good and everyone. morning, Duane, Thanks
only million by more driven totaled December deposit fund suits. The XX% non-personal balances, balances than decrease and year-over-year. personal billion and public deposits personal with about increase linked-quarter, by in the million essentially non-personal at were $XXX The balances, driven year-over-year decrease primarily fund by in was decline $XX.X decrease deposit at deposits in a balance XX, flat. a X, while balances, offset increase driven Slide increase a linked-quarter of was on Looking decreases $XX.X an public by
remains granularity our the strong. So, of deposit base
prior increased XX points basis XX quarter deposits the from points. cost of basis by interest-bearing Our to
to maintain mix, XX% balances continue a checking and in XX% We deposit accounts. with in of deposits, non-interest-bearing our favorable
our net increased attention of totaling a lift representing on loan and basis $XX million revenue respectively, Turning net resulted linked-quarter. income partially XXX, continuing deposit margin lags borrowing in the quarter a XX, of shift betas, continued Fed and expense. a rate million, That margin in yields in interest in deposit $X.X by increases, increase million, net linked-quarter, XX million million continued a of interest increase to ongoing $XX balances increase interest included of was asset mix. contributed realized and FTE which Drivers million $XXX points. Higher during the offset Slide in net about linked-quarter in $X.X $XX.X a earning costs, and expansion
higher asset Turning remains the with well positioned loan for driven to variable interest substantial rates, XX% balance sheet portfolio by sensitivity with coupon. mix, XX, Slide rate
the a During at X.XX%, of implementation maturity maturity weighted hedging our which $XXX average the manage X.X adding portfolio brought of fourth cash to notional rate year-end continued and average of asset X.X years, receive average interest with up of a shock, by with as the we remains one weighted quarter, average years in X% fixed increase a million sensitivity and basis-point program rate $XXX years, of weighted million, flow asset-sensitive to a interest the swaps, notional and about rate a X% beyond the X% shocks, reprice. for for about weighted The NII two fixed in basis-point to increasing XXX. XXX basis-point shock, XXX a at received year balance with rate shock, continues immediate to about for and of XXX sheet benefit
the full lower year. $X.X full insurance to or full $XX quarter. XX, changes year. $X.X Turning or The in decrease, quarter, million, linked-quarter fourth and million $XX.X Service and quarter totaled other which year are items non-interest Slide by million banking normal $X.X quarter, principally totaled substantially full linked-quarter of was of fourth while mortgage seasonal full card other million million million XX.X% linked-quarter to decline revenue And linked-quarter the million, fourth million $X.X accounts Bank income the increases million decrease totaled That's offset $X.X a $XX.X charges million due decrease a in year. XX.X% year. on while increasing a line and for full $XX.X a revenue, $X.X in of decrease increasing a increasing fourth while fees or $X.X year. X.X% in $XXX,XXX, totaled the deposit million,
XX.X% revenue For a the represented quarter, income demonstrate to of fourth total non-Interest stream. revenue, continuing well-diversified
million. negative million for $X.X million million ineffectiveness, That’s $X.X Now, increase looking which decrease driven by a the mortgage fourth $X.X quarter. million hedge and in sale, decrease a in to a banking banking. in totaled quarter gain brought Mortgage XX, on the $X hedge ineffectiveness at linked-quarter, revenue negative Slide $X.X
$XXX totaled year by volume billion, full XXX loan going XX% mortgage Reduction fourth of in totaled the year, conforming portfolio third originations. year-over-year. XX-year million, million. linked-quarter the production, market while sale. rather quarter. continued Gain gain for retain on to the secondary X% points consist the represented represented increased fourth strong XX% linked-quarter. For Retail from in about XXX about XX% into banking fourth production decrease XX%. by sold sale and $X.X margin arms, balance XX% million by in declined driven a of of our majority of of in on points quarter, or hybrid sell, the The we've sheet Loans $XX.X Mortgage the than in representing quarter, while the the loans reduced loans decrease remained of XX-year $XXX loan held production to on basis quarter, basis a
Chambers and Tom expense ask to cover non-interest capital I’ll now, And management.