of different ways. portfolio in across several the So we AI think
really about as AI that's data, feed that overall. just collecting and intelligence core used models kind is to business real-time First our is of
printed being back tag into whether reading a So information whether barcode it's the it's on cloud, with a RFID label the it read.
and a the the we models. AI, digitizing AI we do, that ultimately, of data real-time So our to our the these models customer's fundamental idea insights thing -- collect, and to of data feeds environment, is getting value and, generate
of that's the think of AI. I about think kind So when you baseline
product is portfolio about our dimensioning, traditional around package more that's demand traditional Second mobile optical recognition solutions for used and across different recognition, software planning forecasting. inside the robots, AI whether is -- or autonomous today, probably character in XX workforce navigation
traditional we kind the that think across of So of is second AI portfolio. piece the
The Retail our our again with information, AI Show to this as that is to model connectivity and National third empowering -- the you're at that idea the January, is through you Federation we Trade cloud, in more Day. language that frontline demonstrated right, on We've it's worker do demonstrated of large referring without working closely Qualcomm go a the Google, is that. Innovation what leveraging mentioned, at to, assisted, kind device
this well. at We also year Google's trade earlier as demonstrated show
required yet. our we're to So best It's do the excited that We're date. work we customers keep how commercialized think how today. to that what's closely that, we which to in do continuing all around understand use with I about model cases, model the leverage opportunity not really case, up
of excited our a with So to lot and will offering But like. it. customers work different Qualcomm on discussions about Google what that we're with look
customers within assistant or about Our digital retail excited manufacturing. are having a
to tie your of able of most customer. think good associate all back the your procedures or standard to experienced the being of to the worker, worker, that being use at of operating the what's having You all restricted as of cases the the making frontline your worker the hands source data, individual as newest
But today, long and us. differentiator early pilots and devices we commercialization. our mobile working customers driver a it's demonstrating still a for term more than with think So for days, and