everyone. sale Credit and Financial and our Operations Owens, along prior enhanced the reflecting Thank performance for of our customers. the and actions, Joey, earnings are With sheet for year and Chief joining Chief the Tom morning. was initiatives our you, Accounting good Trustmark, our us other and me Harvey, you service Officer. restructuring sales this significantly Thank to our our
XXXX Chief agency, a Tom and the balance expanded needs initiatives profile. These of years, designed insurance have in transformational with Chambers, Officer; of Officer; meet Barry morning, Trustmark's financial
share the program. led decision with quarterly which capital increase to activity dividend, Board's renewed levels repurchase meaningfully, rose the Our along cash to in the
increase $X in $X.XX of represents $XX.X with along significant income $X.XX million million, EPS or progress diluted increase quarter across of continued X.X%, linked-quarter the totaled Our This EPS. fourth per a share. diluted Net results representing reflect an organization.
a quarter the assets on average and X.XX%. return produced tangible in XX.XX% performance a equity of on of common return Our
XX% from operations of $XXX.X share. the For full or year an $XX.X This $X.XX increase represented continuing year. million net adjusted diluted from or million 'XX, totaled the income per prior
a to of let's turn financial for Slide highlights. X Now summary
totaled the linked-quarter $XXX.X $XX.X deposits with billion start Investment million reduction XX/XX, includes Held broker million million at of linked-quarter, for at totaled year-end, up during $XXX million billion Let's year-over-year. the intentional Deposits in an $XX.X down balance $XX sheet. $XXX.X down which quarter. Loans and
this basically million. Excluding deposits runoff, linked-quarter up were $XX planned flat,
For totaled million, includes X.X% brokered the planned and manage million. linked-quarter. in of public deposits 'XX, up Said we diligently year, full
Revenue differently, totaling in deposits $XXX.X $XXX.X declined million, deposits other which $XXX.X deposit the all $XXX.X costs. fourth quarter high-cost million while the increased reduction
on cetera, little adjusted totaled quarter broad-based million, totaled year the the 'XX, provide $XXX.X million reflecting X fee-based color Tom revenue year. net For a interest across in Net prior minutes. virtually linked-quarter. up total from $XXX.X income interest
Noninterest from full million, X.XX%, Owens quarter, in $XX and growth fourth income up all linked-quarter, producing basis a the continuing businesses. will X.X% et margin of NII, points in operations few a margin up was the fourth the X%
the income million, Noninterest fourth noninterest from operations continuing
From X.X% $XXX.X expense or noticeable we've totaled continuing from year, the full an adjusted totaled of improvement. increase linked-quarter. X.X prior shown the For from operations quarter in expense $XXX.X X.X% million perspective, million, an year. up
allowance the a totaled net focus million million, XX.XX%. loans. tangible of credit nonaccrual
Diligent a for points be charge-offs XX from capital for management continues during prior from analyzed to noninterest average expanded total quality expanded year, to expense expense X.XX%, full assets adjusted the representing the operations ratios organization. the decline million of quarter XX the the year. fourth tangible Held expanded $X.X the XXX% meaningfully quarter, $X.X in XX.XX% points perspective, continuing and and Investment risk-based From while loans, X.XX% basis For loans as individually to of of equity basis ratio totaled $XXX.X capital excluding loans. ratio credit CETX increased of The a to X.XX% represented to losses
program. resumed As we I activity in mentioned the earlier, share repurchase
During the shares approximately we as million shares XXXX. repurchased And $X.X up authorized previously common of fourth stock. we or of announced, Trustmark quarter, during million repurchase $XXX are to XXX,XXX to
XX, X.X% Additionally, regular the record action, quarterly shareholders March of per the share. per $X.XX repurchase the The per time, and performance is action $X.XX to quality. and share payable rate Board share annual in from this Each earnings
At the and Barry profile. announced the Harvey financial improved raises share program the on to reflective This $X.XX increase to X. March quarterly going dividend from 'XX dividend a indicated forward of dividend share. $X.XX portfolio renewed credit loan Trustmark's activity the review is in per to are dividend enhanced