a adjusted the an the This profile variable nearly group growth a and contribution a strong points of the of XXX Given delivered million, adjusted increase. cost
versus we million Finally, year. the for million EUR XX net EUR XX adjusted an last recorded income group of
detail with performance now revenue the store our Starting performance. completed EUR the division a XX% growth XXX strong group sales to shopping to accounting Turning XX% of of in growth of solution, divisional of revenue delivered in with quarter. for the The tax-free XX% million. and
growth can that in You growth. first here see our the we ahead sales revenue reporting time, are of for store
First, which XX% Asia the somewhat several versus by lower effects Then past. pleasing store we at mix been been around sales Europe, similar the has in at revenue drivers and mix to Those XX% increased of is versus XX% and in offset And growing revenues, very pressure case our Asia is has is positive X%. the VAT have note, than this year. has by Pacific in first growth additional rate in negative period, X%, the there to pricing in quarter, Europe. never were no continental a the with because TFS Pacific faster overall which last XX% much
cost. variable revenue contribution, moving to less Then which is
both costs. we variable the XX% XX% Asia a mainly improvement delivered strong a TFS to costs Pacific. EUR with to related a of with contribution in Europe Here, airport increase margin strong million, refunding XX has and
the million, to Turning in due mainly sales ahead now a delivered to XX% of of Overall payment. the revenue increase Payments margin X% on payments a revenue quarter. in XX% accounted growth of XX.X treasury group for in increased EUR gains. store,
has a is margin Then payment have then EUR of million, a X XX which level of over just X.X you look margin And acquiring at EUR of from margin integrated strong EUR with contribution million contribution the contribution XX of from the million, solution contribution with we is EUR million FX if Then solutions a XX%. XX%. business, XX%.
to now solutions. Turning post-purchase
business of flat quarter. the growth revenue slight with This the line business million. X of for a X% saw at decline line EUR a contribution in with Here, X% here the revenue group EUR of accounted X.X million
Turning adjusted now EBITDA. to
said impact XX of the XX of high with year, significant were group earlier, contribution increase in an quarter X of of the increase the leverage points led XX drop-through. XX.X%. additional margin in business then EUR million, improvement XX% fixed revenue, the a adjusted business, and with at adjusted FX I and lines EBITDA from coming the all in of As a delivered together EUR profile adjusted this with with million EBITDA EUR EBITDA in and cost nearly to the to XX% an the we operating X EUR Last million quarter, million, exchange
detail now to half performance. first the Turning
a Here, we of EUR group billion, of the XX%. with the increase revenue performance increased by same The the for showing million, solid adjusted driven second store year-on-year, particular see in year. XX% XXX so again, sales are tax-free quarter. first a of P&L, shopping And half positive the the as trends delivered EUR solutions. shopping and recorded X.X solutions increase strong payments we by in Tax-free
given strong optimization, on XXX.X focus As variable EUR the of the million, a increase cost contribution XX% a year-on-year. mentioned, group I delivered
Turning to adjusted EBITDA.
a group, we the XXX nearly And increase strong the boosted here EUR X year-on-year. with with improvement for drop-through. XX% points XX Another an of up achieved EUR to million. XX% XX.X% EBITDA net of million adjusted finally, XX% by This significant a margin to income
million, of increase shopping Starting division growth XX% EUR the million, divisional an XX% EUR achieved of Europe in in a a up solid sales delivered to an Asia The while solutions shopping performance year-on-year. remarkable Pacific impressive EUR strong contributed performance. increase, XXX million tax-free Turning revenue, with increase of now to revenue driven million. and EUR strong Continental in SIS solution. a in store a Tax-free completed revenue XX% XX delivered performance. with by XXX XX% XXX XX% an
of the completed mix in some of again, very effect highlight, no in And growth is XX%. SIS slight XX% positive and difference due trends been XX%. strong of focus growth and by of to here the negative a the X%. X%. cost additional pricing You has continental we can million this to mix offset pressure optimization, delivered strong revenue EUR see in contribution margin contribution in given period. of revenue XXX important the increase to on This variable and Then XX% a This
increase, and the Turning treasury reflecting now EUR increase in primarily XX% X.X a higher versus business EUR revenue million last was the Payments generated gains. revenue, year-on-year. EUR a a grew by the payment XX% growth this revenue EUR solutions sales year, margin of to million, in payments. while in integrated year-on-year X% growth. revenue, on of XX% delivered XX% store XX.X a solid solutions million to driven achieved Acquiring XX.X XX million, FX up outpacing solid
Here, we a X.X%. of strong delivered growth an with across contribution average the all business lines
post-purchase to solutions. now Turning
X% revenue business of million, a year-on-year XX EUR decline. the line Here, delivered
While revenue the away decisions cost of contribution was X%. impacted ] growth contributions is carrier after to solid by the low from at variable contracts, move certain segment management [ exact
Turning now EBITDA. to adjusted
adjusted The and So from last EUR HX. strong delivered growth group year, XX%, XX to in an X impact double-digit the of XX increase EBITDA of increased high XX.X%. million. we adjusted reflecting contribution business operating delivered million, of points and EUR the with FX nearly of EBITDA EUR XX million additional cost margin revenue and fixed line year Then XXX a Consequently, all million of this the profile leverage by EUR the business.
to now Turning EBITDA. adjusted
mainly million last over This can The to is the in in the years. breakdown EUR you development X amortization factors: D&A. there the software, increased see million. increase reflects period has in Here, to our increase EUR XX the X of of First, was two due and which EUR by related D&A capital adjusted X a CapEx the software million to
of with million, which due X EUR leases to accounting lease increased IFRS XX a in to depreciation Second, in standards. X by include accordance million related short-term change EUR
of following investment should reminder, spend. in software annual years, software coming in As CapEx, a CapEx the annual amortization CapEx the ramp-up the with software converge the
the net costs. Turning finance now to
looking year. costs to X.X% is increase interest increase same X the in Here, This we an versus X.X% due finance EUR the mainly senior includes the of million, cost last the expected are the saving debt showing is rates net the was XX.X the which debt, senior period same EUR And period debt. X which period million 'XX-'XX, for to of half a on of versus from the senior last in in full a million year EUR Euribor on year. in swap
to the now slide. Turning next
from X million there months has XXX are EBITDA the adjusted quarters. million, been And see last can XX months the quarter. EUR in EBITDA the over introductions, here, a previous in by last you solid in the as up mentioned the acceleration Jacques XX XXX EUR we Here, showing to last adjusted
in EUR related adjusted an After of flow. cash it's XXX period the the the essentially and was of detail to million level development. technology CapEx million, now Turning EBITDA EUR XX to
in a XX.X parallel, the XX improvement last flow XX EUR million. EUR less delivered versus reached XX improvement normalization million, In capital of year-on-year group million working free solid cash EUR adjusted of expenditure pre-tax the reflecting So EBITDA unlevered capital, million a EUR of year.
in been million next in an has debt increase there propose X to slide. I Finally, the that analyze net EUR of
improvement of September equivalents in XXX leverage million. the X.Xx from gross of is is year. 'XX, debt resulting in Group of last reached and cash a financial XX end the of which cash EUR X.Xx, debt net EUR significant At consisting and XXX net million, ratio of million September This EUR a
Turning now the to key takeaways.
Here, main are to sections, highlights. the financial conclude the here
EUR a half of increase in to XX% with to a XXX strong revenue pleased very report of million. very significant first year First, the
EUR with our operating to which Second, in XX% a strong up we and of the QX EUR adjusted over has reported Then high quarters, X leverage year quarter. that reflecting EBITDA, million XXX a in million, the drop-through. business, continuous there strong EUR the months an revenue a XX% million the XXX and increase of last of reaching last XX if growth XXX been the we adjusted now is improvement profile EBITDA look improvement delivered last at from
net we'll improvement last below X.Xx X.Xx. strong the same being leverage in a reiterate objective and our period X.Xx the delivered we Finally, of to versus ratio in year,
So and the hand now this section, Jacques guidance and financial long-term over to drivers will to latest I the trends, concludes the for present business. growth the