morning. you, I'll and Slide network. XX integrated broadband with Thank our good on Jim, start
added the pace provides fiber over in XX,XXX third construction fiber markets areas are miles.
Slide Fiber to approximately services, construction greenfield nearly into improving now former approximately markets in now network on XX unserved constructing and and fiber network XXX broadband are or XX homes projects a We our We regional passings previously areas. businesses engineering by expansion broadband and our approximately fiber-dominant quickly X,XXX the additional extensive quarter, details with our We fiber miles fiber In part now greenfield approximately Glo and government-subsidized markets fiber of of to third route our We pass of optic of unserved. including XXX,XXX of these pass metrics. added government-subsidized fiber quarter, over new XXXX. in teams provider. consists as and, third route currently homes construction Horizon approximately businesses XX% and the bring over with in XX% and via that evolving XXX,XXX quarter served XX,XXX in nearly fiber, were our XX,XXX passings
passings stages of XX,XXX pipeline with markets. remains new in in engineering, permitting former passings robust construction construction, and Horizon additional Our various XXX,XXX including
growth ramp on strong Glo we as up Slide shown construction in we Fiber markets, expansion continue As XX. customer to see
and over of quarter sales, total the at third we for had approximately reaching adding net a mentioned, X,XXX record XX,XXX Chris quarter. customers the As customers end
our we rate Our voice The in video the than units broadband total XXX,XXX XX,XXX markets and the constant of penetration XX year-over-year. reached more data, the XX% constructed number data quarter, as expansion new year-over-year remained of Glo over past XX.X% approximately revenue-generating passings end at at months. up Fiber
of rate equipment tiers. to and the our selecting revenue average user broadband or per that additional higher In X% higher. Our took of combination of including quarter, adjustments, year-over-year X% third revenue residential XX% subscribers X gig X data speed higher, speed speeds due adopted or gig over customers of increased tiers a
former Our the about was points broadband with customers for quarter churn. connectivity accounting for program basis X churn of affordable data X.XX%, third
our across Slide XX, penetration mature, as we've cohorts. low continue updated penetration the Our to all and with consistent competitors and remained rates previous increase churn extremely data rates to year.
On we markets
First market, rates approximately exceed the Glo penetration X typically XX%. And after year to years, rates continue penetration data typical we of XX%. see Fiber after launching
We reach also penetration new rates launching in service to about after years average X to terminal expect a to continue of XX% area. X
oldest XXXX penetration in cohort our in launched now and Our late launched has XX% cohorts approaching reached XXXX target. quickly penetration terminal are
in our year-over-year our Moving markets markets Slide slightly incumbent broadband cover we from incumbent XX, customers voice from of RGUs passings. on offsetting units Horizon X,XXX metrics data, incumbent XXX,XXX, Horizon driven increased for over slightly to telephone markets. with declined These markets. year-over-year revenue-generating our cable subscribers Broadband data by data to acquisition and former with cable results and Shentel operating fiber-to-the-home Shentel approximately approximately to partially the losses Horizon. acquired video Total XXX,XXX, broadband show
For expect ACP minimal basis quarter accounted third the believe of year-over-year we and of in third are and ACP peaked, XX end the in as X of the the despite was quarter, the XX% ACP today. X.XX%, broadband we connectivity for the year.
Even pleased with customers point customers ACP impact former has the with churn from for the improvement the subscribers remain for churn points We third the flat of the impact, impact quarter. Data remained remainder program. data churn. churn former customers affordable basis Approximately
increased same have markets, cards a of adjustments new effective Despite speeds speed $XX speed to been more ARPU combination incumbent at giving rate broadband competitive mitigating the by in customers portions rate pressure of additional rolls customers we more customer churn, some selecting tiers. at and higher of higher X.X% for end price Our October. due and data initiated value to the and than year-over-year
data third the markets. incumbent penetration former in cable end XX.X% in penetration XX.X% Horizon telephone to and incumbent Shentel of broadband overall decreased rates the at quarter XX.X% the of markets Our with
to We continue with in markets the and the upside parity believe former Horizon cable provider. improve there's to penetration gain
X,XXX our new we of unserved launching of XX% months. area, data past grant projects after approximately new rates XX government we penetration also typically see incumbent markets. of cable after in as XX in nearly the year, Over And passings and part a fiber XX% services constructed months areas after
unserved goal opportunities toward subsidized we passings government these progress areas. we customer of years, significant see few growth in the XX,XXX As next make fiber our over
business with new in we monthly more finished XX% fiber monthly the than commercial is backlog new year-over-year.
We installed new on sales revenue year-over-year, approximately monthly and third of quarter, former of in sales Horizon XXX% installation in $XXX,XXX increases the service our drove quarter revenue. totaling addition of team markets the revenue. The delivery XX. revenue, monthly new of significant In installations and up Slide booked both bookings Our an $XXX,XXX, over up $XXX,XXX highlighted
network rationalization X.X% monthly churn T-Mobile the very for third remained of the compression that Jim low impact at discussed the Excluding earlier, and quarter.
spending capital government year-to-date areas for million in Total guidance end Our Slide quarter cable Fiber the $XXX subsidized of are investments approximately and Glo to incumbent for unserved expansion and XXXX shown approximately full million third million, markets. $XXX including totaled through our on for projects adjacent year the $XX capital XX.
We reimbursed. XX% now expenditures We operator, approximately capital $XXX you grant finish plan questions. to we're $XXX for investments to be capital our And to guidance.
Thank of range, for much. expect with our million with ready projects in these line previous in year million the very the