take I the little pass more it numbers I'm and bit a going While product. to questions, those to on Adam
the first guidance. start with So let me
there's you when the what bookings revenue. look is business, both and So follows then at the
how in growth the as probably about think to of to going basically decline of the bigger, of the thinking Enterprise manage booking to OTT. So we its side business business rate we get business, And that being then we the continue terms slow. we're will segment, in down Vimeo Other in that's as
for as we opportunity Now But OTT for optionality. real is view more a right us. now, it
great running We OTT. team a have
the in that cut get are and to will piece is as So then we you adds to guidance, biggest spend get of business. to we're you There, the the healthier is the see the business, which place. what self-serve but the doing to in, XXXX, ad going to down to probably go environment it's a us at we that cause that look is,
to the then bookings. the that me revenue. so gets Revenue trails And
The down. biggest see to you'll followed through. as where we bookings Those by look come that revenue in delta I is that Other bring XXXX, continue So at revenue. the are that the actually segment
at And the then think of the this terms green follow. shoots. trends reason to I way self-serve those talked about is The business is the look and Vimeo right in we Enterprise
the rate the a new than positive at there other dollars less the relative a we the self-serve So cuts are words, there. look the bookings, the ad falling. we're When relation In business of things. is of bookings in particularly rate to couple of falling new ad making in dollars, are
And to the year. half last in that second we a trend is started of see
us looking want exciting board performing together. put And to We mentioned in particularly new we is to product has is letter, that is terms the focus to where are big retention better. those and in in piece for That's it do all seeing how what us in across really metrics cohorts. exactly a of makes saw are starting for how quarter us is sales self-serve, to it and product do, we are all confident up. us and retention the we AOVs sell ARPUs 'XX. for of Other is feel the been That it in coming itself. of that and traffic thinking kind we we conversion in we increased the looking that about which the on trends
we're shoots don't add how math anything if about how of products I on then, know to on it. you're sort of And and gives green they're Adam, to So of the hopefully, want you the you that thinking some kind performing. getting how