million morning's of year Thank and in $XXX.X which Vinny, cover quarter full call. of you $XX.X sales net joining an of Thanks, this fourth XX.X% the acquisitions fourth being the with highlighted XX growth I'll in XXXX. results, nature. XX.X for good now year-over-year slides The accounted XX. growth, and sales through fourth the organic us XX.X from million of Holley delivered XX our on morning, in million quarter, on the increase XXXX for quarter or of million balance are million everyone.
increased volume SG&A million the XX.X% organic. XXXX. in increase of to for and of mix. margin the quarter. selling, growth, million sales $X.X from general due administrative was year increase $XX.X leverage million product acquisitions and in responsible in XX.X expenses to the from XX.X% was the margin Incremental The fourth higher acquisitions last sales recent the of be from XX.X% quarter. Total increased was the Gross quarter increased XX.X% to XX.X% can pricing, and So in gross attributed to fourth
sales Additional company in was impacted and due increase to in higher in expenses, include outbound by value warrants professional income equity accounting for sponsor increase cost drivers charges an and reflect earn-out costs Net the the compensation, higher shipping of to an increase volume fees. the public of fourth XXXX and quarter shares.
are in of on of As than November, a reminder, increased items quarter in quarter These those are with income in non-cash reflect in fourth the our associated a required the that which more by the income instruments. to these credit was large debt. early offset million growth income loss operating items recorded Net in liability EBITDA extinguishment the XXXX. in refinancing was facility resulted impacted the fourth million which in Adjusted XXXX. quarter to and same fourth result, of up from to $XX.X quarter quarter, XX.X of in the $X in compares in as $X the of $XX million XXXX. we net million. net income loss to X a a Adjusted the net million million, This the compares increased also
Holley million net from with XXX.X results. Now full balance sales million XX.X% a that delivered growth Net increase organic let's from turn X XXX.X of million, sales XXXX drove an XX.X of acquisitions of million from sales $XXX.X year growth. to comparable XXXX. or of
$XX.X year. Total from from was organic. million was and Incremental XX.X% expenses general growth to XX.X of So, in the year a Gross increased to for acquisitions effectively goods increase. SG&A supply year XX.X% XXXX. and prices in sold total acquisitions was last We recent selling, XXXX, of offset of the cost and pressure. XXX.X the administrative slightly margin sales the chain million during for XX.X% from net to managed of XX.X% increased responsible XX.X% million
included charge and year was full professional related and growth, and in to in quarters, share the fees higher early in the by DTC increase for third shipping earn-out quarter fees impacted accounting the extinguishment volume fourth combination the income in increased paid costs sales debt outbound for Additional the and quarter, Net business first of also the warrants in cost acquisition and of increased earn-out QX. drivers the the charges loss equity compensation. the and third to related
was up net Adjusted to loss a million from XXX.X contains to we $XX.X XXXX. XXXX for income to XXX.X net Slide I a $XX.X As the net million want net quarterly the in to the items our XX take sales compared for EBITDA of moment aforementioned Adjusted in million of for removed. compared are quarterly cadence result, the touch to million year increased when year XX.X of on recorded XXXX. a XXXX. year, the million sales. from income
outlined XXXX. due return half are In and XX. we a to of the sales our capacity in being are organic in to These the expect reseller be to acquisitions growth previously, always annual of that full facility. in available provide impacted acquisitions sales and we fluctuations new have I'll year, the due potential our the are in the normal XXXX over now quarter ranges that to ranges, only. exploring largely XX% credit we pandemic of sales XXXX, quarter new stated our strategic percentages is first seasonality a Slide we've guidance, No quarterly saw we As realized buying in to projected acquisitions the on pattern although typical more COVID-XX unusual saw include with year year, sales XXXX date these XXXX in on second the largest completed growth have which patterns. we year. our The in
EBITDA projecting $XXX in of to $XXX and $XXX the year range full For to million are a XXXX, net range the million sales million. million $XXX of we adjusted in
purposes, also modeling guidance amortization for For and providing interest. and depreciation we're CapEx,
million concludes results $XX $XX million between We and $XX expense now and a $XX our $XX depreciation amortization $XX of range million. include remarks. to of That expect XXXX million capital and million million, prepared expenditures in to interest to
turn open So the to to questions. Ross? I'd up back over to for call the call like Ross