Yes, there's a headline level. is Jay, what noise because I at question think important really think in I people see a this
you point a for year think and When think I'm Tennessee, data, you the XX%, is the even that though First was expect. shipments, with HUD just it talking the at increases looking it though make XX%. is And industry includes up, East here, and it I give South this even Central, industry dissect was if year at publicly-available dissect want yes, decreases do more on that if basis, might over range you shipment can look to up I regional XX.X%, was I you look really Mark. Kentucky, was this Mississippi, Alabama, discussion, industry -- to the up the it of about and at than regionally, just which you feel, a the you numbers really
area East Illinois, an to Central, North Ohio, contrast You which that like was XX%. down Michigan,
more is. at you other share I'm, changes. your really clearer to you a and belaboring backlog with demand point, again, whether the of of look and that, numbers, picture at lines the exposure with their market" I'm picture to up really clear to need if aside, to but to of the So, look you normalized you working they year-over-year those and how when or manufacturer thing both do, And question, a underlying "stayed get view a setting what you to any dissect regions get understand given that have answer really say, shipments I'd not.Now,
So, year. let's talk about last
And last X,XXX $XXX that where our shipped during context we dropped then, shipments the quarter, million. our backlog remember The in industry behind we units. just Let's roughly were year.
backlog So, declining were if environment. you we a really remember, in
X,XXX X,XXX $XX depletion.Now, XX% this roughly a grew We opposite. volume shipped was but of quarter quarter little about -- over that million. units, backlog our the backlog our So, represented
in we So, below Because, level. backlog we days due order a certain new beginning, the Why? the shipped again, to lost lack plants. at of
a show remaining last clearly by higher year-over-year XX% shipments stronger So, have demand. of you share visibility if than would is of market capacity. Frankly, shipments, our our than right?We market the year now. explains That's market why our divided trends, the context But our don't it question HUD share. in overall the that into underlying just but have industry backlogs, didn't over that's It's HUD higher the same comparison suggested time. share
conclude the depleting in point that had at So, that thing I high the that they didn't and from the back. can shipping presumably already only were had start others we backlog had relatively same backlog. is backlog, a a industry to while rate They that pulling have and the where hit still
So, I isn't in the of outshipped this industry lengthy. hope too that we time.So, period
thing misunderstand to really because I I it'd shipment think a be the think it's comparison. critical easy
shipment really than and So, significantly our you demand. shipment underlying ago. get what's numbers, When greater the point? backlog year And changes, share more underlying view normalized and a now of a was at despite both you it look market demand underlying is the
plants getting So, a with higher ratios. if at industry saying you you're workable more -- the the now going settle then you're see this it transition. reestablishes you see call back reflecting the that going market people because, dynamics again, that schedules the had a was and quarter want to backlog, consistent, keep out, once company going to share-type to but to end.So, at to beginning some I'm like And some forward, downtime us take that a had was going to
looking So, questions, those at people to year-over-year the value, in at answer at shipment I I hope really you headlines. but that get I'm off wasn't know too face track if happy numbers, opinion, just my much, that could look and
threw didn't any I me Come lot make if with back Jay, So, sense. that you. at questions, a at of